CHAPTER 8: A Mini Vacation

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I feel terrible that I wasn't here when I was supposed to be because my meeting with one of our clients had gone longer than expected. I should have been here to protect her.

Once the police were finished questioning her and left, Levi and Neil went to grab some dinner for all of us while I stayed home with Racine and held her as we sat on the couch.

"I'm so sorry." I begin to tell her.

"It's not your fault." She tells me.

"No, it is. I should have been here for you. I should have...." I started again and then she cut me off and sat up to look at me.

"Baby, I'm okay. I'm not hurt or anything. But I am disappointed in myself because I never saw their faces." She tells me.

"It's not your fault baby. I'm just glad you and our child are okay." I smile at her while placing my hand on her stomach.

"I love you." She smiles at me.

"I love you too." I say before placing a kiss on her lips. "You know, I think I should take some time off. You too. We should go away on a little vacation for a while." I suggest.

"But we can't take time off from our work right now." She says.

"Of course we can. We both are in charge at where we work meaning if we want to take some time off, we can take it. Especially you. You never take a day off. Not to mention what just happened and how badly they tore up the place. I would think you need different scenery or something." I point out to her.

She thinks about it for a while and then finally agrees.

"Okay." She smiles at me.

"Good." I smile back at her. "Plus, stress isn't good for the baby." I wink at her.

"Have you been reading the books or online?" She smiles.

"Yeah." I then lean in to kiss her before we sit back and relax until the guys come back.

Once the guys arrived with the food and we all sat at the table to begin eating, during the middle of dinner, me and Racine looked at one another and decided we still wanted to tell the guys the great news.

"So guys?!" She begins.

"What's up gorgeous?!" Levi replies.

"Wade and I have some news.....We're pregnant." She tells them and as much as I love their reactions, I hoped the cops didn't come back on the count of their screams of excitement.

They both jumped up out if their seats and and came over to hug us both along with shaking our hands and congratulating us before we told them the second best part of it, we asked them to be the godparents in which they of course they accepted.

When dinner was over, both Racine and Levi mainly started making plans for a baby shower although it actually was more Levi doing the planning as Neil and I just sat back and talked a little while observing at how cute they both were.

"We always knew you both would be together." Neil says.

"Yeah, we had a feeling." I chuckled.

"So, how's yours and your dad's relationship? Has she even met him yet?" He asks.

"It's still on the rocks and no she hasn't." I replied before taking a drink of whiskey from my glass.

"Well, I know he's a dick and all but he's still your dad." He says.

I know he means well but him nor Levi know the things that I do about my father. Mostly cause I'm too ashamed to say a lot of the things of his true nature. So I can see where he's coming from.

I plan to tell them about my father's and my relationship sometime, just not at the moment. Besides, right now, I have enough on my plate and a mini trip for my fiance and I after her sonogram.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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