CHAPTER 15: That was Random

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I am so glad that he is giving him a chance seeing as to how before he came over, both Franklin and I had talked and I could tell that he was being sincere and was wanting to make things right between them both.

Now all we were waiting for was to hear about these 'conditions' that Wade just mentioned.

"Anything." Franklin tells him.

"First of all, this isn't the start of you and me ever having a relationship." Wade began. "Next, if I find out that this is all some kind of a trick, I will find out and I swear I will make you regret it." He threatens.

"I understand." Franklin said with a nod and a smirk.

"Good. Then I guess we have a deal." I tell him while we shake one another's hands.

Franklin then leaves and me and Wade both stand there in disbelief at what just happened.

The moment Franklin closes the door behind him, I hear Wade let out a digh of relief.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"I can't believe what just happened." He begins to say. "Out of all the times he could have come back into my life, why now? Why am I even trusting him?" He asks as he turns and looks at me with tears now in his eyes.

"It's gonna be okay. If at any point you decide that it's not the right time, for any of it, then tell him but, right now, he is the ONLY person that could help us with your so called 'dad'." I try and reassure him as I hold his face and we look into each other's eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He says as he presses his forehead against mine.

"Don't be. I love you and I know that you love me. Which is all that matters." I smile at him.

He starts to smile and then I figured since my few clients I had booked for the whole day already came and gone, I decided to let my manager in charge, close the salon while we went to grab a bite to eat and head home.


After several weeks passed since we first saw Franklin, things seemed to be going okay with him and Wade and tonight, Franklin offered to treat Wade and I to dinner.

It was a nice fancy place that had a great variety of different types of foods.

So while we ate we talked and laughed a little until around dessert. That's when the mood somehow changed and things got to more serious as I heard Franklin say something that I knew was gonna get personal.

"Listen, I don't want to ruin a good time but, I need to get something off my chest." Franklin begins.

Both Wade and I look at him surprised and yet a little worried.

"What?" Wade asks already being defensive.

"Wade, I don't expect you to ever forgive me for what I did. I never even knew that I gave you to a monster to help raise you. If I would have known it would backfire like this, I never would have done it. I do want you to know that I loved your real mother." He says as I can tell from saying the last part his eyes were watering up.

"What about my mother?" Wade asked.

"She fearless. She was strong, beautiful inside and out and she could make anybody laugh. Every time she would come into the room, the energy got lighter and brighter." He begins.

"When I found out that she was pregnant, I was so scared but she calmed me down and reassured me that she wouldn't leave me. Believe it or not, I was willing to give the mafia lifestyle. Learn a new trade even." He then stops himself as I notice tears beginning to fall down as he then takes a drink.

"Then right after she gave birth to you, minutes later, she closed her eyes for the last time while letting go of my hand. Doctor's tried so hard to help her but she just, she couldn't hold on anymore I guess. After losing her I made a promise that I would do what I could to give you the best life-a better life if you will. I'm just sorry I fucked up again." He tries to chuckle a little as he downs the last of his whiskey.

I look at Wade and notice tears in his eyes.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry it's been a couple of days since I last posted, things have been so crazy here at where I'm at and have had to deal with some things. But that's why I'm writing two chapters for each story tonight and then will be back on track tomorrow (Thursday). So the next chapter for this will be posted soon! :):)

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