CHAPTER 3: Life Is Great!

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Tonight was amazing and I was beyond happy. Happier than I think I have ever been in my entire life.

The moment we got back to our place and walked in the door, I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he closed the door behind him and turned me around to face him where he smashed his lips onto mine and held me close up against him.

"Mmm." I moaned into his mouth.

"I can't wait to marry you." He tells me before continuing to kiss me on my lips and then hungrily and lustfully starts kissing my neck and I can't help but start to get wet from his touch.

"I can't wait either baby." I tell him.

"Tonight I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll be sore for the next few days." He tells me and I can't help but feel even hornier. I love it when he talks like that.

"Mmm. Then fuck me then." I tell him.

He picks me up by the thighs and wraps my legs around his waist while my arms go around his neck as he shoves me up against the wall while we start ripping each other's clothes off and then make it over to the bed where he plops me down onto the bed making me bounce a little on the mattress.

I see him quickly grab a condom from the night stand drawer and roll it on. Then he pulls me closer to the edge on the side of the bed with my legs draped over his shoulders as he begins thrusting hard and deep inside of me.

I gasp and moan loudly in pleasure. Then he continues fucking me harder and faster.

"You feel so amazing baby." He tells me between thrusts.

"So do you baby." I moan to him.

Between the grunting and moans with him and I, I felt I was in a dream. Everything is amazing and I am beyond in love with this man that feels the same exact way as I do. Which I never thought would have happened. But it has and I can't believe it.

A few grunts later and he thrusts one last time and spills his seed into the condom right after I release myself onto his cock.

He collapsed on top of me with his face in the crook of of my neck while we laid that way for a couple of moments.

He then gets off of me, tosses the condom into the waste basket and then rolls onto his back trying to catch his breath still.

He pulls me into him closer and as I lay my head on his chest and place my hand on his side, cuddling up closer to him.

"That was amazing like always baby." I tell him.

"Thanks baby. It's always great with you." He says as he kisses the top of my head.

I feel so safe with him and since I have been with him and we've slept with to each other, I no longer have anymore nightmares. I know I am blessed and I am very grateful that we found each other.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Sorry it's a short chapter guys but, I wanted it to be just this moment. :);)

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