CHAPTER 20: A Gift From Grandpa

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I was beyond turned on and shocked when Racine surprised me at work like that. I hadn't realized that she was gonna tell me all that she did on the phone which was why I had put her on speaker.

I talk about her all the time and thought she was gonna ask me something but, apparently not. And even though we were done with the meeting, everyone had just started packing up their stuff to leave when that happened.

Things seemed to be going okay as Racine was being distracted a lot by Levi and Neil taking her out while I was at work and talking about the baby shower.

It was coming up sooner than we realized as I was caught up in making sure I got what all I could on Mr. Rothington who pretended to be my father for my whole life.

I was able to get all that I could access through work archives on the computer and in some receipts along with some other things too before he came back and was able to give it to the FBI. Who of course sent the information through their database and people at the beareau to see what they find.

I hope I got what they wanted and or needed.

For the next couple of weeks, it was getting closer and closer to the time that Mr. Rothington was going to return from his trip. However, thankfully, today is the baby shower and we don't need to worry about any of that for another week anyways.

I wasn't sure in how baby showers worked and at first thought that it was more of a girl thing but Neil and them assured me that it's not which I was glad because I wanted to go and not that I cared about what people thought, I just wasn't sure if it was like the bachelorette parties where it's in a way, 'ladies' night.

I was more than thrilled though to know I was able to come because I wanted to see what all she'd get.

I invited several of my coworkers and friends and had them bring their wives and kids and we had a big thing.

We decided to have it at a park and the weather seemed to stay perfect throughout the whole day.

We played some baby names, which I of course lost at. Then had some food and talked for a bit before it came down to opening up gifts.

Now for the most part, everyone looked on our baby registry and we seemed to get the majority of the stuff and then some. Then there was one last gift to open up and the odd part was that it said it was from grandpa. In which was weird since Franklin had already given us his gift. (And yes we decided that our kid can call him their grandpa).

I looked at Racine who looked at me worried and then as we looked at the box again for a moment debating if rather or not we should trust to open it, we heard one of my coworkers' wife shout out something.

"Well who's it from?" She asks.

"It says it's from grandpa." I tell everyone.

I notice out the corner of my eye, Franklin looking at me confused.

Racine then starts to open it a little hesitantly and can tell she's a little nervous. However, she does open the small box and both her and I are surprised to see a few suit and tie outfits with nice dress shoes.

Racine and I look at each other still puzzled and then she puts it back but next pulls out a card that was at the bottom of the box. 

"What's it say?" Levi asks. 

Right as she begins reading it, I notice her begin to tear up and try to hide her terrified expression. I then take the card and begin reading it. 

                I hope you enjoyed my gifts. I wanted you to have an outfit
                to have picked out for when you bury your child. I know your
                secret  and what you've both done....See you soon.

                                           -Grandpa Rothington-

"What's the matter?" Neil asks concerned as both him and Levi run to her side as she starts to cry. 

Everyone looks worried and concerned. So I try to make up something quickly. 

"Don't worry she's just not feeling too well. Thank you all for coming but, unfortunately, we're gonna have to end it a little sooner than he had hoped." I announce to everyone. 

Then out the corner of my eye, I notice Racine quickly stand up and run into the house, holding her stomach while covering her mouth. I then run after her. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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