CHAPTER 2: She Deserves The Fairytale

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Tonight was a very special night. We were all going to a very nice restaurant and even though I know she isn't ENTIRELY comfortable with going to fancy restaurants like this one, I still needed for tonight to be perfect.

The biggest reason was because I had plans to propose to her tonight. We've been living together for a while now and I just know she's the one.

Levi and Neil are both in on this idea and have helped me plan for it too.

So after arriving at the restaurant and being seated, we eventually order and after we get done, the guys begin to take out their gift for her, which is a Betsey Johnson purse that she has always wanted along with a Michael Korrs wallet to go with it.

"Oh my gosh you guys. I love this! Thank you so much!" She says with a huge smile and excitement as she stood up and went over to hug them both.

"Yes well, we thought it was about time your ass had some kind of fashion going on." Levi teases her.

"Whatever. You know I've got better style than you." She jokes back at him.

Both me and Neil just look at how dorky they are, especially whenever they fight as brother and sister.

Now it was my turn though. So while the guys both looked at me to let me know now would be the perfect time, I gave them a nod in agreement and drank the last of the wine in my glass and when I started taking a breath in and out, I also tried calming myself down.

Luckily she couldn't see how nervous I was or anything because she was admiring the purse and wallet, so I took the opportunity to get up and as soon as I did, I walked over to the other side of her so I'd have more room to do it but as she looked at me, she smiled.and yet looked confused.

"What are you doing silly?" She asks.

I let out one last breath of air before kneeling down on one knee as I take her hand and look right into her eyes. Everybody was looking at us and I was glad as I had wanted everybody to see that this guy, Wade Rothington, was gonna make this amazing woman, his girl forever.

"Racine. I know I'm not perfect and that the way we first met each other, it wasn't the best way. But I had fallen in love with you the day we went for that hike with the guys. I love everything about you and who are as well as who you want to be. You work hard, you care and give to others without expecting anything in return. You even taught me how to truly love someone. I'll try and not make this as cliche but, this is all how I feel and much more that there just aren't enough words to say how much I care, love and want to be with you. So...." I say while opening the box, "Will you, Racine, the love of my life, will you marry me?"

I was nervous as she still looked to be shocked and yet her eyes were tearing up. I waited a couple of moments and was about to get up off me knee and stop humiliating myself as it seemed she was gonna say 'no' any minute, I didn't and she didn't.

"Yes. Yes I'll marry you!" She smiles real big and wipes the tears from her eyes before I then pick her up and spin her around while smashing my lips onto hers while she giggles.

I know it's cliche and all but she deserves to have this moment, even if it's just like the movies. She deserves so much, including a fairy tale.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

The next chapter will have some sexy scenes so oo-lala! Hehehhe

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