CHAPTER 16: I Know Who Did This

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I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I can't even believe right now that I am even crying because of what he just said.

"We all make mistakes." I find myself telling him without realizing it until after the words have already left my mouth.

"Yeah. Some bigger than others." He says.

"Look, for the last several weeks you've been here, I've been thinking that maybe, I don't know, maybe one of these days we'll be able to talk things out and try to start anew." I suggest.

"I'd like that." He smirks.

We all hear his phone then start ringing in his pocket as he pulls it out and answers.

"What is it?!" He asks. "What?! Fuck, stay right there, we're coming." He says before hanging up the phone.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I'll explain everything in the car. For right now though, we just need to get going." He says.

Both Racine and I start heading out after my father towards his car and as soon as the driver starts taking off, Racine asks him panicked.

"What's going on? Where are we going?" She asks.

"There's been an accident at your salon." He says.

"What?!" She asks. "What kind of an accident?!" She asks.

"Somebody seems to have set it on fire." He says.

I can start to feel and see Racine as she begins to panic and tears start to quickly form in her eyes.

I take her hand in mine and have her look into my eyes.

"Oh my god." Was all she kept saying over and over again until we finally arrived where there were firemen trying to put the fire out along with witnesses and policemen everywhere.

Once the car came to a complete stop, she got put and tried running towards the building when I stop her and pull her back to me and she wraps her arms around me while crying into my chest.

"It's okay baby." I try and tell her as I gently stroke her hair. "It's alright baby."

"How could this have happened? And oh god was anyone in there?" She cries as she lifts her head and finds the first cop that's closest to us and turns him around to face us.

"Excuse me sir?" She asks him.

"Yes miss?" The cop asks.

"Was anybody hurt?" She asks.

"Uh, no. The place was emptied. We don't know what caused the fire yet but, it'll be under investigation." He states.

"How could this have happened?" I hear her ask herself while the cop walks up to a few bystanders and asks them questions.

"Baby..." I start to say but she snaps herself around to look at me and has a look of realization on her face as well as pain.

"Do you think..." She started before she caught herself as she broke down into tears even more.

She didn't have to finish what she wanted to say because I was already thinking it. We both know who did this.

"I am so sorry." Franklin says as he places his hand on my shoulder.

I turn and look at him wondering how in the world he would have known about this.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"I've had my guys here for the last several weeks watch over her while you were at work. Then one of my guys called me while we were at the restaurant as you know and told me that there was a fire. He said he tried catching the guy who did it but he was too fast and couldn't get a good look at him cause he was wearing dark clothes, dark gloves and a dark ski mask apparently. But I think I have an idea in who it could have been." He says.

"Yeah, me too." I tell him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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