CHAPTER 13: Is This Who I Think It Is?!?

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I'm so glad that we're gonna go shopping since we both could use some time away from reality at the moment. 

Levi and Neil both met us at the baby store and we walked around the entire store that eventually, by the time we were finished picking some things out and registering, we realized that a few hours had passed. 

I was starving and there was an IN 'N' OUT right down the street so we headed over and I ordered a double double with onions, animal style fries and a large milkshake and we sat down outside since the day was nice. 

While we were sitting, I had noticed the guys were all watching me as I started eating the double double. I was starving as though I hadn't eaten anything all day long. Mmm, it was like heaven in my mouth. Then when I noticed everybody was looking at me as though they were surprised. 

"What?" I asked before taking another bite.

"Nothing. It's just, you're so cute when you eat like that." Wade tells me. 

"You're such a dork." I tell him. 

When we finish our lunch, we all went back to our houses and while on our way back, I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong as we were beginning to share an awkward moment of silence. 

"So that was fun." He begins. 

"Yeah it was. But what's the matter?" I ask him. 

"What do you mean?" He asks. 

"You seem like your head is somewhere else. Even while we were looking at baby stuff, the excitement and joy you had this morning wasn't there any more. Are you having second thoughts?" I ask him. 

HE doesn't say anything and I immediately take that as a sign and try to hold back the tears I feel are beginning to form. Then the next thing I notice is him pulling over to the side of the road and putting the car in park before unbuckling and looking at me. 

"Now listen to me, I will never change my mind about you, our kids, our our future. The truth is I'm a little scared. If it turns out that my real father is the boss of the mafia then I don't know what that'll mean. I don't know how I will deal with that. I know it's not fair for you when I'm thinking about things like this because I know I should be focusing on us and getting ready for the baby. I just....." He started to ramble on and I felt bad. 

"It's okay. I'm sorry I assumed the worst. But like I said before, you have to communicate with me no matter what." I repeat. 

"I know. I just, I don't want you to worry and I just don't know what to do. It's been a really long time since I last cared for someone as much as I have you." He admits with pain in his eyes. 

Our foreheads touch one another's as we stay there for a few moments just holding each other and comforting one another. 

"No matter what, we'll figure it all out when the time comes." I reassure him. 

"How did I get so lucky." He says under his breath. 

"It's not luck, it's fate. We were meant to be." I smile at him before we share a kiss and then start making our way back home. 

After several days pass by since we went baby shopping and had that intimate and deep talk, things seemed to have gotten lighter. 

Then today, while at work, the salon was really busy and I couldn't stop peeing. I swear, it was almost like every five minutes I had to pee again. 

"Racine?! Somebody's here to see you!" The receptionist called out to me. 

So I came walking out to the front at the desk as there stood an older gentleman who looked to be in his mid to late fifties and looked kind of like Wade. 

Oh my god.....Is this his REAL father?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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