CHAPTER 7: I Feel Safe

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I feel really relieved that I told him I was pregnant because I had peed on five sticks total that told me I was.

I know that some people do it with their partners but the truth is, I deep down inside was worried about what Wade would say.

He has a lot on his plate right now and even though he proposed to me and had told me before he would love to have kids with me, I was still nervous.

Now knowing his reaction I am more than excited and in fact, tonight we're having Levi and Neil come over for dinner to tell them.

I decided to make Cornbread Casserole along with seven layered salad and some greenbean casserole, since that's one of their favorite dishes of mine.

I had gotten off work early and Wade said he'd be here before dinner, so I thought I might as well get ready, in between cooking time.

As soon as I got out of the shower and got dressed, I headed downstairs and as I was about to head to the kitchen, I heard a knock on the door.

I hoped it wasn't Levi and Neil because they weren't supposed to show up for another hour.

When I opened up the door, I was immediately pushed back into the house and a man with a ski mask on had a knife out at me while forcing me hard against the wall and covering my mouth with his black gloved hands while the other men with him that went all over the house and that were dressed the same started thrashing the house.

"Shut the fuck up!" The man's deep voice said to me.

His eyes were a greenish blue color and his breath smelled like toothpaste.

He next takes off his hand and places it on my shoulders as soon as I tried to push him away to escape and again forces me back against the wall with the sharp blade of his knife close to my skin of my neck.

"Nice try bitch!" He says.

"Please, let me go." I struggle to say.

"Not until we get what we came here for." He says. "Now if you play nice, we'll play nice too." He says as I saw his eyes drift down towards my cleavage that popped up a little through my dress.

I next start to feel his free hand start to slide down my curvy hips to the end of my skirt and then moves his hand up again to my sides all the way to my breasts.

"Please don't." I cry a little.

"Mmm...I can see what Wade see's in you. Thick woman like you, so curvy and I bet delicious. Although, I bet he can't make you scream." The guy says while leaning closer to my ear.

I want to scream so badly but can't but I do muster up some courage quickly and quickly knee him as hard as I can in between his legs so hard that he drops to his knees while yelping in pain and holding himself.

"Fucking bitch!" He yells out.

I don't care if I get tackled, I try to still run out the door and escape and as soon as I run outside, I am immediately grabbed as I slam hard into something, or someone I should say.

"Shhh....Calm down Racine. What's wrong?" I hear Levi ask me.

"I-they-the men in there..." Was all I could cry out before Neil told Levi and I to stay outside before he ran in.

Levi quickly took out his phone and began to call who I know was Wade.

"You need to come home right now. Something has happened to Racine." He tells him and I could hear how worried Wade was from the tone in his voice.

Neil quickly came walking out towards us and said he didn't see anybody but that the house was trashed.

Then moments after that, we heard the screeching tires come from up the street and knew right away that had to have been Wade. Sure enough, it was, as him as we saw his car pull in and come to an abrupt halt in the driveway before running up towards me and embracing me in a hug......I feel so safe.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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