CHAPTER 17: I Can't Think Straight

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I can't believe that this is happening to me right now. How can this be happening? What did I ever do to deserve this?!

We didn't want to go home because I wasn't sure if anyone would be waiting for us or anything so, his father offered for us to go to his house and despite what he does for a living, at least his home is surrounded by people that can protect us. 

"Baby, here's some tea." I hear Wade tell me while sitting beside me on the couch and rubbing my back after handing me the cup. 

"Thanks." I tell him as I take a sip. 

"I know there's nothing I can say to make things better and I'm really sorry that this happened to you because of me." He begins. 

I take another sip and then set the cup down onto the inn table. 

"It's not your fault. It happens I guess." I try and tell him while trying to convince myself at the same time. 

Tonight has been the craziest night officially of my life. It started off good with having dinner with his real father and them connecting and then this happens. 

"I feel terrible." We hear his father tell me. 

"Don't. It isn't your fault either." I tell him. "I just don't understand." I begin to cry. 

"There's nothing to understand. This was caused by some lowlife who called himself my father for most of my life." Wade begins. "Which that reminds me..." He starts to say before looking at his father. "How did you know about the fire?" 

"Like I mentioned in the car ride over, once I found out what was going on, since the week after we contacted each other, I just felt she needed protection. I mean, no offense but you're not able to always be there for her." He mentions. 

"I appreciate it." I half smiled at him. 

I feel emotionally exhausted and decide to try and get some sleep. So I tell them goodnight and then start heading towards the guest bedroom and Wade follows.

Once we get into the bedroom, I am surprised to say the least as it looks like I just walked into a four seasons suite.

When I get towards the bed, I sit on the edge of it and remove my shoes and then my pants and stay in my shirt and panties as I start to lay down.

Wade removes his shirt and everything else but his boxers before laying in bed with me. We look into each other's eyes for a while while he gently caresses the side of my face.

"You're so beautiful." He tells me.

"And you're so hot." I smile at him.

"I promise that I'll never let anything happen to you." He says.

"I know." I tell him.

We give each other a kiss and then fall asleep in each others arms.


When we woke up the next morning, I felt different. Like I had a bad dream and as I open my eyed and take a look around at the beautiful bedroom I'm in and that's when it hits me. This was real.

I worked so hard to have my own salon. It was the first time in my life I was proud of myself. Then it burned down. So what was I gonna do now?

After rubbing my eyes a little more and noticing that Wade wasn't next to me, I got up and put my pants and shoes on then made my way downstairs where I saw Franklin and Wade both sitting with each other at the table, talking and having some breakfast and some coffee.

Then Wade looks at me and gets up to start walking towards me.

"Good morning baby." He smiles as he gives me a kiss.

"Good morning." I tell him.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Alright. I do want to go today and take a look at the damage and talk to my insurance." I tell him.

"Whatever you want babe. But first you need to eat." He says.

So we sit at the table and then while he makes me a big plate of food, I look at Franklin.

"Thanks again for letting us stay the night." I tell him.

"Of course." He grins at me. "In fact, I was just talking to Wade about having you both stay here for a while. Just at least until this whole thing is fixed."

"I appreciate that but, I don't know." I tell him.

"Well it's no problem. If you wanna think about it and get back to me then that's fine. Even if you decide in the end that you don't want to take my offer, it's alright." He says as he downs the last of his coffee.

I look at Wade as he just sets down a plate of warm delicious pancakes, eggs, toast and bacon in front of me.

There's so much going on in my head right now that I'm just not sure I can really give an answer as to whether or not I would want to stay here with, no offense, someone who kills people or has them 'whacked'.

This all feels a lot like a movie.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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