CHAPTER 6: The Future Is Bright

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Every time I start to think I have her figured out, I am amazed and surprised all at the same time all over again. I mean, the fact that she overheard me and my ex talk, don't get me wrong, I'm glad she heard that but also, the fact she didn't jump to conclusions and come out even to interrupt us and yell in my face, shows me just how that much luckier I am to be with her.

We spent all day and night going to different places and I was practically spoiling her to death.

Then after we came home from dinner and made love, we laid there in bed with each other only she was asleep as I laid wide awake, lightly rubbing her arm up and down with my fingertips while her head was on my chest.

I wasn't able to get to sleep without thinking about the many times my father had called today. He called a total of eight times which is NEVER a good sign, seeing as to how he only calls me at the most twice in one day. So I just go back to sleep.

The Next Day

Both Racine and I have some breakfast and get ready to have fun on her second day of her birthday weekend.

So we went to a movie, had some lunch, then I took her to a few other exciting places and then when it turned dark and the stars came out, when we finished dinner, I decided to take her on a carriage ride around the big beautiful park in town.

I remembered her telling me how she had always wanted to do it and I thought this was perfect.

"Thank you so much baby for this. I've never had a birthday weekend before and I appreciate it so much." She tells me.

"Of course baby. Anything for you, you know that." I tell her.

"I know." She says as she lays her head back down onto my shoulder. "Wade?"

"Yes?" I reply while looking down at her and smiling.

"I have something I want to tell you." She begins and even sits up.

"What is it?" I ask with a smile.

"I took a test a few days ago and it showed up positive." She says while looking down at the blanket.

"What did?" I asked confused for a split moment before I realized in what she was really saying.

"I'm pregnant." She says.

Everything stopped around me in that moment. Did she just tell me what I think she did?

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." She says with a sniffle.

I lift her chin up so she could look at me and I started wiping her tears away.

"Baby why are you crying?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I guess I was a little worried at your reaction because you had just proposed and I was hoping this would happen a little  later down the line but...." She stops.

"Baby, you have no idea in how happy you have just made me all over again. We may not be doing things in order like others but that's what I like about us. We are different." I tell her.

She smiles real big at me.

"I love you." She says while holding the side of my face as I do with hers while we  look into each other's eyes.

"And I love you my soon-to-be-wife and mother of our child." I smile back at her.

We both then lean in for a kiss on the lips and end the night the best way I could have ever imagined.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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