CHAPTER 21: I'm Sorry, I Didn't Mean It!

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I didn't mean to ruin the party or anything it's just I felt like throwing up after reading that card Wade's 'father' had wrote in. 

Why is this happening to us? Why is he doing this? How and when are we gonna make this stop?!

With my head in the toilet and puking my brains out, not a moment later do I feel somebody holding back my hair. 

"It's okay baby." I hear Wade as he tries and soothes me by rubbing my back. 

When I finish, I hadn't realized I was also crying. Then he grabs a wash cloth and wets it a little bit before he begins dabbing my forehead and wiping my mouth. Next he grabs a little paper cup by the sink and pours some mouthwash in it for me to rinse my mouth out in, which after I do, he then walks me over to the bed and we sit next to each other. 

"I love you and I know I told you that I would stay but, I'm really scared. I mean, we have more than just ourselves to think about right now." I tell him as I hold my stomach and start to cry really hard. 

"What are you saying?" He asks as I can tell he's fighting back tears. 

"I want to be with you and for us to be a family but it's so hard for me to see that anymore as of right now. Things seem to be getting worse and we don't know how far Rothington is going to  take this. I mean, what if he..." I stop myself as I don't want to think of the worst thing that could happen. 

"Alright." He says as he stands up. "Fine. You want to leave until this whole thing is over, then go ahead. Forget the fact I've been there for you and defended you and my god. What the hell was I thinking to ever think you and I would ever work out. So you want to leave, fucking leave. I just expected more from you!" He snaps at me. 

Suddenly I no longer see the Wade that I know. I see somebody else. Someone more angry and......wait, maybe he has held in this anger for so long and is finally expressing to me how he REALLY feels. Though I don't blame him from what all I had just said to him. Still though, it hurts to hear. 

I begin to cry even harder and all I want is for him to hold me right now and tell me that he didn't mean it just as I will tell him I don't really want us to split up. But he doesn't. In fact, he won't even look at me. What have I done? Why did I say that?

"Wade." I begin and walk up to him then turn to have him face me. "I'm sorry." I begin telling him while placing kisses onto his mouth with my arms around him. 

"Racine, I'm so sorry. You deserve a better life and I'm not sure when these agents are gonna take him down but..." I stopped him again. I wasn't gonna let him go. I needed him. He needed me and from now on and I needed to learn not to say things like I just did. I instantly regretted it the moment the words came out of my mouth. 

"I'll stay with you I promise. I love you so much. I'm sorry. I've been extra emotional lately and I promise that I won't say things like that again. I love you." I repeat over and over again until I feel him start to pick me up bridal style while still kissing me and laying me onto the bed where he stops and looks into my eyes and without saying any words, we know we're saying 'I love you'. 

Then I see him smile and after removing each other's clothes, he bends down and kisses my belly. 

"I love you." He smiles. 

Next we begin making love to each other forgetting about the people even downstairs. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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