CHAPTER 4: Pampering My Girl

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This weekend was gonna be great. This morning, I thought of starting her birthday off right by making her some breakfast and serving it to her in bed.

Although when I looked in the fridge, I noticed there wasn't much to make the breakfast I wanted to for her. So I headed down to the store.

So I made my way down to the market in my car that's only a few blocks from here to get the stuff.

When I returned back home, I checked on her and saw she was still sleeping. So I quietly made my way back into the kitchen and started to make some pancakes, eggs and some bacon.

I next poured some coffee and a glass of milk before setting it on the tray and made my way into the bedroom where I noticed she was sitting up now in bed.

"You okay?" I asked her as she looked to me looking a little sad.

"Your father called." She says quietly.

"Oh." I reply and set down the tray real quick before grabbing my phone from her hand.

I tossed my phone onto the inn table because this weekend was about Racine and the last thing I wanted to deal with was my father. I'll talk to him on Monday.

"This looks amazing." She tells me as I sit beside her and give her a kiss good morning. "Where's your breakfast?" She teases with a wink and smile.

"You." I tease her, although I'd love to have her, but that's gonna be later and besides I knew she was kidding. She's so sexy and cute.

When we finished breakfast, we next got dressed and started heading to the first place of the day, which was spa place so that she could get a massage, her nails done and a facial as well as her hair since she never spends time pamper herself and yet always finds a way to still look beyond gorgeous as if she does.

"Baby? Why are we here?" She asks.

"Because I'm treating my fiance to get pampered and you can't say no because it's one of my gifts to you." I tell her before placing a kiss on her cheek. Which makes her blush.

"Okay." She says. "But you do know I have a studio that can..." She started but I stopped her.

"Yes well it's nothing against your place and employees, I just wanted to take you somewhere different." I explain.

We start walking into the place are immediately greeted by the young twenty-something year old girl receptionist.

She starts checking me out, ignoring Racine all together and I could tell she wanted to say something to the receptionist so I stopped her by pulling her closer to my hip and kissed her on the lips passionately.

When we pulled away a little bit, we looked into each other's eyes and she was calm. Then I looked over at the receptionist again and told her about the appointment.

She didn't say anything and just looked Racine up and down with disgust as she pages for someone to come out and take Racine back to get her ready for a massage. Which I specifically asked for a female to do it because I don't trust another man touching her 

We start seeing a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties and had dark hair and was curvy but not 'curvalicious' as Racine is.

"Hello, I'm Amelia." She greets us with a nice genuine smile and holds out her hand for us to shake.

She then takes Racine's hand and starts to take her to the back.

"I'll be waiting for you right here baby." I tell her.

She turns and smiles at me. I knew this was going to take at least a few hours, so I decided to grab some coffee and come back.

So I headed down the block a ways and grabbed some coffee. While on my way back, I felt my phone start to vibrate in my pocket. As soon as I looked down at it and saw it was my dad trying to call, yet again, I just ignored his call and had it go straight to voicemail.

The line had been pretty long at this coffee shop, which I should have already known because of its good reputation.

It took a good forty-five minutes before I was able to return back to the salon and since I couldn't see in the back where they'd be doing her nails right now, I just sat down on the sofa they had by the entrance, against the big window and began looking through some of their magazines--Not much of a magazine person really, but it was better than wasting my phone battery and looking at the nasty receptionist.

Then I heard a familiar female voice I hadn't expected to hear from ever again, my ex.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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