CHAPTER 22: Change Of Plans

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Things seemed to be getting more and more stressful as the weeks passed by since the baby shower and the point to where I thought I was going to lose Racine forever.

Luckily, the next day, we gathered to meet with the agent in charge of the investigation and told us that his team at the bureau were able to figure out exactly what Rothington's plans were soon and that the information I was able to give them as well was more than enough to not just get a warrant but also be sure that he never had the chance to get out of prison.

That all was the easiest part. Now the harder part is taking him down. It's not gonna be easy, not that I thought it would be ever but still.

After showing the agent the card we had received from him, that was put into evidence as well.

I thought that with the warrants they would be able to go and get him. However, they stated they still needed my help.

While sitting at the dining room table at Franklin's mansion still, we all started thinking up of a plan. Not a few moments into the discussion, I got a call from Rothington.

"Hey." I answered.

"Hello Wade. Did you get my gift?" He asks.

"Yes." I replied as I was trying to not go off on him and reach through the phone to kill him.

"Good. Now that we understand each other, I suggest we strike a deal with." He suggests.

"What are you talking about? You threatened my unborn child! There is NO making any deals with you." I tell him.

Everyone at the table is looking at me confused.

"That's too bad. Because if you thought that those agents are gonna save you, you're dead wrong. You have noooo idea in what I am capable of doing." He tells me.

"I'm not afraid of you. Besides, only a coward hides behind others including the men he hires to do his dirty work." I challenge him.

"Would you like to find out? Let's see how tough YOU really are. You talk a big game but let's be honest here, you may have me beat in the physical part but as far as mentality, I surpass you. And have far more in store for you and Racine." He threatens.

"I swear to god if you come near us..." I began to threaten but he stopped me.

"What are you gonna do? In fact, you've already proven my point. I just offered you a deal to take in order to save your future and lives. Yet you are refusing. To me, that is pathetic and very stupid." He says.

"I swear when I see you again." I began to threaten.

"Oh you will." He interrupts me again. "In fact, in about less than a minute, you'll all be in for a big surprise." He chuckles in a sinister way.

The next thing I know, before I am able to say anything to anyone, we hear the front door being kicked down and windows being broken as all of Rothington's men come breaking into the place and start shooting immediately.

The agents as well as Franklin all get up and try shooting but I just immediately grab Racine's  hand and we start to run towards the back door but notice more of Rothington's men start to run up the porch steps towards the door and we quickly turn around and discover the only place we can even try is upstairs. So I take her hand and we start hurrying up the stairs and head into the first room we saw and ran inside then locked the door.

Luckily we were in Franklin's bedroom, where he had his weapons that he already showed me were at just in case Rothington did something like this and also told me of an escape route through his walk-in closet that is hidden behind a secret door that looks like a few shelves holding shoes on it.

After grabbing a weapon, I grab Racine's hand again and start taking her towards the closet.

"Alright, when I open this door, you're going to follow the hall all the way down then make a right and follow the rest of the hallway out towards the end where you will reach a place that's a couple miles away from here. I want you to keep running until you reach the stores. Then wait for me at the cafe." I tell her.

"What? No. I'm not leaving here without you." She protests.

"Racine please, you need to protect yourself and our baby. I promise that I will come for you as soon as all of this is over with." I tell her.

I'm not leaving without you." She begins crying.

I embrace her in my arms and hold her tight.

"I promise, things will be okay." I tell her.

Then suddenly, we hear the bedroom door bust open and as soon as I turn around to see who it was, I saw Rothington and the last thing I heard before darkness consumed me was the sound of a gun going off and Racine screaming.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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