Drunk (Ringo)

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The phone rang. And I ran to pick it up. "Hello?" I answered, cleaning up.

"Hey, (Y/N)." It was George.

"Hey George what's up?" I asked him distracted.

"Yeah, so you know how the band went out for a guy's night?" George asked me.

"Yeah." I told him still distracted by my need to tidy up.

"Yeah so the guys are pretty drunk and your boyfriend is hammered." He laughed.

"What?" I said almost dropping the pillow I was fluffing.

"Yeah Ringo is out of it, so I'm bringing him to your house. Mainly because I don't know anyone else who's sober enough to take him."

"Wait, wait. I don't know how to handle this." I told him. I was worried. I'd never dealt with Drunk Ringo before. "Why can't he stay with you?"

"Because I'm taking Paul. I already called Cynthia and she's picking John up. Anyways heading to your house in a little bit."

"Still don't know what the hell to do." I said as I hung up the phone.

I went upstairs to the spare bedroom and made the bed for Ringo and put a pail beside the bed Incase of a barfing incident. I saw headlights coming from outside. I rushed downstairs and opened the door to see a struggling George with Ringo who was out of it. "Don't worry, this is the funniest thing you'll experience." George said with a wink. I gave him a quick hug and lead Ringo inside with his arm draped around my shoulders.

When we got inside he laced down on the couch. "Hi Ringo."

"Hello." He slurred. "Where am I?" He asked looking around.

"You're staying at my house for tonight. You're way too drunk to take care of yourself." I told him. I walked into my bathroom to grab a wash rag and ran it under cold water. I walked back over to Ringo who was sitting up, and playing with a penny he found. I gently grabbed the penny out of his hand, and pushed him gently down. I placed the wash rag on his head.

"Hey! Be careful." He said in his slurred voice. He almost sounded like a 5 year old.

"What's wrong?" I asked him like I'd ask a 5 year old.

"I'm in love with a girl. I can't be with you." He told me. My heart fell a little bit.

"Oh? Who is she." I asked him.

"Her name is (Y/N)" He told me. My heart soared. "I'm in love with her." I laughed with glee as he repeated himself. He looked at me tears welling in his eyes. I had forgotten that I was practically dealing with a 5 year old. "Why are you laughing at me?" He said tears rolling down his face.

"I'm not laughing at you." I told him gently. "I'm laughing at something you said."

"I didn't say anything funny" he pouted.

"You told me a joke earlier" I said on the spot. Which wasn't technically a lie, he had told me a joke yesterday that made me laugh.

"Oh." He said then started to laugh uncontrollably. "I'm tired" He told me.

"Well why don't we go upstairs." I said helping him get up.

He seemed excited as he stumbled towards the stairs in a wobbly line. He go to the first step and didn't seem to know what the hell he was doing. "I need help." He said like a little boy.

"I'll come help you Rings" I told him walking over to him.

"Hey!" He said as I wrapped my hand around his waist. "I'm in love with (Y/N) remember?" He scolded.

"I remember. I need to help you up the stairs. When we get up there I want to tell you something." I told him.

"Ok!" He exclaimed. It was the only way I could think of to let me help him. We fumbled up the stairs together. I led him into the spare bedroom and gently helped him into bed. "What's the thing you wanted to tell me?" He slurred.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked him.

"Yes." He told me with confidence.

"Who am I?"

"I don't know." He laughed.

"I'm (Y/N)." I told him.

"You are?" He looked like a child on Christmas.

"I am." I told him sitting on his bed.

"I'm in love with you." He said. He sat up and threw his arms around me. He reeked of liquor. I just laughed and put my arms around him.

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