The Trip pt. 2 (John)

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"I'm in love with you" Paul confessed.

~Time Skip~

All four of the guys had been back from the trip for a week. I hadn't seen or heard from John since he left for the stupid trip three months ago. I had been in touch with George and he told me all about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He told me all about how he and John stormed out after he assaulted Mia Farrow. He told me about how Maharishi Mahesh Yogi wanted to know why they were leaving. John had responded with "If you're so f*****g cosmic, you'll know." I was proud of both of them for leaving.

A knock came from my door. It was Ringo. "Hello Ringo." I greeted letting him in. "Where the hell is John?" I huffed sitting down next to him. "Paul is kind of over stepping him right now."

"I don't know exactly." Ringo said, obviously lying.

"Ringo." I said sternly. "You do know. And if my own boyfriend isn't going to come say hello after his trip maybe he shouldn't be my boyfriend."

"I'm not supposed to tell you." He murmured.

"Well that's too bad because I need to know if my relationship is in someone else's hands." I told him.

"(Y/N) I don't know how to tell you this." He looked sad, and rather hurt. "You didn't hear this from me" I nodded slowly. "John, is having... an... affair." He said with a look of pity.

I sat in shock. I looked at the floor. The floor of our shared house. I tried to wrap my head around the fact that my boyfriend who told me he would never cross me, is crossing me. "Well those happy years of him assuring me I was the only one, sure ended shitty didn't they." I said with no emotion. "Uggggghhh" I shouted grabbing a pillow and chucking it across the room.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry. I want you to know the other two and I are here for you. And call Paul if you really want someone cheering you up." He said softly. He stood up and grabbed the pillow, bringing it back over to me.

"Well he's gotta come home sometime. I'll be waiting." I threatened.

These chapters keep getting shorter. I need to do more Beatles all together ones. That one did well for all of you. Plus it was on the longer side. This chapter in your life with John isn't over by the way.

To Be Continued

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