Defence (Ringo)

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I stood in the stands. Rising with the crowd, and screaming as the game went on. Football. The one game I didn't understand, but I just went along with everyone else because that's what you do. You worry about the rules after. The game went on.

I sat with a group of friends. My heart pounded in my chest as the ball slowly got closer to the end zone. Our team 6 points up. I laughed as my friends joked around. Making remarks about cute football players. It was all fun and games but soon it got a little out of hand as one of my friends dropped the question that was sure to destroy my pride as I knew it.

"(Y/N) which football player would you choose?" My best friend asked me.

"What?! I can't answer that!" I felt my face heat up with every word.

"Oh come on, we know you have the hots for Starkey."

"Shut up." I blushed, hard. "I do not."

"Oooohhh (Y/N)'s In Loooooove!" My Friends chorused.

"I am not." I glared, my face hot enough to compete with the sun. "Shut up." I mumbled.

"Starkey is totally perfect for you (y/n)." My friend grinned.

"Yeah." A snotty voice came from behind me. "He's a total loser just like you."

"Hey thanks." I said sarcastically, slowly turning around. I gave her a glare. Pam, the most attractive girl in school. Of course everyone says she looks like a man. Yet here she was being bitchy, just like always. Some things don't change.

"He's not even that cool, he just bumbles around after the three guys who feel sorry for him." Pam droned on. Trying my best to ignore her, I led my friends to the snack shop, away from her.

"If she's so cool why isn't she on the stupid cheer squad?" I asked my friends.

"To masculine to make it." (B/F/N) laughed.

We got our food and walked to some smaller bleachers away from the crowd where we could actually hear each other over everyone else.

We talked for a while until I looked up to see Pam and her 'followers' as we called them, walking straight towards us. "I swear she follows us around." I grumbled.

"You know (y/n), bet you the only reason Richard would even go for you is because nobody else wants him." I shot up, my friends unsuccessfully attempting to grasp my hands in order to stop me. I stomped down the 5 rows of bleachers.

"You know Jealousy, really isn't your color." I told her coldly. "No, I don't think he'll date me but I know you didn't even make the cut for last result."

She stood there. Dumbfounded and mad. She opened her mouth for a comeback but I could see she didn't have one. "I am NOT jealous." She sneered.

I rolled my eyes. At the pitiful excuse for a comeback and the fact that she was totally lying. I sat back at watched her rack her brain for something better. After a long period of silence I figured I had made my point and walked up the bleachers.

"Nice job fending after the guy who doesn't even know you." She yelled up at me.

"Ey, Pam. Make up your mind weather or not you think he's popular." I rolled my eyes. "I'm making sure your words don't come back to bits you in the ass, but apparently one person isn't enough."

She growled something and stormed off. I shrugged figuring she would tell the world that I liked Richard in some way, or find a way to ruin my high school life but I didn't really care. I just figured that she would leave me alone for a while. Maybe I'd get some peace.

Ok 1) this kinda sucked. 2) IT HAS BEEN A WHILE.... I'm sorry. It's actually been quite hectic. All the free time I had was enough to shower, chill for about 10 minutes, and barely eat. So I apologize for this story because this is several days of piecing random sentences together and hoping it works. I think it kinda did. But I didn't quite know how to end it. I didn't realize how stressful school is. Last year was like riding a bike. This year is like rainbow road from Mario cart 😂 let's hope it doesn't get harder. We'll see in a few months...

Stay Lovely 😊

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