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Katsuki Bakugou, the most feared Alpha in the world, though he's also the most desired by the Omegas throughout the land. Both male and female Omegas wanted to be mated to him, even more now since he was on the hunt for a suitable bride to be his mate and the future queen. Possible mates had traveled from far lands to get a chance with the Alpha, only for him to turn each of them down the moment they opened their mouth. None of the Omegas he had come across suited to his tastes, he was picky when it came to who would be the future queen of his kingdom. The Omegas that came to see him were all deceiving and seductive to him, none of them actually cared about him at all. They cared about one thing and one thing only. His status. They just wanted to be mated to the most wealthy and powerful man in the world. They wanted him for his money and looks, none of them had even attempted to get to know him before they were trying to crawl all over him and get in his pants. Each and every day, he turned down hundreds of Omegas that came to the castle in an attempt to win his heart. Omegas of all status's would come in wearing slutty clothing that showed off way too much skin for his liking, and they would try to touch him any chance they got, releasing their scents to try and throw him into a rut so that he'd go mad and claim them. He had gotten to the point where he was repulsed by them, only a couple had actually caught his eye. They were male Omegas, something very rare in this world. There had been three, he thought they were beautiful, gorgeous, even. But, sadly, they were the same as the females. Their hearts were dead set on his wealth, they were too clingy with him.

Although, he wouldn't mind if the mate he chooses was clingy. He would actually love it if his future mate was clingy and touch hungry, but these Omegas took it too far. On one occasion, a female Omega with blonde hair pulled back into two messy buns broke into the palace. She had tried to touch him in ways that he would only ever want his future mate to touch him, the crazed look in her eyes disgusting him beyond belief. She had only been able to grab him for a few moments, before she was being hauled off of him by the guards, who then threw her to the dragons afterwards. Katsuki was absolutely sick of it all. He demanded that the meetings be cancelled, no Omega was allowed in the palace unless given permission by himself. He decided that he would start venturing outside the palace walls to find his future mate. If the perfect Omega wouldn't come to him, he would go to them. He ordered his guards to begin bringing a few Omegas in each day after his searches failed, even if they didn't even want to come. He'd examine them and see whether they'd be a suitable bride, but as soon as most of the Omegas saw who he was, they turned into exactly what the others did, money-crazed idiots.

He needed to find a mate. He couldn't live without one. Every fiber in his body told him he needed a mate to look after and care for, and he wasn't going to go against nature and never mate an Omega. He might be hard-headed and stubborn as all hell, but he knew better than to risk his sanity by not ever having a mate to love and cherish. He couldn't wait to have a lover to shower in gifts and kisses, but he hated the very idea of mating a spoilt Omega that only wanted to be with him for his status as king.

Izuku Midoriya, a common boy, but a rare gem. He's a male Omega, one of the last few in the continent. His entire life, he's been going from kingdom to kingdom in search of something that could change his life for the better, to give him the slightest bit of happiness in place of the despair that overtook his being from such a young age. His mother died when he was only four years old, he had to watch as she was ruthlessly killed by the hands of a cruel man. His dam had been killed in cold blood by someone who cared only for himself, laughing at the tiny boy as he was forced to watch the horrific scene unfold. He could still practically hear her blood curdling scream as the Omegan hunters slit her throat without a care, having to watch as the blood dripped from her now lifeless body and formed a crimson pool on the floor. Ever since that day, he hasn't let anyone get close to him, he hardly trusted anyone at all. He doesn't want to finally open up to someone and have them leave him, or hurt him like he had been in the past.

He kept to himself and only spoke when he absolutely had to, never staying too long in one place. He had heard about the Crimson King's search for a mate. Of course he had. News about the Barbaric Dragon Lord spread fast, but he couldn't care less about the mate search. He wasn't interested in spending his days cooped up in a castle for hours on end while the King did with him as he pleased. He didn't need an Alpha such as Katsuki, or any Alpha at all for that matter. He only needed himself. That's all he's needed his entire life, why should that change just because a powerful King was now looking for a bride?

There had been several occasions when the draconian guards had almost caught him to take him to the palace to see the King, but he was able to outrun them and hide. Luckily. He didn't need to waste his time going there. The King would probably take one look at him and send him away anyways, why even bother? However, even though Izuku's normal state of mind told him he didn't need a mate or to be tied to an Alpha for the rest of his life, his heat made him think otherwise, and every time he fell into the lustful state, his Omega yearned for an Alpha as strong as he. Izuku would constantly crave to be knotted by someone as powerful as the Draconian lord when in heat, and it drove him insane.

His instintcs told him what he knew he actually needed deep down when in heat, even though he knew he couldn't give in, he couldn't let himself fall to that man's every whim like every other Omega in the world did. He would settle deep in the forest when his heat hit, only coming out when he was absolutely sure the sultry scent of an Omega in heat had faded from his body. He didn't want to be forcefully mated to some random Alpha that would treat him like a sex toy. The smell of an Omegan male in heat was tempting, it often drove Alphas into a feral frenzy if exposed. Going into heat always presented the possibility of things going drastically wrong. It could be disastrous for him.

He wouldn't make the same mistake his mother had made. His dam had been marked and mated against her will by his father when she was in heat. He had broke into her home and raped her. When he discovered she was bearing a pup, he ran, not even caring about what would happen to her or his unborn child. He left his mother weak and defenseless, having to fend for herself and her future child. Izuku knew his heat was closing in, it would hit any day now, he could sense the way his body was changing to accommodate for the extra hormones, could smell the shift in his scent. He was stuck in the Bakugou kingdom for his heat since he didn't have enough time before his heat inevitably fell upon him to travel to a different one, he wasn't going to risk falling into the lustful state whilst traveling. The Bakugou kingdom was huge, there was no way he could make it to the border before he fell into heat. It wasn't the most fortunate situation in the world, but at least he should be safe, he told himself.

He knew his scent was getting stronger, but he didn't care too much. He could fight off any advances towards him, he wasn't fully in heat yet. He'd be fine.


It's not much of a chapter- but I thought it'd be good to introduce everything before I got into everything else. Hope you enjoyed. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

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