Heat and Pheromones

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Izuku was in a tremendous amount of pain. He was greatly confused, the Alpha that had been with him since his heat had started, was refusing to knot him and make the pain go away. He had wanted the Omega to be his mate and to be able to mate with him before, but now that Izuku was offering himself to him, he didn't want to mate with him. Katsuki was trying his best to comfort Izuku, but with the amount of pheromones, slick, and random grunts and moans the Omega was letting out, he was struggling to keep control and couldn't exactly comfort him all that well. Everytime he found himself about to lose control, he'd remind himself of the conversation that the two had before his heat. He was trying his best to respect Izuku's wishes, he didn't want to force him into doing something when he's incapable of refusing. He, of course, wanted to fuck his brains out and make the Omega scream his name, but he had to keep control,
Izuku couldn't properly consent right now. Although, that didn't stop Katsuki from fingering him or jacking him off whenever a heat wave was too much for the tiny Omega to handle. Izuku would squirm around panting and release a large amount of pheromones while heavy amounts of slick would drip from his ass. The sight, while being very arousing to Katsuki, would also make his heart hurt.

The fact that his Omega was in pain and he couldn't do anything about it was conflicting with his instincts. Every inch of his body was screaming at him to mate, knot, and mark the Omega, and not doing so was really messing with his head. Seeing an Omega try to present to him and not do anything about it was against his nature. Katsuki was sitting on his bed with Izuku curled up on his lap, watching as the small greenette squirmed and dug his nails into his own skin. "A-alpha~ knot, pups, please.... "

Katsuki's heart ached as the Omega started to cry. "I'm sorry, baby... I can't do that to you.. But.. " Katsuki reached his hand underneath the Omega's oversized shirt, being as Izuku was producing too much slick to wear pants, and sunk a finger into his heat. Izuku clenched around his finger, a small moan sounding throughout the room. Katsuki slid in another finger easily with the mass amount of fluids, slowly starting to move them in and out of his tight entrance.  Izuku sat up, Katsuki's fingers still inside of him. The Omega started to fuck himself on Katsuki's fingers, the sight making Katsuki's member twitch in his pants. Katsuki suddenly curled his fingers, hitting Izuku's prostate, a loud keen of ecstasy came from Izuku as he came.

Katsuki continued to finger fuck Izuku until he climaxed, the white substance covering both of their chests. Izuku panted, slightly tired. "Alpha... " Izuku was about to start fucking himself on Katsuki's fingers once more, but Katsuki swiftly stood up. He growled, walking to the door and opening it. Izuku didn't really care about why the Alpha got up, not at all, he was just mad that the Alpha had gotten up instead of pleasuring him. As soon as Katsuki had opened the door, Izuku was overwhelmed by the strong scent of another Alpha. It wasn't nearly close to the Alpha he wanted, but the Alpha he desired wouldn't give him what his body needed, so he would settle for anything at this point, the pain was too much.

He got into the instinctual mating stance, his chest pressed down against the soft sheets, and his ass in the air, letting out a needy mating call as he showed off his slicked entrance. He saw Katsuki visibly tense as he looked behind him with glossy eyes, watching as the duel haired Alpha outside the door nearly lurched forward, getting blocked by Katsuki's arms on either side of the door.

"Katsuki.. Your Omega isn't marked, he's technically up for taking. You haven't given him what he needs, I'll gladly do so, since you obviously can't," Shoto growled loudly, the rumble making Izuku whine.

"What the fuck, you two haired freak?! He's my Omega, I'll do whatever I fucking want with him! Fuck off!" Katsuki snarled viciously.

Izuku huffed in annoyance, neither Alpha had come forward to knot him. He was still being deprived of what he needed. "Alpha~ I'm slicked and ready.. Fuck me.. " He moaned out, wiggling his hips enticingly.

"Katsuki, I'm truly sorry," The heterochromatic male said. Shoto hurled towards the Omega, struggling to get past the blonde Alpha in front of him. He made it past him, getting on his knees near the Omega, licking his lips at the sight. Izuku took one whiff of Shoto's scent, pouting in frustration. The Alpha he really wanted didn't come to him. Izuku turned back over, a look of disgust on his face as he smelled the peppermint-like scent. He crossed his legs, locking them at the ankles, a clear statement of refusal to mate. Shoto growled angrily, lurching towards the Omega with his fangs out and ready to mark him.

Before he could get too close to his scent glands, Katsuki grabbed him by the neck and threw him out the door. He whistled to his guards, who came to him in a heartbeat. "Throw him out, now! " He screamed.

"Yes, sir," The blue haired beta from before stepped forward and grabbed Shoto by the arm, starting to drag him away. The dual haired male snarled, thrashing in his hold as he was dragged away.

"Thank you, Iida," Katsuki said with a sigh. He quickly turned on his heels, hurrying back into the room to his Omega, once Izuku saw him enter and lock the door, he purred, uncrossing his legs and laying down on his back. He spread his legs, giving the Alpha a clear view of Izuku's slick covered hole.

"Alpha~" Izuku cooed, trying his hardest to attract the Alpha before him. Katsuki sighed, getting back onto the bed with Izuku. The mattress dipped slightly, Izuku never breaking eye contact with Katsuki. The Omega lifted a leg playfully, reaching a hand down to stick a finger inside himself, still gazing into the Alpha'a eyes.

Katsuki tensed, watching as the Omega fingered himself, seemingly being put into trance of some sort. "Fuuuuuck... Why are you so damn tempting.. " He groaned, hand reaching out to touch the supple skin on his thigh. A knock on the door brought Katsuki back to reality, instantly grabbing Izuku and holding him in his arms.  "Go the fuck away!" Katsuki seethed, holding Izuku tighter.

All Izuku could do was purr, unaware of the many horny Alphas outside the door. "S-sir, all the Alphan staff are being put into rut... Would you like me to evacuate this wing of the castle? " A shy voice spoke.

"Yeah, I don't need another fucking prick trying to claim what's mine," Izuku cooed again, happy to be the property of a strong Alpha, though he didn't catch the rest of what he had said.

The timid voice outside let out a soft, "O-ok! " Before the clicking of shoes sounded from outside.

Katsuki brought his hand up to Izuku's scent glands, pressing his wrist to the soft flesh. Izuku couldn't help but let out another needy mating call, wanting nothing more than to be ravished by the prideful blonde. "If you keep howling like that, everyone in the castle will be able to hear your screams or pleasure.. " The Alpha sighed. Izuku howled again, hoping what the Alpha had said was true. With a growl, Katsuki turned Izuku around in his lap and stuffed his face in the crook of the Omega's neck. "I have to be more careful with my words... " Katsuki pressed his nose to Izuku's scent gland, happy his own scent was mixed in with his. "At least I was able to scent mark you... "

Katsuki licked over Izuku's scent gland teasingly, leaving kisses and bites everywhere around it but nowhere near where he'd someday mark him. He left several purplish marks, starting to kiss up and down his neck gently. "A-alpha... "

Katsuki nipped at his ear, bringing his hands down to rub his back. "Baby, rest now.. "

"Want knot... " Izuku whined, tugging at the fabric of his pants in annoyance.

With a sigh, Katsuki laid down with Izuku in his arms. "Sleep," He stated simply. Izuku pouted, but did as he was told. He snuggled into Katsuki's chest, his face stuffed in his neck as he inhaled his musky scent. Katsuki smiled to himself, gently playing with his hair. "Sweet dreams. "


Another chapter done! Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1473 words

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