Meeting the mother

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"Perfectly healthy, you're body is in perfect shape for pups, and luckily, " The nurse helped Izuku up from where he had been sitting, smirking slightly. "That Alpha of yours didn't go too rough on you. You're too small for him to be going hard on you, he should know that!! "

The old woman scolded Katsuki indirectly, ruffling Izuku's hair. She turned to the blonde, who was standing in the corner of the room, just watching. "It's too early to tell if he's pregnant yet, Bakugou, you fool!" She slapped his arm, grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling something down on it.

"Here, give this to the chef. It's a list of foods he should be eating when he's pregnant and foods that'll help increase your chances of getting him pregnant. " Katsuki grabbed the paper, grumbling lowly. This was the only person he let talk back to him, except his mother, that is. If it had been anyone else that had hit him and talked to him like that, they'd be dead, sent off to be fed to the dragons. With an exception of his mate, of course.

But of course, if he wants to live after he gets severely injured, which happens worryingly often, he better keep his mouth shut and let the woman do her thing. Grabbing Izuku's hand, he pulled him close, resting his chin on top of his head. He scowled, not even listening to what the old lady was saying, but he knew his mate was, so he didn't worry too much.

Katsuki grumbled under his breath, watching as the old woman spoke to his Omega. With a few final words, she pushed him out of the room, keeping Izuku in there with her. "Hey, what the fuck? "

"Bakugou, I need to talk to him about some things. Be a dear and let him stay. "

Huffing in frustration, the blonde turned to leave. Glancing back at the door for a few moments, unsure if he should leave his mate, he sighed, continuing to walk away. The Alpha walked to the kitchens, handing his main chef the paper the nurse had given him, and went to his office.

The Alpha softly closed the door behind him, slumping into his chair. He reached his hand out, fiddling with a pen between his fingers. "Katsuki, dear, are you in here? "

Katsuki stiffened at the voice, groaning lowly. "Fuck... "

A tall woman walked in, a confident smile on her face. "Oh there you are, honey! "

"Old hag, what did I tell you about showing up unannounced?? "

The blonde woman rolled her eyes, "You got mated to some random Omega that I don't even know, of course I'm going to show up! "

Katsuki sighed, placing a hand on his temple, "Mom, just go away if you want me to leave my mate because they're a male.. We've been through this before.. "

"I'm not! " Mitsuki defended herself.

"Kacchan? " Izuku popped his head into the room from behind the door, nervously looking at the new person.

"Hey, " Katsuki smiled, "C'mere, baby. "

Izuku happily walked in, clinging to his Alpha as he hugged him tightly. Mitsuki glanced between them, frowning as her eyes landed upon the claim upon Izuku's neck, the bite wound still apparent. Instead of saying anything, she bit her tongue, reverting her gaze to the floor.

"Izuku, what did that old ass woman want? "

Izuku flushed red, "N-nothing!! "

Katsuki eyed him, amusement clear on his face. "Uh huh, sure, " He leaned close to his ear, his warm breath making the Omega shiver, "You gonna tell me the real reason? I might reward you later~"

Izuku bit his lip, his cheeks a dark red color. He averted his gaze, looking everywhere but at his mate. Katsuki placed his finger under his chin, pulling his face softly so that he was looking up at him. He smirked, placing a kiss to his Omega's lips.

Katsuki deepened the kiss, wrapping his arm around his waist. Mitsuki cleared her throat, reminding the two of her presence before they went too far. They pulled away, their lips red and swollen. Izuku's face was flushed as he panted softly, a string of saliva still connecting them.

Mitsuki scoffed at them, rolling her eyes as she sat down on the couch behind them. "Really, Katsuki? You're just being spiteful now! "

Katsuki scowled at his mother, the woman not even flinching. "Tch, mom, why are you here? "

"Because, I.. " She straightened herself out, giving a determined look, "Mate with a female Omega."

Growling, he grabbed Izuku, hugging him tightly. "We've been over this! Besides, I'm already mated, if you can't tell! "

"So? Marking another Omega will break the bond! It's simple! "

Izuku whined quietly, staring up at his mates' mother sadly. She doesn't like me...? Katsuki glanced at his mate, his gaze softening as he took in his hurt expression. "Izuku, baby, go to our room, yeah? "

Izuku nodded, turning to leave. The Alpha grabbed his wrist before he left, pulling him back and placing a loving kiss to his cheek. Izuku smiled softly, kissing his nose before running out of the room. Katsuki watched him leave with a small grin, pride bubbling in his chest for having such an adorable Omega as his mate.

"Katsuki, I really don't see why it's such a big deal! "

Katsuki turned back around to face his mother, a scowl present on his face. "Look, I'm happy. For once, I'm fucking happy. So leave me and my Omega alone and leave if you're going to continue doing this. I love him. "

Mitsuki's mouth opened before closing again, the woman's demeanor changing from confident and determined, to guilt and regret. "I'm sorry, son.." Her words were barely above a whisper as she spoke, "I'll leave, you're happy with him.. "

She turned on her heel, heading to the door of his office with her head down. Katsuki sighed, "Old hag," He grumbled, annoyed with what he was about to say, "Stay."

"W-what? " Mitsuki lifted her head, confusion lacing her expression.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Stay for a while, at least get to know him. He's your son in law, after all. "

Mitsuki's eyes drifted to her feet as she contemplated what her son had said, lifting her head with a warm smile a few moments later. "Alright," She answered, watching as Katsuki's lips turned up into a small smile.

"Good, " Was all he replied with, walking past her and out of the room, signaling for her to follow him.

The Alpha let the Beta woman to his and Izuku's bedroom, opening the door to reveal Izuku sprawled out on the bed, snuggling a pillow. "Zuku, baby, " Katsuki's heart fluttered as Izuku happily sat up and jumped at him, his arms open for a tight hug.

"Kacchan! " Izuku nuzzled into his neck, purring softly before a different scent wafted into his nose. He pulled away, a brow raised in question before he saw Mitsuki. "Gah--! H-hello.. " He whispered, refusing to meet her gaze.

Mitsuki sighed, "Izuku, look, I'm really sorry.. " She gave a small smile, "I shouldn't have said that.."

Izuku nervously looked up, " It's okay."


I'm so sorry that I didn't update for so long!! My wifi went out for about a week and I had no way to update, and then I was too sick to do anything so I didn't even update when I got my wifi back. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1274 words

P.s. I was too lazy to edit so there's probably a lot of mistakes

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