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Katsuki smelt the fear in Izuku's scent, despite his attempts to cover it up. He was worried to say the least, he felt like he had just demolished any trust the greenette had in him, which probably wasn't much to begin with. Fuck... How do I fix this...?

They arrived at the throne room, Katsuki sat down on his throne and pulled Izuku into his lap, watching as the heterochromatic eyed male stared at him. "I see you have an Omega now," He said, his voice monotone as per usual.

"Yeah, the cutest damn Omega you'll ever fucking see," He said proudly, smirking as he watched the greenette flush red in his hold.

Shoto nodded with a chuckle, admiring the Omega. He found him quite attractive, cursing his luck for not finding him before Katsuki had, trailing his eyes over his perfect body. He couldn't help the small spark of arousal, the freckled male was indeed the cutest Omega he'd ever laid eyes on.

"So, what did you need? " Katsuki grumbled, annoyed with the fact that he was practically eye-fucking the male in his lap.

"Ah, right... " Shoto got pulled out of his thoughts, attempting to tear his attention from the man's Omega and back to the matter at hand. "I have reason to believe there's an illegal Omega trading system going through our kingdoms," He stated nonchalantly. "I'm certain there's a group of outlaws kidnapping young Omegas, and they're transmitting them through our borders. They must have found a breach on the outer walls, where there's not as many guards," Shoto explained.

"What? We banned anything to do with that a long time ago, who could possibly be crazy enough to break that law?" Katsuki asked, quirking a brow in question. He'd always hated the fact that Omegas were seen as below Alphas, and when he became King, one of the things he did was Illegalize cruelty to Omegas.

"I'm not sure who exactly is behind it, but a few of my guards have reported hearing Omegan cries for help and heavy amounts of distress pheromones crossing over both of our boarders. There have also been numerous accounts of missing Omega's recently, they've been picking off Omegas from poor families, but they're now getting cocky. They've started going after wealthy Omegas," The dual haired man said.

Katsuki was furious, who in their right mind would do that? How could someone possibly sell their own kind, even if they're of a lower ranking than them? He too a moment to think, resting his head on his hand.

Izuku felt tired again, even though he had just woken up not too long ago. Strange.. Why am I so tired....?Probably because of my heat.... Why do I have to be an omega? He thought to himself, yawning tiredly. He curled up into a ball on Katsuki's lap, not realizing he had positioned himself to be touching Katsuki's member through his pants with every small movement. Katsuki took notice, but instead of saying anything, he just tensed up, chewing the inside of his cheek.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "So, back to business.. "


A few hours had passed since Katsuki and Shoto began talking, and Izuku was bored out of his mind. He huffed in annoyance at the two Alphas, attempting to get up. Katsuki pulled him back down, a growl coming from the stubborn Omega.

"I'm tired! You two have been talking for hours! I'm going back to the room," He muttered, a pout on his face.

He tried to get up again, this time Katsuki let out a low growl. "No," He said as he pinched one of his chubby cheeks.

"Get a guard to escort me then, I just want to go to sleep... It's not like I can leave the castle even if I wanted to, I'm almost completely in heat," Izuku groaned, rolling his eyes with a huff at his protectiveness.

Mine!~ •BakuDeku• //FantasyAu// «Completed»Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon