Kisses and lovebites

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Katsuki leaned back into his chair with a sigh, pressing his hand to his temple. He had been doing work for hours to get his mind off the Omega, but he was just getting worried about him. Is he okay? Is he bored? His hand was slightly cramped up from writing for so long, and he had a stack of finished paperwork piled up higher than than his head right beside him on the desk. A low growl came from his stomach and he groaned, rubbing at his head in frustration. The Alpha looked out the window right next to him, seeing the sky was painted orange and red, indicating the sun was going down. He stood from his seat, stretching his arms over his head and making his way back to his quarters to check on his Omega.

He walked through the almost completely empty halls silently, the only people being a few maids and guards, who smiled at him respectfully. He arrived at his room, opening the door quietly, when he then saw Izuku asleep on his bed, and he closed the door behind himself. Katsuki walked over to the bed, softly crawling over to the Omega. The Alpha cupped Izuku's face with both of his hands, smiling to himself. The blonde softly kissed his forehead, leaving a trail of kisses down his face to his lips. The greenette's eyes fluttered open, looking up at Katsuki with confusion. His emerald eyes locked onto Katsuki's blood red ones, sitting up and slightly pushing Katsuki off of him. "What were you doing..?" He asked, nervously.

"Kissing my Omega, what else would I be doing? " The Alpha chuckled with a warm smile.

"I'm not yours.. " Izuku grumbled out, trying to crawl away from him. Katsuki huffed in annoyance, touching the bridge of his nose. He groaned, looking back down to the squirming Omega underneath him. He gripped his waist with one hand, bringing his other up to caress his cheek again. Izuku raised an eyebrow in question, looking up at the Alpha. "What are you-" Katsuki cut him off, pressing his lips to the greenette's.

Izuku sat still, confused by the sudden kiss. Katsuki rubbed his thumb in circles on his hip, pulling away from the kiss with an annoyed expression when Izuku didn't kiss back. He grumbled under his breath, but Izuku didn't hear what he said. "Why... Why did you do that..? "

"Do what? Kiss my Omega?" Katsuki asked rhetorically.

"I've already told you! I'm not-" Katsuki kissed him again, grabbing his hands. After a few moments, he pulled away again. He grinned, leaning down and pressing his lips to Izuku's scent glands. The Omega whimpered at the contact, trying to free his hands from Katsuki's much bigger ones. "L-let go.. "

"No." The blonde kissed up the greenette's neck, stopping at his jaw to leave a few more. He left a few bite marks and hickeys, making sure Izuku knew he was Katsuki's without actually marking him. Izuku bit his lip as Katsuki nipped at his scent gland, suppressing a moan.

"S-stop.. " Katsuki didn't say anything, just began kissing and sucking on his swollen scent gland. Low moans spilled from the Omega, Katsuki's chest bubbling with pride that he could make his Omega feel this pleasure. Izuku bit his lip, looking up at Katsuki with half lidded eyes.

"Omega... Please be my mate.. "

Izuku shut his eyes, Katsuki's husky, lust filled voice making a shiver go down his spine. "N-no! I-i can't! "

"Why? Everytime I ask you, you plead me to stop and say you can't or that you're not ready. Why can't you just accept me...?" He asked, eyes filling with sadness. "Am I not good enough to be your mate...?"

"I-i... " It's time to tell him.. "W-when I was four, Omegan hunters killed my mother right in front of me, leaving me alone... My mother had been the kindest, bravest person I had ever met, and she raised me by herself, my dick of a father marked my mother during her heat and ran when he found out she was pregnant.. " Izuku paused, blinking away the tears from his eyes. "When she died, I promised myself that I wouldn't trust any Alpha, ever. I can't let what happened with my parents, happen to me.... You may not be like my bastard father, but I just can't be sure, so I can't allow any Alpha to get close to me.. I don't want to end up like her..." He sniffled.

He continued. "I've been living on my own my whole life, moving from kingdom to kingdom. With no family and no friends, I don't stay in one place for two long. Unfortunately, I got stuck here during my heat and now I'm here.. I'm too untrusting, you could have any Omega you want, and you could do so much better than me.. "

Katsuki sat up, pulling Izuku into a tight hug. "You've gone through so much.. I understand you being wary of Alpha's, but I'm different.... I'll never leave you like that, just give me a chance, let me properly court you.. Please.." The Alpha begged.

Izuku went silent, contemplating the mans' offer, before eventually coming to an answer. "Fine.. You can.. Court me.. I guess.."

With a smile, Katsuki kissed the Omega's forehead. "Thank you," He said.

The Omega rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breath that the blonde didn't quite catch. Katsuki chuckled, picking him up and bringing him to the dining room. The Alpha ordered the chef to make them dinner, and the two ate in silence. "So.. I guess if I'm going to court you, I'm going to need to know more about you.... So, what are some of the things you like?" He asked, taking a bite of his food.

"I like reading and drawing, I guess.." Izuku muttered with a shrug.

"What's your favorite color?" Katsuki questioned.

"Red, yours? " He said, and Katsuki let his eyes flicker down to the red shoes adorning his feet with a snort.

"Green," He said with a smug smirk, "Like your eyes," The Alpha stated flirtatiously.

Izuku nodded, turning away and going back to eating to hide his growing blush. "I should give you more freedom, too.." Izuku perked up at his words, turning his attention the King completely. "I'll give you access to the library, my office, and the room I had made for my future mate," He grinned, resting his chin on his palm. "When your heat is completely over, you may have access to the entire castle. It's yours now, after all," Katsuki said, taking another bite of food.

Izuku's eyes filled with happiness, and he jumped out of his seat and hugged him. "Thank you!" Izuku exclaimed.

Katsuki smiled, hugging him back gently. The two embraced each other for a few more moments, before Izuku eventually sat back down in his seat and continued to eat. The Omega hurriedly finished, racing off to the library. Katsuki watched him run off in amusement, finishing his food and going to check on him a few minutes later. He saw Izuku with his legs propped up on the back of a chair, and his head at the end while he hung upside down. He had a book in his hands, reading intently.

With a low chuckle, Katsuki entered the room and sat down next to him. "Having fun? "

"Yes! I love reading!!" Izuku giggled happily. He sat up right, smiling to himself as he closed the book and pulled his knees to his chest, looking up at the man.

"Well," Katsuki stood up, stretching. "If you need me, I'll be in my office, the room right there," He pointed to a door. "I have a mountain worth of paperwork to do."

Izuku hummed, reaching over to grab his book. The Alpha opened the door to his office and closed it behind him, but left it cracked slightly for the Omega to come in whenever he wants. He sat down in his chair, getting back to work.


Happy thanksgiving!! I hope you enjoyed! Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1371 words

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