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The ruby eyed male hurriedly stood from his bed, immediately barking out orders to the guards. His eyebrows knitted in anger, or rather, protectiveness. Izuku sat up, worry covering his face as two guards came over to protect him, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him from the room swiftly. "Your Highness, the king demanded us to keep you safe. We need to get you out of here. "

"W-wait," Izuku yanked his wrist back, gulping slightly. He rushed over to his mate, hugging him tightly.

"Izuku, look at me, " The blonde spoke softly. Izuku hesitantly did so, looking into his fiery eyes, "I love you, okay? It'll all be alright. If... " The Alpha paused, unsure if he should continue. "If anything happens to me.. Keep-"

The greenette cut him off with a small sob, pressing his lips to the taller males'. "Don't say that, Kat!" He cried out, his voice breaking.

His mate nodded, embracing him closely before pushing him back to the guards. The Omega sent one last glance at him before turning, letting the two men lead him away to safety. Katsuki's eyes started to water, to which he wiped away the tears, turning his attention back to the task at hand.

The walls started to shake, bits of the roof collapsing and falling in. The Alpha stood his ground, eyes narrowing as a swarm of people came into view, each carrying weapons. As they came closer, the blonde gave the signal, his army rushing forward to attack. The sound of clinking was heard as swords clashed together, to which he jumped into battle, teeth bared as he easily slit an enemies' throat.

Three more people came rushing at him, the Alpha snarling as he rose his sword once more. I love you, Izuku..


Izuku was pulled along by the two men that his mate had trusted with him, his scent heavy with fright and worry. They ran out of the castle, eventually stopping in the forest. The greenette sat down, resting his head on the side of a tree. He sighed, glancing up to see the small bit of the castle that was visible through the canopy of trees.

His heart sank as he looked at the damage, the roof was damn near fully collapsed and parts of the wall were crumbling down the side. A small whimper escaped his lips, his mind thinking about his Alpha. "Izuku, " One of the men spoke to him, pulling him from his worried thoughts. "He'll be fine. The king is strong. "

Izuku nodded, letting his gaze fall onto his lap, where his pants were slightly torn, most likely from accidentally snagging them on something when running. "I hope you're right... " His voice was quiet, breaking as his emerald eyes filled with tears once more. A hand was placed on his shoulder, making him look up to see soft, crimson eyes and a big, toothy grin.

"Your Highness, I've known Bakugou for years. I'm his head guard, I've fought battle after battle alongside him. Yet, I've never seen him lose a single fight, especially when he's fighting to protect something he loves, " He said calmly. "Believe me when I say, he'll be fine. Okay? "

The Omega only nodded, staring up at the red head with teary eyes. "T-thank you, " He sobbed out, to which the Beta wrapped his arms around him, embracing him tightly. It was usually prohibited for the kings' men to touch the queen without his permission, but right now, he could care less. Izuku needed the hug and reassurance right now, and the greenette was thankful for the comfort.

"No problem, your majesty, " He said smiling.

The spikey haired soldier pulled away from the hug, sending him another bright smile. "Y-your name is Eijirou, right? " The freckled Omega asked timidly.

"Yep! The one and only! " Izuku giggled, happy to have a distraction at the moment. The male sat down beside the green eyed boy, plucking a few flowers from the ground and getting to work on piecing them together. When he was done, he turned to show the Omega, to which the greenette stared at the flower crown in awe. Eijirou placed it on his head, smiling as Izuku smiled and giggled once more.

While the boy was busy with admiring his gift, the red head sent a glance towards the crumbling castles' peak. He frowned, standing up swiftly. "Uh, Hawks? " The sharp toothed soldier said, drawing the attention from the other guard to him.

"Yeah? " The other male, who appeared to be a bit older, replied.

"Watch the queen, I need to go check on something.. " Eijirou said calmly, his eyes searching the area around them.

"Okay, bud. Hurry up, " The older male said, walking over to sit next to Izuku. Eijirou walked away, leaving the two alone. "Hey, " The man gave the Omega a warm smile, "My name's Keigo Takami, but everyone calls me Hawks. "

Izuku smiled weakly, a bad feeling settling in his stomach as he glanced back to where the other guard left. "H-hello.. Where did Eijirou go? "

"To check on a few things, " He spoke, almost unsure himself. The green eyed Omega nodded, his thumbs fiddling with the pink petals on the flower crown. The two sat in silence for what seemed like forever, until the red headed guard came back, a frown on his face.

"Eijirou? " Hawks spoke, standing from his place.

"Y-yeah? " He said, slightly startled as the man pulled him from his thoughts. The older Alpha glanced down at the Omega, then back to the beta before him.

"Uh, come over here, " He gestured, taking the red head over to a small clearing. When they were far enough away from the greenette, they stopped, "What happened? "

"I felt like we were being watched... I still think we are.. " He spoke quietly, eyeing their surroundings.

"I get that, but you're worrying the queen. Bakugou said to keep him safe, and to do that, we need to keep his mind off of what's happening, " Eijirou nodded, sighing softly.

When they turned back to face the freckled Omega, a man with black hair and purplish skin on his arms and face grabbed him by the wrist, a look of pure terror in the green haired boy's eyes. "Izu, " He cooed at him, an evil smirk tugging at his lips. "Did you miss me?"


Heh, I love writing cliffhangers. Any ideas on what I can do while in quarantine? I haven't slept in eight days and I've been watching YouTube every minute of it, that's literally all I've been doing. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1123 words

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