Let me go!!

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His heat was coming soon, he could tell. The Omega had to collect the supplies he needed and prepare his campsite in order to make it through, he needed to buy new nesting materials, gather food and water, and apply scent blockers to the area in case anyone managed to stumble across his campsite. He knew all too well that the blockers were insanely expensive, and very few vendors carried them due to how hard they were to make, but he knew he had to find at least one. Izuku refuses to let anyone be able to smell his heat crazed pheromones, he didn't want to be knotted by some horny fuck who decided he was better off as just a toy for pleasure. He diligently foraged for a variety of nuts and berries, he even managed to kill a boar to make more jerky. He always tried to keep a bag of jerky in his satchel, especially during his heats. The lust filled state often left him exhausted and the jerky gave him the energy and protein his body needed during that time.

He stumbled across a small stream, where he quickly decided it was the best place to set up his temporary home for the next week or so. The boy struggled to set up the makeshift tent, but managed to get the posts in the ground, stepping back with a loud sigh to admire his work. It was messy and a bit cramped, but it would be enough for his heat, as long as it didn't rain. His scarred hands reached for his leather bag, grabbing out the small sack of berries and plopping two juicy strawberries into his mouth. He smiled at the sweet flavor, placing the cloth sack back into his bag and pulled the satchel over his head, the strap crossing over his chest. He grabbed his waterskin, having already purified a bit of the stream water and stuffed it into the bag, pulling on his black cloak, bringing the hood down to cover his messy head of hair.

With a small huff of annoyance, he set off through the thick cover of greenery to the dragon King's city, silently hoping to get a glimpse of the Crimson King's castle. He desperately wanted to draw the magnificent architectural piece of art. It was said to be the most beautiful palace in all of Musutafu, the dragon lord had exquisite tastes. He stared down at his old, worn out boots as he walked, watching with amusement as lizards scurried away from him as he went along the trail. He looked up mindlessly, taking note of certain landmarks in his head as he walked, coming out into an opening after a long while. He glanced around at the busy dirt path, his eyes landing on the market center, speeding up his pace and hurrying to the cluster of shops and booths.

After wandering around for roughly ten minutes, the Omega found a booth with a gruff looking Alpha handling it. On the counter display was a single can of scent blocker, the last one he had. His eyes lit up, a happy smile tugging at his lips while he walked forward with the strap of his bag in his hand. A short Omega with blond hair stepped in front of him, smiling at the dark haired man goofily before handing him the money and grabbing the can before running off to a purple haired Alpha. Izuku stopped dead in his tracks, sighing and cursing under his breath in frustration. Of-fucking-course. Someone had to take it... Guess I'll just have to make do without it... He thought to himself with a soft groan, making his way back through the large crowd of people, his head down in defeat. Looks like I'm going to have to risk an Alpha smelling my scent.. He gulped at the very thought.

A loud commotion came from the left of the greenette, Izuku lifting his head up to see what the noise was. He saw a cluster of female Omegas swooning over some blond haired Alpha with piercing red eyes, the man looking utterly bored. Looking closer, he saw that the man was dressed in expensive clothing and jewelry, tattoos littering most of his bare upper half and large rubies hanging from his ears. Two guards trailed close behind the man, the royal Draconian crest on their chest-plates, a red dragon symbol engraved in the cool metal of their drawn swords. This man was the King, no doubt about it. He gasped as he and the Alphan blond made eye contact, quickly turning away and covering his emerald eyes with his hood. Izuku put his head back down, praying that the Dragon Lord didn't go after him and trying to hurriedly get away without looking too suspicious. Before he could even get a few feet away, he heard yelling and the stomping of metal cladded boots against the concrete ground, indicating that someone was running. "Oi! You, Omega!" The voice boomed in the area, a shudder of terror racking through Izuku's tiny body. Was he speaking to him? He hoped not.

Mine!~ •BakuDeku• //FantasyAu// «Completed»حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن