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As soon as Katsuki arrived back to his palace with Izuku, he hurried towards his quarters with the greenette still hoisted over his shoulder. The Alpha tossed the Omega onto the bed, Izuku landing with a soft bounce on the plush bed, cheeks dusted a light pink. Crawling onto the bed himself, the Dragon Lord hovered over the green haired Omega before him, watching as he anxiously crawled backwards before he was caging him in underneath his muscular body. "L-let me go!" He said, snarling at the King angrily.

Katsuki ignored his plead, grasping Izuku's hands and pinning them above his head, leaning down and scraping his fangs over the Omega's swollen scent gland. "You smell so good..." The male husked, beginning to be thrown into a rut. He wouldn't be able to control himself anymore, he had just wanted to have a conversation and convince the Omega to let him court him, but with the journey from the city to the palace and being in such a close proximity to his heavenly preheat scent for so long, he was no longer in a right head space. He hated himself for doing this to the poor boy, yet he couldn't control his own body anymore. His limbs moved on their own as he cupped his cheek, nuzzling gently against his scent glands.

"F-f-fuck off! Don't t-touch me!" Izuku begged, his voice breaking as he struggled to keep from crying, tears threatening to spill. His eyes were widened in fear, the boy instinctively releasing a large amount distress pheromones, the scent leaking out of the room and into the busy corridors. He felt hope build up in his chest when he heard a few different Alphan howls, however they ceased once Katsuki snarled loudly, his own scent protruding through the thick blanket of distress as a warning to stay away. Izuku whined in fear, terrified at the sudden realization that his plan in getting help had failed miserably. The Omega began thrashing around in the Alpha's grip, a sigh of disapproval sounding from the blond. With a whimper, Izuku snapped at Katsuki's hand in a final attempt to escape. As soon as he had his jaw clenched around his hand, he bit down, a grunt of pain coming from the Alpha. Katsuki let go of him with a groan, taking his blood slathered hand back mindlessly, releasing the Omega as he examined his injury.
With a victorious smile, Izuku got up and ran, quickly throwing the door open to run out of the room.

He passed by several guards and maids, not stopping for even a second as his boots barely scraped the floor with each hasty step, his breathing rapid while he struggled to calm himself down and focus on escaping. His heart nearly stopped dead when he heard a seething roar erupt from where he had just came from, he stifled back a whimper of fear, continuing to run, eyes clamping shut to prevent himself from submitting to the angry Alpha chasing after him. He made several sharp turns, switching directions constantly and turning down random corridors until he eventually came to an exhausted stop. He behind a large support beam, frantically trying to catch his breath as he peeked out from behind the column every few moments to make sure that the coast was clear. He rested for a short while, panting heavily, his chest heaving as he struggled to get his breathing under control. Izuku then quietly crawled out of his hiding spot and began creeping down another hallway, hands covering his scent glands to suppress the potent scent of distress and anxiety rolling off of his body. Izuku heard the booming voice of the king screaming at his guards and ordering them to find him, then a string of people replying with, "Yes, my king."

The loud thumping of armor against the stone floor had him gulping, signaling that he should try to find a place to hide for a while. He slowly slid open the door to the closest room, slipping inside and quietly closing the door behind himself. His jade eyes glanced around, figuring he had walked into a bedroom of some sort. It was a pastel green color scheme, with pillows piled up into soft sitting areas covering one side of the room. The windows had silk curtains hanging majestically, the tapestries made from expensive fabrics. There wasn't a bed, instead a large nesting area in it's place, a base layer of exquisite cushions and soft, scentless blankets already laid down. He sat down in the middle of one of the pillow piles, getting comfortable. With no other option and no where to run to, he let his eyes close in defeat. He wouldn't be able to escape without getting caught, might as well get some rest before the King captures him. He let himself fall into deep slumber, now extremely tired after running.

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