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Two guards walked up to the embracing lovers, pulling them from their heartfelt reunion. Katsuki reluctantly pulled away from his mate, sending him off with a larger group of guards than before, going to handle the rest of the intruders. Izuku watched with sad eyes as the Alpha walked away, his eyes slowly landing back on the carcass of the man who had abused and beat him for years, the man who used his body in a way he didn't dare try to envision again.

He could still feel the way his fingertips ghosted over his pale, freckled skin, sending a shiver down his spine as memories of his pleads for him to stop, the way he violated him, flashed through his mind. Dabi's chest was cut open, his heart ripped out of his chest whole. The blonde had made sure he was dead, and with the pool of crimson surrounding his still body, he surely was. Izuku couldn't help but finally feel safe, he finally got closure, he didn't have to live in fear that this man was going to hurt him.

An armored hand gripped his shoulder, squeezing gently. It broke him from his thoughts, his head turning to be met with chocolatey brown eyes staring at him in concern. He mumbled out an apology, the girl, who he recognized to be Uraraka, gesturing to follow her. He nodded his head, slowly trailing behind her. "I-i thought you were Katsuki's advisor..? " He finally said, the peppy brunette smiling gently.

"I am, " She said calmly, letting her gaze flicker back to the trail momentarily. "That's why Bakugou trusts me with you, " She stated.

"And t-the armor? "

"Can't let myself get killed now, can I? " She chuckled, her short hair slightly moving in the cool breeze. The greenette slowly nodded, his gaze falling on his feet as they walked. He didn't even know where they were going, but he knew he was safe. His mind wondered back to Katsuki, he couldn't wait to be engulfed in his embrace again, to let his scent flood over him like a tidal wave. His whole body itched to be in the comforting presence of his mate, to be kissed and cuddled until he fell asleep, listening to the deep rumble in his chest as he purred at the contact with his Omega.

Izuku nearly purred at the thought, but stopped before he could, not wanting to embarrass himself. He felt oddly happy, though he didn't know why. But he dearly craved his Alpha, he brushed it off as just being worried, but he knew something else was happening. Deciding to stop thinking about it for the time being, he crossed his arms over his chest, speeding his pace slightly to catch up to a few of the other soldiers assigned to protect him.

Eventually, they came to a stop at a significantly familiar place. It was the border between prince Koji's and Katsuki's kingdoms, the Omega recognized, as he had spent a few weeks there before coming to the Bakugou kingdom and falling into heat. He smiled, remembering when he had helped out at the orphanage there, meeting two abandoned pups that he had absolutely adored. One was a girl, she had white hair, and her name was Eri. Then there was a little boy, who's name was Kota.

For some reason, he felt oddly giddy at the memory, his smile only growing larger. Tearing himself from his thoughts, he sat down, next to Uraraka, who cheerfully began to speak to him to get his mind off of his mate. "Hey, umm... W-what's Katsuki doing anyways..? " He asked.

"Well, cleaning up the mess, mostly, " She said softly. He nodded, letting his gaze trail up at the sky.


A few hours had passed, Izuku noticed, and the group had finally decided to head back. After all, Katsuki had told them to bring Izuku back after a few hours had passed. The soldiers were on high alert as they walked the thin dirt path back to the castle, and Izuku resisted the urge the whimper everytime one of them growled at the simplest of noises. As they entered the courtyard, his wandered around, desperately searching for his mates' spikey blonde hair. He wanted to be wrapped in his arms, cradled for hours, like he was as precious as the man always said he was.

He couldn't wait to see his crimson orbs, his blood red eyes. They always held so much emotion. He would always stare at him, his eyes filled with nothing but love and adoration. That's what he craved to see right now, that's what he wanted. His Alpha always had a way of turning him to putty in his hands, and he couldn't wait to be with him.

Instead, though, he fell to his knees, beginning to cry at the sight.


Cliffhanger~ The next chapter is going to be the last one, and it's going to be pretty short. What do you think is going to happen? Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

864 words

P.s. Sorry this is short-

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