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Izuku nestled into his mates' chest, purring softly. He had just woken up, feeling rather giddy for some reason. His hands were tucked to his chest, the Alpha's arms draped around him protectively even while asleep. They were both naked, the remnants from the night before still strewn about.

Sometime last night, they had made it to their bedroom, sloppily continuing what they had started in the blondes' office. The Alpha's need had been almost insatiable, Katsuki forcing the Omega to go at least six rounds until he had passed out, cum staining both his body and the sheets.

With a content mewl, he nuzzled his face into Katsuki's neck, inhaling his thick scent happily. He didn't even notice when the king stirred, his attention focused completely on his smokey scent. Izuku only realized he was awake when the blonde flipped them over, pressing the greenette's back to the bed as he caged him with his arms on either side of him.

"Pup, " Katsuki spoke softly, smiling lightly as he scanned over the green eyed Omega, "Good morning. "

Izuku, startled, squealed as he was flipped over. He smiled, realizing it was just his mate before wrapping his legs around his waist, "Good morning, Kat. "

"Did you sleep well, darling? " Izuku nodded, his fingers playing with his surprisingly soft, spikey blonde hair. "Hungry, love? "

Nodding once more, Izuku wrapped his arms around the back of his neck, tightening his legs around the blondes' waist. The prideful Alpha only chuckled, sitting up and pulling his Omega with him. "Let's get dressed then, yeah? "

Izuku whined, wanting to stay in bed with him a while longer. Shaking his head in amusement, Katsuki helped Izuku dress, putting on his own clothes afterwards. The Alpha swooped Izuku back into his arms, cradling him close to his chest as he walked to the dining room.


Izuku leaned back into his Alpha's chest, purring as the blonde fed him. Katsuki brought the last bite of the fluffy pancakes to his mouth, Izuku happily accepting the sweet food. Katsuki had finished off his breakfast long before Izuku had, picking him up and making him sit in his lap as he fed him.

Katsuki reached his hand down to gently rub his mates' tummy, kissing his neck lightly. Izuku mewled, two of his hands gripping a single one of the Alpha's hands in delight. Katsuki released a throaty chuckle, kissing Izuku's neck once more before scooping him into his arms and taking him to the library.

Once there, Izuku squirmed out of the Alpha's hold, racing to grab a bunch of pillows and blankets. Katsuki watched curiously as the Omega dragged them into the middle of the library, spreading them out and arranging them nicely. Another nest? Katsuki didn't read too much into it, instead, let himself be pulled into the soft pile.

Izuku scanned over the bundle for a few moments before quickly standing, rushing to grab a few more things. He placed a few small lanterns around the pile, the ones the king had hanging in the darker corners of the library, along with a few stuffed animals that the greenette had.

Izuku happily purred, content with his creation as he snuggled the stuffed animals close to him. Katsuki pulled him to his chest before leaving a love filled kiss onto his forehead. "I have some work to get done, pup. Will you be alright here on your own? "

Izuku pouted before hesitantly nodding, hugging the pink teddy bear in his arms closer. Smiling, Katsuki pet his head, ruffling his hair as he stood. Katsuki walked into his office, closing the door behind him. Izuku stayed put for a few moments before getting up. He closed the curtains to all of the windows in the gigantic room, smiling pridefully.

The Omega grabbed a book, plopping into the nest to read it. He reached over, situating the pink teddy bear in his lap as he used one of the lanterns as a reading light.


Katsuki sighed, quietly standing from his chair. He made his way out of his office, taken aback by how dark it was. Confused, he searched his surroundings, finding that the curtains were all closed. He figured his mate was behind it, so it didn't bother him.

Walking to the nest his Omega had made, he smiled. Izuku was in the middle, sleeping peacefully as several stuffed animals laid around him. Katsuki was in awe at the sight, slowly getting on his knees and crawling beside him. Hooking his arm around his waist, he pulled him closer, humming in content.

Izuku subconsciously nuzzled into him, making the blondes' smile grow larger. Letting his eyes close, he breathed in the green eyed males' sweet scent. Katsuki rubbed up and down Izuku's back, his nose buried in his green curls.

With a relaxed sigh, he held the Omega closer to him, letting his eyes open. He reached his hand out, touching the freckles upon his cheeks. Leaning forwards, he couldn't stop himself from kissing his freckle covered cheeks.


Izuku's eyes fluttered open, instantly landing on the silhouette of his mate. "Kacchan," Izuku spoke softly, being met with bright, red eyes.

"I'm right here, baby. " The Alpha reassured him, leaning in to leave a chaste kiss to his forehead.

Izuku only purred, his grip on the prideful blonde tightening. "Comfy.. " Izuku murmured, letting his eyes close again.

Large hands gripped his hips, pulling him on top of his mates' body. He sleepily opened his eyes, sluggishly smilingly down at the red eyed male. Izuku was now straddling him, Katsuki's calloused hands rubbing his waist soothingly.

"I love you, " Katsuki said, followed by a toothy grin.

"Mm.. Love you, too, " Izuku spoke, struggling to stay awake.


This is short, but then again, I did write it in like twenty minutes. This is just a filler chapter, sorry for the lack of plot. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1004 words

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