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Izuku shook as he stared up at the Alpha holding him, he was grinning evilly, his Alphan fangs poking through his smirk. His rough hands held onto his wrist with a bruising force, and Izuku knew it'd leave purple marks. The greenette tried to pull away, but the man held him tighter, growling at him lowly.

With a gasp, he let his gaze fall downwards, his neck baring in submission. "Let him go," The red headed guard spoke calmly, his eyebrows knitted in anger.

Dabi chuckled, his blue eyes narrowing as he glared at the two guards. "Now, why would I do that? " He laughed, his grip tightening slightly. "He was mine to begin with, your king had no right to mate him, " He seethed

"He was never yours! " Hawks growled out.  "Raping him certainly doesn't make him yours! "

The raven haired Alpha rolled his eyes, his bright orbs staring daggers at the two men. "That's where you're wrong, " He said bitterly. "I'll be taking him with me, " He made a small movement with his hand, and several people flooded out of the forest, surrounding them. "Tell that king of yours that his precious little Omega is back in my hands, will you? If he's still alive, that is, " The man smirked, hoisting the Omega over his shoulder easily.

"L-let m-m-me go! " He sobbed, kicking his legs in an attempt to escape.

"Tch, " Dabi scoffed, "You're quite feisty now, aren't you? Guess I'll just have to retrain you.. Such an inconvenience.. " Izuku shuddered, remembering the cruel tactics he had used to 'train' him. He would rape him and beat him into submission, just to make him fall to his every command, to teach him to be the perfect Omega. The perfect Omega in his eyes being one that only speaks when spoken to, follows his Alpha's orders and keeps his head down in complete submission.

The freckled boy held back his whimper by biting his lip, still struggling against his hold. The Alpha sighed, starting a slow pace out of the cover of trees. The black haired male growled lowly, gripping the Omega's legs roughly, to which Izuku went lax. "Good boy, " The green eyed male could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Please, " He whispered softly. "He's my mate, we're bonded, let me go.... " His voice cracked slightly, but he blinked back the tears in his eyes. "I'm claimed, " His tone was quiet.

A low snarl escaped the man's lips, his hands gripping painfully hard on his legs. "Fuck, " He cursed, still walking. "Even more of a fucking inconvenience! I have to wait for your god damn heat!? "

Izuku's heart stopped. Of course, how had he forgotten what Shoto had said? Omega's can be claimed by a different Alpha during their heats.. "No.... Please.."

With a frustrated sigh, the Alpha spoke, "Guess I can just put you in heat with my scent."

Izuku bit his lip again, tasting the familiar metallic flavor of blood as it flooded into his mouth. He couldn't stop the tears as they rolled down his face, falling to the ground as he was carried out of the forest. The clear droplets clouded his vision, his sobs getting louder with every moment that passed. He let himself glance up, getting a clear view of the castle. Several walls were completely collapsed, the roof caving in.

A loud wail fell past his lips, the green eyed male catching glimpses of blood and corpses. A rough slap was planted on his rear, "Shut the fuck up! " Dabi ordered Izuku. "God, you're so fucking annoying! "

Izuku's eyes brimmed with more tears, the spot where he received the hit beginning to sting, radiating pain. He whined quietly, his dark green curls hanging around his face, sticking to his cheeks in some places due to his crying. Then, everything began to move in slow motion, it seemed.

The Alpha was tackled, Izuku falling to the ground with a small thud. The loud growling filled his ears, angered Alphan scents flooding his nose. He curled into himself, the noises continuing around him. With his eyes clamped shut in terror, he listened to the sounds of fighting, the loud slashing, clawing and snarls ringing in his ears. More tears fell down his face, his arms wrapping around himself.

The fighting had stopped, the greenette noticed, but he was too afraid to open his eyes. Slow footsteps were heard, getting closer with every second. His body tensed, his nose flaring as the scent of smoke and caramel filled his senses. Someone kneeled beside him, brushing a curl out of his face and placing a hand on his cheek gently.

Izuku's green orbs slowly opened, looking up to meet bright, crimson eyes. A relieved smile tugged at the man's lips, his thumb padding at his lips ever-so-slightly. Izuku let out a choked sob, his mouth turning up in a smile as he gazed up at his mate. He rushed forward, his frail, bruised arms wrapping around the blonde as he cried into his chest.

"Izuku, baby, thank god you're okay... " The greenette shuddered at his voice, deep and groggy. The Alpha held him tighter, letting his calming scent take over him. Eventually, they pulled away, Katsuki's hand caressing his cheek whilst thumbing at his swollen lips. Izuku let his eyes trail over his body, his eyes widening at the excessive amounts of blood, but quickly realized most of it wasn't his.

A small splatter of blood resting on his chin made him sigh softly, wiping it with the sleeve of his shirt. There were scratches and bruises littering his body, but he wasn't too concerned with them, they'd heal in a few days. The Omega's smile got larger, to which Katsuki reached down and laced their fingers together, bringing his mates' hand to his mouth to leave a loving kiss.

That's when he noticed the bruises, a deep, throaty growled flooding past his lips. He hurriedly kissed at the purple marks, more so comforting him then anything. The greenette glanced over, gasping as he saw Dabi laying in a pool of his own blood, his throat slit and his heart ripped out.

He glanced back at his mate, his eyebrows knitted in concern. "Heh, got a little carried away... He hurt my mate... My instincts to kill made me go haywire.. " He rambled out, casting his gaze downwards like a sad puppy in trouble. The freckled Omega chuckled, lifting his mates' head up to press their lips together.

"It's okay, Katsuki, " He said softly. "He deserved it.. "

Katsuki grinned, pressing their mouths together in another kiss, this one more passionate and deep.


Might have gotten just a little bit carried away--

Anyway, you all know that I took bit of a hiatus. I didn't really explain why other than that I wasn't in a good headspace. The truth is, I haven't been in the right state of mind for months. Nonetheless, I continued to write, which made me develop a bit of an unhealthy habit. I felt obligated to write, even when I didn't feel well, or I had other stuff planned. Don't get me wrong, I love writing, but I was forcing myself to do it so much that I stopped enjoying it, it made my depression really strike back up. It wasn't until about a week ago, when I thought one of my close friends had committed suicide, that I snapped.

I broke down crying, and I couldn't bring myself to even open wattpad without crying. Without thinking, I announced that I was going on hiatus, and deleted the app for a while. I needed to clear my head, and wattpad wasn't helping. My friend didn't commit suicide, but it made me realize just how bad my mental state was. After announcing my hiatus, I started breaking down sobbing at random times in the day, had suicidal and self criticizing thoughts, and I didn't want to get up or do anything, I felt like that for days.

After a few days, though, I felt better, and was kinda dreading coming back. After just a week, my mental state was so much better. But, it wasn't really just wattpad that triggered my depression. I had a lot going on at home and with my friends, I just didn't know what to do. I felt helpless, utterly useless, worthless. But, now I feel well enough to continue writing, not because I feel obligated to do so, but because I want to.

That's a lot, but it's the truth. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1451 words

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