Silk ropes

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Izuku happily conversed with Momo and Jirou, the two princesses making him feel welcomed. Katsuki had came over a few minutes ago and was now hugging him from behind, his arms wrapped around Izuku's waist and his head resting on his shoulder as the greenette spoke to the other Omegas.

Pressing a kiss to his lover's neck, the Alpha pulled away from him. "I'm going to go get something to eat, okay? Stay here. "

Izuku smiled at the blonde,"Okay, Kat!"

Walking away from him, he went to find the food tables. A few minutes later, Shoto walked up to Izuku, two wine glasses in his hands. "Izuku, " Shoto smiled, "How lovely to see you here. " He handed one of the glasses to the greenette, who took it warily.

"Uh, thank you! " Izuku smiled back nervously, fiddling with the cup in his hands.

"Drink up, it's the best wine I could buy. "

Peering into the cup, Izuku laughed awkwardly. "I-i don't know.. I don't think Kat would want me drinking.. "

"Just try it, please? For me? "

Sighing, Izuku gave a soft smile before taking a small sip. "I really don't think I should drink anymore.. Katsuki and I are going to be trying for pups soon and I.. "

Frowning, Shoto peered into his own glass, looking at his somewhat reflection in the liquid. "You wouldn't want to waste it, would you? "

"No, no! That's-"

Momo stepped in, "Izuku, you should drink it. He's holding the ceremony in your honor, after all." She smiled sweetly, encouraging him. "Besides, Katsuki's never going to know! "

Sighing, Izuku took another sip, a much larger one this time. The dual haired Alpha never left Izuku's side, glancing at him whenever he took a sip. Izuku soon started to feel lightheaded, almost falling to the ground before Shoto caught him.

"I-i'm not feeling well... "

"I'll take him to Katsuki, he doesn't look too well. "

He turned, walking away from the princesses with a smirk. Oh, Izuku, you should've known better..


Katsuki returned to only see Momo and Jirou, his mate nowhere in sight. "Where's Izuku? "

"Shoto said he was taking him to you, he felt lightheaded. "

Growling, Katsuki bared his fangs in anger. "Fuck! "

The blonde quickly ran off to find his Omega before Shoto tried anything, growling as he ran, a warning for people to get out of his way.


Shoto walked into his room, softly setting Izuku on the bed. The Omega was panting, flushed red and squirming about. "Izuku~"

"N-need... Kat-katsuki... "

Frowning, Shoto grabbed the silk ropes that were hanging from his ceiling, tying them around Izuku's wrists and ankles, elevating his lower body slightly. "Izuku, I drugged your wine. The drug makes Omegas go into an early heat, I'm surprised you took it from me, especially after what had already happened. " Shoto spoke with a laugh.

Izuku struggled against the ropes, whimpering softly. "You know, you can easily mark an already marked Omega as your own when they're in heat.."

He removed the black dress Izuku was wearing, smirking at the sight. Izuku's hole was dripping with slick, his small member was leaking and his body was flushed red. Removing his shirt, he crawled onto the bed, hovering over the Omega. Leaning down, he trailed kisses up his torso, leaving bite marks and hickeys.

Izuku squirmed, his instincts telling him to get away from the Alpha, that he wasn't his mate. He released a loud, fright filled howl, calling out to his mate in terror. Growling, Shoto grabbed a random article of clothing, stuffing it in his mouth to prevent any noise.

"Omega, submit. "

Izuku whimpered at the command, small tears escaping his eyes. He didn't like this at all, he wanted to be with his Alpha, not this cruel one. His body naturally obliged to the Alphan order, his head instantly turning to the side as he bared his neck in submission.

"Good, " Shoto smirked evilly, his hands trailing up the greenette's body. Shoto pressed a kiss to Izuku's tear stained face, then kissing his lips hungrily. Izuku cried more as Shoto attacked his lips, unable to push him away.

After a bit, Shoto pulled away, continuing to press kisses to his neck, surrounding his scent glands. "Please... Don't do this.. "

"Shhh, it'll be better soon. " Shoto reassured him, biting at his neck with need.

Izuku could barely react when he saw the blurry figure of the dual haired Alpha get thrown off of him, his mind was hazy, he could hardly think at all. Blinking back tears, he listened to the vicious sound of growling, not caring anymore. He had been saved, by who, he had no idea.


Katsuki opened Shoto's bedroom door, fuming mad. He growled lowly at the sight. The heterochromia eyed male was on top of his Omega, kissing and sucking on his neck. The blonde could smell Izuku's heat, anger boiling inside of him.

Without thinking, he lunged forward, ripping Shoto off his mate viciously. He threw him to the ground, growling loudly and baring his fangs. Before Shoto and time to do anything, he was pummeling a fist into his nose, a crack sound being heard.

Shoto cried out in pain, his face scrunching up. "How dare you touch my Omega!! "

Letting his instincts take control, he no longer cared what happened, he just needed to kill. Sinking his teeth into flesh at the front of his throat, he bit down as hard as he could, killing him almost instantly. He pulled up, blood seeping from the wound.

Growling, he stood, untying Izuku, redressing him and placing him over his shoulder. He walked out, his eyes dilated and his instincts screaming at him to get his Omega somewhere safe. Quickly telling his guards what happened, he told them to gather and tell the subjects that their king was dead and that he'd be taking over, as it goes when one king kills another.


Katsuki ran into the palace, running up to his room and placing Izuku on his bed. He still had blood on his chin from earlier, but he didn't care, he needed to care for his mate. Gathering blankets, he set them beside the whimpering greenette, letting him arrange them how he wanted before covering him with his red cape.

He laid down beside him, holding Izuku close to him. "Izuku... "

"K-kat.. " Izuku cried into his chest, letting the Alpha's scent comfort him.

"Shh, it's ok.. It's me, you're safe now.. " Katsuki wrapped an arm around the Omega protectively, holding him close until he fell asleep. "You don't have to worry about that bastard anymore, love.. "


Well- Not how I thought it was gonna go, honestly. I had something totally different planned, but it turned into this, heh. Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1151 words

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