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Izuku awoke to an unfamiliar feeling flowing throughout his stomach, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat. He was panting, his intoxicating scent was filling the room to the point that he thought it might seep out into the hallway. His heat was early, very early, and he had no idea as to why. No Alpha had tried to overpower him with their scent, and he certainly hadn't been marked, so why was he going into heat so early? He just got out of heat, he shouldn't be back in heat already. He looked next to him, seeing Katsuki with flushed cheeks and beads of sweat on his forehead. The Alpha was clutching the sheets, his knuckles turning white from his grip, and his eyes were clamped shut tightly, a bulge in his pants, Izuku could practically see the outline of his knot in the mans' thin underwear. He thought the fabric might rip if he gets any harder.

Izuku's Omega went wild in his mind, instantly realizing the Alpha had just gone into a rut, Izuku going into heat as an instinctual way for them to reproduce. With a whimper, Izuku tore himself out of any sexual thoughts, trying to get out of the room before the Alpha woke up. He couldn't let himself get marked yet. He threw the blankets off of himself, crawling out of bed, slick seeping down his thighs as he stood up. He groaned at the feeling, clamping his teeth down onto his bottom lip. Looking out the window, he saw the night sky, indicating it was still late at night. Sighing in relief, he tip-toed over to the door, opening it quietly, trying extra hard not to wake the blonde. The Omega snuck down the hallway, carful of his scent as he walked, not wanting any of the staff to find him in this state.

Izuku stopped in front of a familiar room, walking in to be met with the same pastel green color scheme he had seen when he had first got here. With a smile, he locked the door and flopped onto the closest pillow pile, nuzzling into the plush pillows. The greenette whimpered at a sudden jolt of pain in his lower abdomen, his Omega making him feel like it's a punishment of some sort for leaving the Alpha. He knew the Alpha would be looking from him, especially since his mind would be glazed over with lust, add that to how determined and stubborn the man was, he'd surely wake up and come looking for him soon. The Omega didn't care, though. He was just simply not ready to be mated to the Alpha yet, and he knew he would undeniably be marked if he stayed with the blonde.

Lust clouded his thoughts, his need to be knotted getting stronger as the minutes passed. He turned over, pressing his chest to the pillows as he stuck his ass in the air, presenting to nothing. A low moan escaped his lips as he reached down and sunk a finger into his slick covered hole, pressing against his own prostate. It's not what he craved at the moment, but it would have to suffice for now, it's not like he can just have the Alpha knot him. Besides, he's used to doing this for every heat, he's been doing this his whole life. He thrusted his finger in and out of himself at a steady pace, moans flooding out of his mouth, whining as he inserted a second finger into his tight entrance. The Omega continued to do this until he came, his own cum coating his stomach as his fingers fell out of his hole, his hand falling lax by his side as he panted, chest heaving as he came down from his temporary high. His nose scrunched up in disgust as he looked at the mess on his chest, looking away to glance around the room for better nesting materials.

Tiredly, he crawled out of the pile, only to drag more blankets and pillows over. He sluggishly built his nest, his instincts leading him and helping him to build a comfy space for him and his Alpha to mate in, even though he knew he wouldn't be mated. Once he felt he had finished it, he purred, crawling into the middle and curling into a ball-like shape, letting his eyes close.


Katsuki awoke in a cold sweat, his painfully hard member making a tent in he pants. His face was flushed, his mind was clouded with insatiable lust, and his instincts screamed at him to breed and mark his Omega, to pump him full and get him pregnant with his pup. With a shaking hand, he reached over to grab Izuku, only to be met with nothing. Jolting up, he began to growl lowly. Why was his Omega gone?The Omega's sweet scent still lingered in the air, proving that one, he hadn't left too long ago, and two, he was in heat. Biting his lip, he got up to search for him. The Alpha swung the door open, his scent flowing freely from the room and into the empty corridors, his scarlet eyes narrowing as he stared down the empty hallway. With every step, he got more impatient, wanting nothing more than to have the Omega underneath him and screaming his name in pleasure, he wants to fuck him so many times that he's sobbing from overstimulation, have him leaking with his cum for days. The blonde's cock got harder at the thought, making him dig his nails into his palm, leaving small crescent shapes as he sunk his fangs into his lip.

Flinging open the door to the library, he sniffed the air for any trace of the Omega's distinct scent of coffee and vanilla. After finding none, he growled, walking out to try the next room. He searched several rooms, nearly breaking each door off it's henges as he thre them open. Eventually, he made a dead stop at Izuku's room. Izuku scent seeped out of his mate-to-bes' room, proving he was in there. Smirking, he went to turn the nob. Finding it wouldn't open, he snarled, hearing a whimper from the other side of the door. Katsuki's mind clouded more, making any trace of his normal state of mind disappear. With a lustful howl, he attempted to break down the door. He managed to get it open, walking in to see a squirming Izuku. The Omega was laying in the center of a fairly large nest, and Katsuki knew Izuku had made it for them, even if he didn't want to be marked. Licking his lips, he stalked closer to the trembling Omega, eyes staring at his juicy rear, with his fingers sunk into himself knuckle deep.

He got down on his knees at the edge of the nest, reaching a hand out to grab Izuku. The Alpha only managed to pull him closer by a couple of inches, before he himself was grabbed, being forcefully pulled away from the Omega. With a threatening sneer, he turned to see who had interrupted him. Seeing a head of red hair, he snarled, showing his fangs in an attempt to scare him off from his Omega. "Bakugou, you told me I couldn't let you mate with the queen when you went into rut, and I'm not going to fail you. I promised," Eijirou  said, a look of determination on his face. Katsuki growled again, backing up towards Izuku. With a sigh, Eijirou grabbed Katsuki's arm pulling him out of the room and locking the door behind him. The Beta guard pulled the Alpha down the corridor, stopping back in front of the kings' room, pushing him in.

The red head locked the door, leaning against the wooden frame on the outside, crossing his arms over his chest. Frustratedly, Katsuki sat near the door, his instincts screaming at him to go find his Omega. He had been so close to breeding Izuku, but he was forced away from him. Izuku's lewd expression still lingered in his mind, his member still rock hard. After a few minutes, his mind started to clear, making it where he could slightly think without every thought being about fucking Izuku. This is going to be a long week....


It's finally done! Stay healthy and beautiful my little pups!! Byeeeee!!! 🖤🖤🖤

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes

1411 words

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