Chapter 19

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September kicked in without even being aware of it. Months of being in touch with Ariellè was amazing. She seldom visited me and I was okay with it. The error on restoring memories was occurring occasionally but not as painful and serious as before. Maybe because of the memantine I was talking? The side effects of that medicine was excruciating—creating a mirage on my head and difficulty on getting asleep. I took a deep breath and looked at the peeking amber of light on the horizon. The September breeze had been whipped through the glass wall, leaving a strewed moist and some parts were sprayed with dews.

This was the best time to go to the rooftop. I could imagine the cold wind crawling throughout my body as I let it wrapped me with definite tranquility. Ariellè and I agreed that we'll meet later, she'll go here to pay a visit. I didn't really know what she was doing. She looked so worried when I hardly restore my memories and when I was writhing in agony because of migraine. But then, she always put a barrier between us—as though she was telling me that I should not dare to get closer to her; to unlock the door of mysteries on her heart. She was subtly yet caring and it was sending me such sense of confusion and adoration.

After I rose from bed, I grabbed my jacket and emerged from my room. Hallways at six were not yet filled with bustling bodies. Immediately, I sauntered my way to the elevator and pressed the open button. My phone, it was newly bought by my mother after I requested it, was in my pocket. I wondered if Ariellè was already astir? She was a morning person hence that was possible. I slipped my hand on my pocket to grab my phone up. I opened my Messenger and visited our chat-box. She wasn't online yet but I still typed my 'Good morning, sweetie." That absolutely sounded cheesy and lovey-dovey and it made me wonder if she'll be fine with it.

The elevator swung opened. The lift was empty so I scurried inside and sighed as I tapped the 'send' button. She was completely aware of my affection towards her. I'd never been vague towards it and I made it sure that  even a single word I uttered, it must be emitting strong feelings anchored in my heart. She was a bit hesitant on giving me a chance, I didn't know what made her like that. Or maybe, it was because of what my asshat best friend did. Parker probably inflicted an unbearable pain that gave her the phobia to love again. Every time I was thinking how asshole Parker was, I'd always fantasizing punching his fucking face. How dare him hurt an angel like Ariellè?

The elevator opened and as expected, the cold breeze of September struck directly on my face. My 'longer-than-usual' hair tugged upward by the intensity of the wind. I lunged near the balustrade. I hunched a bit to lean on and looked at the moving cars below me. When I was here, I always thought of the things I was doing when I was still normal. I wanted the normal life again; I wished for the normal life again. It wasn't because I missed the pleasure of sex and the contentment from the booze but because of Ariellè. Right now, I envied the people around me, the people who can go around and be with the person they loved.

Ariellè deserved someone who can make her happy without thinking what might happen next or what had happened awhile. She deserved someone who can give her the essence of normal life—not the one who can give a perpetual misery. But then, myself was selfish, I wanted her; I like her. And I will do my best to make her life wonderful with me. I may not give the normalcy she rightfully deserved, I will do my best to make everything all right; love her with all my heart.

My phone vibrated and I immediately glimpsed at it. A message from Ariellè. My heart hammered my chest as thought it will going to ravage it as I read her message.

From: Ariellè

Good morning! Ang aga, a?

To: Ariellè

I always wake up early. How's your sleep?

From: Ariellè

Fine. How 'bout you?

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