Chapter 26

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The cold holiday breeze started to rattle to my skin as December started to roll in. The building that surrounds the hospital were already decorated with fascinating Christmas ornaments as the silver gray sky as the backdrop. People nearby were extremely thrilled by the upcoming Christmas as they tried to put some fancy things on their establishments just to convey the Christmas hints. Some establishments were decorated whilst the others were still planning to do so. Meters away from my part, the different Christmas jingle started to clamor like a chatters from people as different buildings and stores started to put their best to attract customers.

The sun was gleaming with silver light as it had been blocked by bank of clouds while the pigeons were freely flying along the surface of the sky. Ariellè and I had agreed to meet in a food court nearby. It was located at the side of the hospital wherein motorcycles and other smoke belching vehicles were forbidden to enter its premises. That place was exclusively for dating and other stuffs that even in the sidewalk, the normality and the fresh crispy air were not mixed with smokes from some vehicles.

It had been months and the feeling that lodged on my chest was as strong as before— or even got stronger. Each passing day, I lived my life with astonishing fulfillment and contentment that I hadn't thought I would experience. Right now, we were having our date without nurses following us. My mother was a bit worried about my welfare but I tried to convince her to let me on this one since my condition seemed to improve as my Father burned his time on his research about my case. So as Ariellè, she was improving and her heart condition seemed well.

I had to admit that I was pretty paranoid about her condition. Every now and then, I had to check on her and I had to ask her doctor if she was doing well and thankfully, her record was fine. Last month, I got to meet her parents. They were fine. Her Father was a bit intimidating, he asked me lots of questions. At first, he was hesitant on me but later on, he'd become welcoming. On the other side, her mother was a bit reluctant about me. She'd ask questions about my past and history and I answered it all with honesty. Unlike her father, her mother was hard to please. And when she got time to ask the main reason why she was worried— when Ariellè went out to get the pizza she ordered for us.

"Do you know my daughter's condition?" she asked.

I smiled and nodded, "I am very aware of it, madam,"

"And you are willing to stay with her? Or you are just here to play with her? Do you think I can take the risk to permit you to be her boyfriend?"

My heart clenched painfully. I'd expected that this question would arise. This was stemmed from my past and I didn't blame her for being bluntly honest.

"I know, madam, that it's not easy for you to believe when I say I am changed— you will probably say that it was may clichéd lines to get your blessing on our relationship but I will still say it. I am changed, Ariellè changed me. Your daughter made me realize how boring my life was with those play and booze. I've thought many times that I am not fit for her, she's pure and very innocent— like an angel deserves an heaven and probably not a person lived like hell." I uttered straightly, "I understand your qualm on this. I am aware of her condition and all I want is to make her happy each day as what she really deserves."

I knew exactly that they will react that way especially I had no spectacular background except that I was a son of doctors. There was a moment of silence before her mother showed her warm smile. There was a clog pulled out of my chest when I saw it. However, it did not stop me to prove myself to them. Every time I got a time, I tried to visit Ariellè; I talked to her parents and took that chance to know them more. Later that day, I spoke to them privately about Ariellè's condition. I asked them a favor to keep me on track about her condition and her improvement.

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