Chapter 28

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After some while, Ariellè and I agreed to go out of the Karaoke room. While we were walking hand on hand, the heavy burden that lodged on my chest was making me uneasy. It wasn't about the song I sang for her but because of the tapestry of possibilities assaulted my head. The montage of possibilities was torrent and it was obviously excruciating within me. My heart was writhing with a pain slowly wrapping my whole chest. I should be happy that I was with her, I should radiate positivity and assurance. What I was thinking was making the whole situation worst.

But how could I be calm when I knew in myself that my love was in a brink and I couldn't do anything to help her out of it? It was hard to think that all I can do was to keep on believing that she can do it. I wanted to do more than to stand up beside and her and act as though I was oblivious and always giving a tacit nod of assurance. If this was my retribution for being an asshole, why Ariellè needed to suffer? I should be the one receiving His wrath. But why it was directed to the woman I love? I would fain not decline His punishment on me; I will accept His wrath just let my Ariellè live longer.

Ariellè was holding my hand, my eyes were directed to her as though she was the only woman exists in this world. Her genuine smile radiated contentment and felicity— it wasn't just a façade to hide her pain, it was really a genuine gesture that reflected what she really felt inside. White heat spread throughout my chest as I squeezed her hand. Her smile did not fade as she kept on pulling me somewhere else. I heard my name uttered by someone but I was too fazed by the woman in front of me. Her hair was loosely waving as it followed the rhythm of his body. I couldn't help but to trace all the angels on her face.

"Let's get some ice cream!" she excitingly chirped as she hauled me away from the Arcade.

"Are you hungry again?" I tried to joke.

She winced and rolled her eyes but her lips pouted, preempting a smile to appear, "I was just craving for an ice cream!"

"Okay," I surrendered and chuckled, "Let's buy on the Supermarket and eat on one of the tables here in food court,"

"Is it alright? Eating in one of these tables even though you haven't ordered a food from any of the stalls?" she inquired while looking at the food stalls.

I shook my head, "They won't notice us. But if you're bothered about it, we can order our food. What do you want to eat?"

She pouted and looked at the available food on every stall, "Hmm, I think I want shomai."

Looking at the stall, I agreed before taking her with me to the Supermarket. We immediately sauntered toward the deserts and I took one large container of an ice cream. Before I could pull it out of the freezer, Ariellè slightly slapped my hand. I craned my neck to look at her with my brow arching.

"We cannot finish it all," she was pointing to the ice cream.

"We can eat it after—"

She glared at me, "Ano ka? It will melt, Alexis." She rolled her eyes before she crouched and get a smaller container of ice cream, "We can share on this. Hindi naman ako matakaw."

Heaving a sigh, I put back the ice cream and walked with her to the counter. After we pay our bill, we immediately went back to the food court. She waited me on the table near the Shomai stall while I was ordering our food. Momentarily, I was glancing at her but she was busy scooping an ice cream. The smile on my lips did not falter and neglect the burden of uncertainty that perched on my chest. We needed to enjoy the moment in each other's company.

I smiled when I realized something. She was my safe haven, my light of placidity, and my guardian against darkness.

When our food was ready, I immediately went back to our table. While we were eating, it was no different from the moment we were together. She was a little bubbly right now, with a smile on her face and a radiance of contentment on her eyes. She was absolutely happy right now and so was I. We were exchanging lame jokes and other funny stories that we had experience. This was what I loved when I was with her. Our room of topics was never abandoned. It was always brimmed with topics to talk to even it was lame or nonsense. Every minute, we were jumping from one topic to another. I was asking about her experience with kids that I hadn't known yet whilst she was asking what was the feeling of being surrounded by doctors and surgeons.

The Forgotten Memories of Alexis (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon