Chapter 21

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As the wind started to blow frigidly, I could hear the screeching dryness of my calloused palms every time I was rubbing them together. The vicinity started to gleam in a total silver and the bank of clouds started to cluster together. However, the clouds didn't reflect any sign of upcoming rain. I wandered my eyes and I saw some of the kids who were playing awhile started to evacuate the area. Some of the crispy leaves twirled upward and flown as though there was a strong magnetic force that was pulling them and in just an ounce of second, the leaves swooped on the ground.

Upon watching the leaves plummeted onto the ground, I'd realized that there was no permanent in this world. Just like the leaves, they flouted through the wind and they had been released from the grasp of the ground where they were situated when they fell from the branch of the tree, they will still get to touch the ground and be there until they put to the process of putrefaction. My heart constricted when that thought assaulted my mind. My eyes immediately darted to Ariellè who was now looking up at the sky.

Smile appeared on my lips as I started at her mesmerizing beauty. The faint and gray light coming from the sun that has been blocked by the bank of clouds made her face more like a deity. I thought that beauty wasn't this timeless and enticing. She was so different from the woman I had seen. My eyes travelled down to her hand that were placed on her thighs. The stentorian thuds of my heart inside my ribcage were making me uneasy. The urge to gently grip on her hand was the reason of my reluctant move. My hand slightly fell open as I held her hand and gently rubbed my thumb on the back of her left hand.

"What are you thinking?" I asked, ignoring the warmth of fear that perched on my chest.

She shook her head, "Nothing,"

"You're spacing out." I pointed out.

After we tried all the rides, she asked for a break. After which, she let the silence suffused and the imaginary crickets were the only ones who were making me feel better. The silence we shared made me a bit uneasy; my face turned pale; my hands chilled and became sweaty because of the things that kept on stirring up my head. It was like a dilemma whether I make a move or I will just let her enjoy the silence she set between us.

"I've never enjoyed this in my entire life," she smiled, her eyes glinted. I didn't know what was the meaning of the glint on her eyes but I felt a sudden pang of sadness within me.

"Ever?" my brows shot up. I suddenly wondered if her parents were evil to her.

She shook her head, "Ever." She glanced up at me, "Thank you, Alexis."

My heartbeats doubled as I stared at her lips. I didn't want to exploit on the situation but my heart wanted to express what it really felt for her. I slowly moved my head closer to her. She neither moved nor created any noise. Instead, she stayed still and waited for my lips. Her eyes gracefully closed as I planted the kiss on her soft and sweet lips. I could feel my sanity jumping out of myself when I felt her lips on mine. I thought the electricity that they were talking about was as fictitious as those romance novels but I was wrong. I could feel the perfect form of electricity surging throughout my body. I broke the kiss to catch my breath, I inclined my forehead on hers and for the second time, I attacked her lips with unstoppable hunger.

"Mga kabataan nga naman, sa harap pa ng mga bata!" an unfamiliar voice boomed. Instantly, Ariellè pushed me away and covered her face using her hands.

I chuckled and hugged her. She buried her face on my chest as she mumbled words that I could barely understand because I was busy mouthing to the woman my apology and signaled her to let this pass.

"It's alright. The woman walked out," I assured her but she didn't believe me. Instead, she gasped and jerked her feet as though she was irritated with herself.

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