Chapter 20

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She was silent whilst we were walking along the sidewalk. The cold breeze of September was howling with definite tranquility coinciding with the beeps and screeches of the cars just steps away from us. I couldn't help but to stare at her perfect back, her hair was dancing with the rhythm of the wind as the hem of her dress was swinging below her. I was literally scowling all the asshats who were unabashedly staring at her—also enchanted by her beauty.

Ariellè was casting a perfect form of resplendency and never did she become aware of it. Maybe she thinks that all will be fall in normalcy as she sauntered her way around the man who looked like a scavengers, ready to devour her beauty. There was something in me wanted to pull her and pushed it against my skin, to tell those asshats that she was off-limit, that she was already belong to someone else. That thought made my inside squeak in excitement and damn, I think that was so eerie.

She glanced up at me and her heart-warming smile appeared on her lips. Some strands of her hair hauled up by the wind, I took long step and slowly gathered the strand of her hair and tucked it over her ear. She pouted cutely and averted her gaze as she continued her walk. The urge to claim her hand heightened but there was something in me that was stopping me. She basically didn't want our friendship to proceed to the next level and I respected it. But at some point, I wanted to show her how much I liked her, how much I adored her in any ways. I chewed my tongue and breathed it. I mustered all the valor in my body and claimed her hand.

As expected, she startled the moment our skin touched. The rattling feeling inside me intensified especially when she glanced up at me with nothing but a blank expression. The lamp of my throat grew and I couldn't do anything to dislodge it. I was expecting her to wobble her hand, to pull it off. But then, when she just averted her gaze and let me hold her hand, all I could do was to look up and close my eyes tightly. I was just pulled out of my reverie when I felt her tug my hand and she giggled when she saw what I was doing.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice was slurring because of her laugh.

I shrugged, trying to get my composure, "Nothing,"

"You looked like there was something pulled out of you," she squinted but the side of her lips rose.

My cheeks heated up and all I could do was to stare at her. She looked at my back surreptitiously and backed to my eyes. She heaved a sigh and pursed her lips. She was certainly the cutest and how I wished I could tell the world that she was mine. I didn't know if she was only doing this out of pity, because I was awful and hopeless but I was willing to try, to get all the false hope she might be giving me. I just wanted to feel her.

"I'm sure you'll love the park I am taking you into," I uttered, trying to swerved from our previews topic.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure of that. I've been there."

My left brow upped and waited for her elaboration but when she said none, I heaved a sigh.

"With who?"

She shrugged, "With my parents."

I thought… I belched as though something was pulled off from me and it practically eased me. Her eyes were all on me as though looking for any reaction from me. I beamed and pulled her close to me. I heard her squeal a bit and when she was close to me, all I did was to stare at her eyes. It took a few seconds to break from her eyes and my eyes traveled down to her narrow and upturned nose… and down to her lips. Her lips were pink, it was natural and there was no trace of chemical in it. It was like something was pulling me, as though there was a magnetic force pulling me to kiss her.

I'd never been this scared to taste a lips. I'd been kissing girls for some years and did more than that before but right now, it felt like this was my first time to kiss and it bothered me that I might disappoint her. What if she doesn't like the idea of kissing her? What if she doesn't like me at all? But I badly wanted to kiss her lips right now. I wanted to feel the zenith on earth, I wanted to claim her mine.

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