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It all started before the boys were born really- Being that their mothers were best friends since high school, they were kind of destined to be best friends too. After their college years, Taehyung's parents happened to move into the same neighborhood as the Jeon's. Not just the same neighborhood but across from them- so it was really meant to be from the beginning. Although they did have an age difference, that didn't stop Jungkook from following Taehyung everywhere.

Literally- Jungkook was so attached to Taehyung it was crazy. If they were away from each other for long period of days, Jungkook would cry for Taehyung- and he did grow out of it but as a kid? he always wanted Taehyung. Though there were some barriers at times since Taehyung was older. When Jungkook got into middle school, Taehyung was finishing up to head to high school and when Jungkook got to high school, Taehyung was finishing up high school.

Jungkook was almost constantly jealous of the friends Taehyung had. Also being that he was made from two alpha's- his temper was not ideal. Jungkook's father is a stronger alpha than his mother is while his mother was a regular alpha. Somehow, someway those alpha's ended up being mates and then Jungkook came along. A baby full of rage. Jungkook was like the devil himself as a kid- so he sure gave his parents one hell of a time and probably why he stayed the only child.

Not like it was an option though. Two alpha's conceiving a pup was impossible- or said to be impossible before Jungkook came along nine months later. He just happened to be a miracle baby given to his parents who thought they would eventually have to adopt. Though the minute Jungkook popped into their lives, they had their hands full all the time with baby kookie.

So Jungkook came out to be very temperamental- and the only two people that could calm him down would be his mother and well, Taehyung. Over the years he did learn to contain his temper but sometimes he would burst and it was not pretty whatsoever. Like this one time- Jimin, Taehyung's 'best friend' called Jungkook a baby and asked why Taehyung was playing with him- that didn't go well with Jungkook as he walked up to Jimin with his little 'baby' fists and knocked him off his two small feet.

Pinning Jimin down and pulling his hair back as he then bit into Jimin's shoulder very, very hard. Luckily Taehyung was there to calm Jungkook down and save Jimin's life- from there on out- Jimin never talked bad about Jungkook but they did eventually grow a bond because they both loved Taehyung and well- they tried to make Taehyung choose between them and Taehyung completely closed them both out because no way in hell was he doing that.

Then came the age they would find out their rankings. Not for Jungkook since he still had two years to go but it was already obvious what he was going to be ranked so he didn't exactly care for the whole ranking thing. Jimin found out his ranking and that was an alpha. It took everyone by surprise- it really did since Jimin was built small but not small enough to been seen as an omega. Jimin was convinced he was going to be ranked a beta but- to his surprise, he ranked an alpha.

Then came Taehyung- on his sixteenth birthday... ranked an omega. Taehyung didn't want to accept it- he really did not come to terms with that but he did have it coming. Jimin constantly told him he had a body like an omega, even his other friends would say things like so but he really thought it wouldn't be that way. Everyone knew Taehyung was an omega- but for Jungkook. Taehyung did not want to be teased from Jungkook since it was clear what Jungkook was going to be ranked as so he /perhaps/ may have lied to Jungkook for the year.

Taehyung told everyone he knew to go along with his stupid plan and he would tell Jungkook just before his sixteenth birthday but... a year came around to Jungkook's fifteenth and what happened? the gods decided to fuck Taehyung over and rank Jungkook a year early. So the moment Jungkook got a whiff of the scents around him... he found out that his best friend was not an alpha but an omega and boy oh boy did Jungkook annoy the fuck out of Taehyung about it.

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