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In this big huge world though.... it just seemed to get smaller for Taehyung. As the boy got dragged along by the dogs he was walking, Taehyung sighed out in relief when they decided to stop. Today Taehyung had more dogs than he expected to be walking so if they decided to run then that was it. His face would be rubbed off by the cement and that was his biggest fear right now. "Taehyung?" Taehyung whipped around but he didn't see anyone he knew.

Just to be tapped on the shoulder. "I was right in front of you." The male spoke and a rush of embarrassment flooded Taehyung's cheeks. Yes, of course he couldn't see that. Turning around, Taehyung's jaw dropped. "... Eunwoo wow hey uh, wow." Taehyung looked at the male who gave a small smile. "I thought I saw you." Eunwoo held the toddler in his hold before he decided to squirm down from Eunwoo's hold so he could play with the dogs.

Taehyung's eyes widened at the toddler. "Unless you had a full-grown toddler in less than a year-" Eunwoo laughed at that and ruffled up his nephew's hair. "My nephew. My sister came to visit and I decided to take him out for the day. I guess it was perfect since I met up with you." Eunwoo nudged Taehyung who forced a smile. Nodding lightly, Taehyung watched the toddler play with the dogs. Absolutely in love. A lot of people usually stopped him to play with the dogs so it was cute to see the toddler doing so.

"His name is Cory. Since his dad is American they wanted a somewhat American name? but when he comes to Korea-" Taehyung caught onto that as he lightly gasped. "Cory-ah... like Korea." Taehyung pointed at his head and nodded. "I'm smart, I know," Taehyung said with a laugh following after his words. Eunwoo clapping his hands and nodding. "So smart." He laughed. After a bit of silence, Eunwoo breathed in and clasped his hands together.

"So... maybe we can catch up over some coffee?" Eunwoo asked Taehyung who kind of just stood there. For some reason... Jungkook's words came into mind. Although it was a year ago... Taehyung remembered the reason behind it but... people change right? "Yeah... yeah sure, I'd like that. Tomorrow?" Taehyung questioned why he felt bad but he wanted this. This little coffee thing would keep him busy. "Great and... just text me the address and time and I'll be there." Eunwoo handed over a piece of paper with his number.

It made Taehyung laugh a bit from how Eunwoo had his number on a paper and ready to be given out. "For sure. I'll see you tomorrow Eunwoo and you, Cory-ah, you enjoy the rest of your day with your uncle." Taehyung tickled underneath Cory's chin before the dogs started to walk again as if on cue. Waving his goodbyes, Taehyung was no longer walking the dogs but the dogs were walking him, how fun.

Jungkook sat on the couch in the living room. The apartment was dark and Jungkook had a glass of wine in his hold. Might have been his fifth glass and his vision was playing tricks on him but it helped him forget. For a moment at least. Walking into the house he thought he would be walking out alone in because he was so convinced that Taehyung was his mate. Everything made so much sense with Taehyung but... Jungkook came out with a mate. It happened so quickly too.

Jungkook remembers well. The moment he stepped in the house everything felt wrong. The moment he stepped into the room where his omega was.. he wanted to leave because in that moment 'mate' chanted through his head. Believe him when Jungkook says he tried to stop but his mate pounced on him first and just like that he lost all his control. All his thoughts. The wolf in him found their mate and.. he couldn't stop even if he tried.

Jungkook couldn't even think over his options or his feelings because of the heat of his mate invading his senses. Then when he did realize what happened, it was too late. He was bonded to his mate and it broke him? It wasn't supposed to feel this way. Jungkook knew this yet why did he feel that way? Skipping over to introducing his mate... he thought Taehyung would be supportive. Someway somehow he knew Taehyung would play through the whole thing but the moment Taehyung left and never came back... he knew everything between them was ruined.

Jungkook felt extremely bad for leading Taehyung on and saying these things but he too convinced himself that they were mates. "Jungkook?" The lights turned on after the voice was heard. A small content smile coming from Jungkook who finished his wine and hummed. "In the living room." Jungkook breathed out and put the glass on the coffee table. "Wow... you're drinking wine." Nari put her bag down and went to sit next to Jungkook. Brushing her fingers through Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook nodded slowly before leaning onto Nari's shoulder. "Is this about... Taehyung perhaps?" Yes, Nari knew about Jungkook's situation with Taehyung. Not the sexual part but he did know that Taehyung and Jungkook were once best friends. Jungkook didn't respond but Nari kept going with her words. "You never told me why you guys just stopped talking... Why?" She asked and this time Jungkook lifted his head off her shoulder. A small smile coming from Jungkook who shook his head. "Doesn't matter. What does matter is..." Jungkook groaned while grabbing the glass.

"I had five? six? glasses of wine and I can no longer see." Jungkook placed his head back on Nari's shoulder. A small giggle coming from the girl who brought Jungkook closer. The two feeling the warmth between them. While doing so though... for the first time in forever, Jungkook imagined that Nari was Taehyung. His hugs were always the best and so warming to Jungkook. Jungkook hasn't done this since they first got together and he did feel bad but... he decided to blame the wine rushing through his system right now.

"I love you," Jungkook spoke in a mumble. Although he said it to Taehyung in his little fantasy world, Nari didn't know that. "I love you too gukkie." She kissed Jungkook's forehead. Oh fucking god Jungkook missed Taehyung too much right now. It didn't last long though because soon enough, Jungkook was passed out on the couch with his mate by his side.

Taehyung laughed along with Eunwoo. It's been an hour now since they came to grab 'coffee' although Taehyung was not a coffee fan and got water instead. Turns outs Eunwoo isn't as bad as Jungkook always spoke of him. They had some things in common and even brought up the time they... did the deed which only ended up with the two laughing from how Eunwoo exposed himself and told Taehyung that he was so fucking nervous. "I don't believe that." Taehyung calmed down from his laughter.

"Believe it because I was scared! Dude, I didn't actually think you'd like... come with me." Eunwoo shrugged. Taehyung smiled at that and shrugged as well. Leaning on the table, Taehyung stirred his straw in the water. "But how is my arch-nemesis huh? Still hating me?" Eunwoo asked and the smile fell from Taehyung who breathed in and breathed out slowly. "Uh... I don't know. Knowing him? probably. Though I haven't been around Jungkook for some while so."

"Explains why you agreed to meet up with me. Jungkook always hated you with me. It was very obvious." The whole conversation about Jungkook and him not wanting Taehyung to be around Eunwoo started to get to Taehyung. Making him think about things. It sucked that Taehyung seriously couldn't get over these stupid words. "You okay?" Eunwoo asked Taehyung who looked at Eunwoo. It took a bit for Taehyung to speak up. "Actually-" and just like that, Taehyung caught eyes on Jungkook from across the street.

The boy was just crossing the street and from the looks of it, he was heading Taehyung's way. "I'm sorry I have to go. It was nice doing this, I'll see you around." Taehyung put down money for his half and got up. Though as he did, Eunwoo stood up to try to stop Taehyung and figure out why he wanted to suddenly leave. "Taehyung hey- hey calm down." Taehyung just wanted to get out of there but when the door opened, he cursed to himself.

"Eunwoo I got to go okay? Just-" Taehyung whispered to Eunwoo and that made Eunwoo confused as he looked back. First Jungkook only glanced but within the same second of looking away, Jungkook looked to see Eunwoo and Taehyung together. Eunwoo having his hand on Taehyung's waist from trying to stop Taehyung from leaving so quickly. Then he understood why Taehyung was leaving. So he let go and Taehyung gulped as he locked eyes with Jungkook again.

This time Taehyung didn't allow it to carry on. Pushing passed Eunwoo and rushing passed Jungkook until he was out the door. Though Jungkook stood there, looking at Eunwoo who looked at Jungkook. Clearing his throat, Eunwoo paid for his half and left soon after. The scene had Jungkook questioning things. Why... Why was Taehyung with Eunwoo? Why did Eunwoo have his hand on Taehyung like that? The anger was building up but he controlled it, somewhat. So he could see Eunwoo but he can't see Jungkook? Shaking his head, Jungkook walked out of the little cafe. No longer in need of a latte.

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