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The three days were amazing for the six. The first day they spent it on the beach, the second day they spent it at the mud festival and enjoyed the fireworks and free concert while the third day- they kind of just roamed around and saw all the things in Boryeong. Including going to the beach and museum. Though- they only had two days left now. Being overly tired, Taehyung slept in that morning while everyone else left to do their own thing.

When Taehyung did wake up though, he felt a little hot. Opening his eyes once noticing the symptoms of his heat, he rushed to his feet and hurried over to his bag. Although he was not exactly freaking out because he knew he had his pills but he did not want to go through the horny feeling for even a second. Though- the panic started to rise as he spilled the things in his bag onto the bed. "No... wait fuck no! no, not again!"

Taehyung groaned, tossing his bag on the floor and grabbed his phone. Then it hit him that he gave Yoongi his pills the second day. Not wanting to go through his heat with Jimin on their trip, Taehyung lent Yoongi his pills and if he was smart enough, he could have gave him some to last him but instead Taehyung gave him the whole fucking bottle. "Pick up. Please please." Taehyung bit on his nail and brought his phone to his ear.

And yet, no one answered. Taehyung tried again and again until he finally gave up when he felt the hot feeling start to rush throughout his body. If Jungkook came back- he couldn't be here. Not again, not ever again will he do that to their friendship. Though where the fuck was he supposed to go? Shaking his head, Taehyung gulped and looked on his phone to search for a local place that maybe sold his prescription pills? Just to keep him from feeling this way for a bit.

Then again... if he were to go outside and the slick started to leak- he would surely be attacked by the alpha's, right? "I'm going to fucking cry." Taehyung looked at himself in the mirror while he again, started to call Jimin and Yoongi. The two not answering whatsoever. "Unless they're fucking dead they should be answering me," Taehyung whined. Breathing in and out, Taehyung tried to get himself together.

The place he found was not that far. If he ran- maybe he could run off the horny feeling? was that even possible? well, shit- he'd have to find out because no way was he staying in the hotel. No way did he want to be in the hotel when Jungkook showed. "Maybe I should invest in a fucking plug since I seem to find myself in these situations. At least then I could stop the scent." Taehyung mumbled to himself and hurried off.

Taehyung made it out of the hotel but when he got fairly far- he bumped into someone. Someone he really shouldn't have bumped into. "Woah- someone is in a ru- o..oh." Taehyung shut his eyes and grabbed at his own shirt. Holding back his breath when the hormones started to heighten. Fuck fuck fuck, he wasn't even close! After the feeling, Taehyung looked up to lock eyes with Eunwoo.

"You shouldn't be out here." Eunwoo's eyes were blown from the moment he got a whiff of Taehyung. "I... I know I just... It's a long story. I need to go." Taehyung tried to run but Eunwoo stepped in front of Taehyung. Taehyung being- well, in heat and horny as hell, the scent of Eunwoo mixed with his own which knocked the breath out of Taehyung only because he was holding back everything in him. "You think it'll be a good idea to run off like this?"

"All the beta's and alpha's can smell you Taehyung. You're lucky you're with me instead of these randoms." For god sake he is random! Taehyung heavily breathed out. This was it, his head started to cloud and the slick was slowly oozing out. "I can help you if you want." Eunwoo gave a side smirk, tilting Taehyung's head up. No, no way in hell was he sleeping with Eunwoo. Jungkook said-

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