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Once the five arrived, they decided to go out and enjoy themselves before checking into the hotel rooms. Since it was still broad daylight- they decided to drive around and see if they wanted to stop anywhere. Not wanting to go shopping just yet because knowing them, they would spend all their money and have nothing left for the rest of the days. "Why don't we go eat first and scope out the area later on?" Jimin suggested as he played with Yoongi's hair.

Taehyung nodded along to that while scooting up to place his chin against Namjoon's chair. "We should check out the coal museum too before we go back to Seoul," Taehyung suggested which had Namjoon smiling. "Already have it on the list. Always gotta visit the museums when we're with you." Namjoon pointed out which had everyone agreeing. With a light blush of embarrassment, he scoffed it off and sat back. "Says the one who is always at the museum." Taehyung mumbled.

Though their day consisted of eating anything they thought would be good and exploring the area. The mud festival has been going on for a week now and was ending in just a few days. Taehyung heard it was best to go on the final weekend since more people would be there and which meant... more chances on finding his mate? He did say he would let it all happen naturally but hey- he needs to at least t r y, right?

"Should we hit the beach for a while?" Hoseok walked up to Taehyung and swung his arm around the male who was stuffing his face with a churro on a stick. Nodding at Hoseok, Taehyung allowed the boy to practically drag him as they walked. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin not far behind them. "We took a lot of great photos today. The sunset would be perfect to end our first day here right?" Hoseok sucked in a breath just imagining the photos they would take.

Taehyung laughed at that and before he could reply, his phone started ringing. Hoseok took his arm off Taehyung and looked at the caller ID. "Mutt... is that Jungkook?" Hoseok asked once seeing the name Taehyung had on the caller ID. Taehyung only hummed as he answered the call and brought the phone up to his ear. "Do you not know how to text back?" Jungkook spoke first.

Taehyung knitted his eyebrows together. "What? My phone has been on silent all day. Excuse me for having fun with my friends." Taehyung scoffed at Jungkook's tone. Now that he thought of it, he scoffed a lot whenever it came to Jungkook. That was a nasty habit he should really stop doing. "You're telling me you haven't looked at your phone once today," Jungkook asked.

Taehyung sucked on his bottom lip before he started to make sounds like he was breaking up. "Gotta-" more sounds, "go." Taehyung hung up and turned off his phone knowing Jungkook would be very pissed but that was not his problem. "He can call Namjoon if it's important." Taehyung smiled to Hoseok who blinked several times. "You guys... are more aggressive towards each other now. Why is that? Like before it was all fun in games but now? it seems different. Did something happ-"

Taehyung shook his head and stopped Hoseok. "No, nothing. I don't know? Nothing happened it's just..." Taehyung couldn't even come up with an excuse. They have been getting more aggressive. Jungkook used to be attached to Taehyung and now he is constantly being called down. As for Taehyung- he is giving Jungkook an attitude almost all the damn time. It was obvious they needed to talk about the whole situation but they already agreed to pretend it never happened.

As they walked, Taehyung was now caught up in his thoughts. If they were pretending they never had sex... then why did their attitude to each other change so much? Why did they seem to hate each other more and more each day? This kind of hit Taehyung a little too hard as he was now the one walking behind everyone. Nibbling on his churro that he now did not want but didn't want to waste it.

"Taehyung." Taehyung broke out of his thoughts when he heard an unfamiliar voice call out for him. Taking a quick look around, Taehyung's eyes landed on a male just feet away from him holding onto a phone. Watching the boy walk up to him, Taehyung's eyes widened. "Eunwoo?!" Cha Eunwoo, Jungkook's ex-best friend before they turned into rivals for what reason? Taehyung still did not know to this day.

Eunwoo smiled at Taehyung while holding out his hand and the phone. "You dropped this. I guess you didn't notice?" Eunwoo asked Taehyung who instantly checked his pockets. Not feeling his phone, Taehyung grabbed onto his phone from Eunwoo's hand. "Oh my god- thank you. I really didn't notice." Taehyung thanked Eunwoo a bunch of times as the boy laughed. "No worries. I would have been embarrassed if it wasn't you though. Long time no see."

"Ah yeah... two years is it? It's nice seeing you." Taehyung looked back to his friends who were waiting for him. "Mm... I don't know but it's been too long. What're you doing here?" Taehyung turned back to Eunwoo with a light gasp. "The mud festival... are you here for that too?" Taehyung asked as Eunwoo nodded. "Good. It'll be nice to see another familiar face there." He bit on his lower lip while Taehyung gulped. "I'll see you there?" Eunwoo asked.

Taehyung nodded at that and said his goodbyes before he hurried to his friends. "Was that... Cha Eunwoo?" Yoongi asked while scratching his nape. Taehyung clearing his throat as he nodded. "The one and only." Namjoon gritted his teeth together while looking towards the beach. "The last person to the beach likes vagina." Namjoon started to run. The boys burst into laughter as they ran.

Yoongi was trying his best to beat everyone and he did- or at least he beat Taehyung who didn't give much of a fight while running. The five enjoyed their evening at the beach. Simply walking in the water or being pushed into the water. Taehyung was being ganged up on as Jimin grabbed Taehyung's legs and Hoseok grabbing his arm. Swinging him into the water as he screamed bloody murder for them to stop. Overall, their first day was one to remember.

They checked in late to the hotel. Namjoon rooming with Taehyung as Yoongi and Jimin got their own room which left Hoseok rooming alone until Jungkook got in. They were all very tired and so they were all quick to fall asleep in their rooms. The next morning coming fast. Taehyung happened to sleep in later than the rest who were gathered in their room. Managing to sleep through the ruckus before Jimin laid himself on top of Taehyung.

"Come on, wakey wakey. We're going to the festival today so we gotta drive a little ways." Jimin explained to Taehyung who only grunted from the boy being on him. The bed was extremely comfortable but nonetheless, he forced himself to wake up but also had to try to breathe as Jimin made Yoongi get on top of him. "These are my final breaths." Taehyung breathed out in a wheeze. "Get off me." his voice sounded scary being him just waking up, his normally deep voice mixing with a wheeze. At least it got Jimin and Yoongi off, right?

Hoseok looked at his phone and nibbled at his lip. "Jungkook just left so he'll be in by the time we're ready to leave," Hoseok spoke while typing back his response to Jungkook. Taehyung sat up once the boys were off him. Now that he was up and still kind of out of it. He wondered if this trip could make him talk through things with Jungkook. He hated how much they've changed and if they had to tell people just to accept what they did then oh well, it was one time.

Taehyung missed his best friend more than anything. Jungkook being his little attached self with his little tantrums that only Taehyung could calm. Now he was just distant and meaner than usual. "I'm gonna shower." Taehyung breathed out and pushed himself off the bed. After grabbing his clothing, Taehyung walked into the bathroom while the boys fooled around. Looking at the mirror, Taehyung closed his eyes just to remember the soft yet rough touches from that one night.

Shaking his head, Taehyung undressed and hopped in the shower after getting the right temperature. Well- he will see how this trip ends either it is Jungkook hating him or things going back to the way it used to be. Taehyung hoped for the second option.

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