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The day was truly beautiful. A light breeze coming into the room from the window that Jimin's mother just opened. Jimin just slipped on his pants and was now slipping off his shirt to replace it with the given shirt. Taehyung watched Jimin from afar with a smile that never left his lips. "You're starting to scare me." Jimin looked at Taehyung with a soft laugh. Walking over and motioning Taehyung to help him, Taehyung did so while scoffing. "Is being happy for you so bad?"

Jimin looked at Taehyung who helped him with his tie and suit. Shaking his head, Jimin breathed in. The day he dreamed of was happening and he couldn't exactly wrap his head around it. "I'm happy you're my best man." Taehyung laughed at that and hummed. "Yeah well I would be very offended if I wasn't." Taehyung took a look at Jimin's suit before stepping back and grabbing his own suit that he still had to put on. "So... about the Jungkook situation?"

Although Taehyung only got like three days to think about the moving situation, he was settled with asking Jungkook to move in. "I'm asking him to move in with me. Maybe sometimes this week but I don't know." Taehyung shrugged while changing right in front of Jimin like it was nothing but at the same time, Jimin treated it like it was nothing while he sipped his water. With a soft chuckle, Jimin hummed. "I can't believe you two are mates. Now you'll be moving in together? That's seriously crazy I didn't think it would happen."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and stepped in front of a mirror to fix himself up. "Says the one who is getting married." Taehyung looked at Jimin from the mirror. "Okay but we all knew Yoongi and I would be getting married. You and Jungkook on the other hand... had a very rough spot I personally didn't think you guys would make up ever." Jimin gave his opinon on the whole situation and Taehyung nodded, agreeing since he was also convinced he and Jungkook would never be together but here they were.

Speaking of Jungkook, the door swung open and Jungkook was peeking his head in. "Ready?" The boy asked Jimin who turned while sipping his water. Quickly gulping that down and a raspy, 'yes' came out. Taehyung looked at Jungkook who nodded before looking at his mate. They gave soft smiles at each other before Jungkook excused himself. Taehyung breathed in and excused himself too, telling Jimin he would be back. "Jungkook, hey." Taehyung stopped Jungkook.

The boy turned around with a hum only to have Taehyung wrap his arms around his neck and bring him in for a well needed kiss. A chuckle coming from the older boy who pulled away. "How's it like over there hm? Everything good with Yoongi?" Taehyung fixed up the little wrinkles on Jungkook's suit. "Yoongi's calm actually. Talking about his future and all a lot though." Jungkook shrugged. Taehyung nodded but found himself looking at Jungkook a little longer. "There it is." Jungkook broke Taehyung out of his headspace.

"What?" Taehyung asked before Jungkook spoke up again. "That thing you do. You just like... look at me for a period of time. What is it?" Jungkook asked since he wanted to know why Taehyung kept doing this while also shrugging it off. Taehyung opened up his mouth but shook his head. "It's not the time right now." The boy cleared his throat and stepped away so Jungkook could hurry back to Yoongi. Though Jungkook only stepped forward to Taehyung.

Only with a single glare, Taehyung rolled his eyes and grabbed a small fistful of Jungkook's tux. "I want..." Taehyung gulped. This was a big topic and he really didn't want to speak about it in the hallway where Jimin and Yoongi were just rooms apart. Though Jungkook wanted to know so... "I want you to move in with me." Taehyung blurted out while locking eyes with Jungkook. "But that's not the only thing I want. I want you to move in and I want to have your pups and just wake up to you. I want a family with you."

"I don't know. I want to move at a slow pace but I've waited a year to have this. To have you and I don't want to wait anymore. I want us... together in a home that we can both grow in." Taehyung watched Jungkook's emotionless expression. Though before Jungkook could react to what Taehyung said, Jimin walked out of the room. "Tae, let's go." Jimin motioned Taehyung to follow as Jimin was the first one to leave the room and make it to his destination.

Taehyung nodded at Jimin before looking at Jungkook. "I'm not saying you have to do this. I know your wolf is still mourning the rejection but... just think about it okay?" Jungkook gave a quick nod as Taehyung smiled and hurried off with Jimin who was supposed to be gone about five minutes ago but whatever, the wedding would still be on even if they were late. "Is he gone?" Yoongi peeked his head out and Jungkook turned quickly with a clouded mind.

"Uh... yeah yeah he's gone. Come on, it's our turn."

It was an outdoor wedding. Something they all really liked, Jimin especially so he could be reminded of their special day whenever he was outside in a pretty setting. Breathing in, Jimin looked at his mother who held onto his arm. Leaning in the kiss Jimin's cheek. While doing so, Taehyung watched from behind in awe. This was the moment he waited for since the two found out they were mates and now it was finally happening.

Not long after the music started and Jimin looked back at Taehyung who gave a thumbs up. First Jimin walked out with his mother who walked him to the alter and then the rest of it all went along. Taehyung watched his best friend with the biggest smile before looking back. There he saw Jungkook looking at him with the purest look. Those doe eyes and bunny smile. Taehyung didn't want to take his eyes off his lover but giving a soft smile and turning away, Taehyung stepped out to the aisle.

Jungkook had his eyes on Taehyung the whole time. Watching him walk down the aisle alone after the ring boy and ring girl decorated the aisle with petals they were given and for a quick second Jungkook got a flash of the future with Taehyung. Where one day this could be them. Instead of being the 'groomsmen' they would be the husbands to be. Taehyung walking down the aisle with his parents... Jungkook looking at Taehyung with so much love in the world.

They would be so happy. Then it was gone as it was his turn to walk down. As he did, he smiled at the ones who had their eyes on him before he looked at Taehyung. Through the crowd he always managed to find Taehyung and only look at him. Is this what it felt like to be truly in love? God he hoped so because he just felt so utterly in love with Taehyung. Thinking about their future right in the middle of Jimin and Yoongi's wedding.

Meanwhile Jimin had his eyes on Yoongi who was with his grandmother. The lady walked down the asile with Yoongi, going at their own pace. Tears were already forming due to the overwhelming happiness. Yoongi even had some while still just barely down the asile but it was more than perfect for the two. When Yoongi was given away by his grandmother, they joined hands and the ceremony began. It was beautiful and everything the couple wished for.

Then it came to the vows. Jimin killed it like he said he would. Had almost everyone crying to his words and by everyone he means his friends. Everyone was emotional, even Jungkook who felt this other type of happiness. Somehow, someway he felt complete. It's been too long since he felt this way and little by little it was like something bad was breaking away and releasing the good within him. It felt like he was coming up for fresh air whenever he looked at Taehyung.

Then it hit Jungkook. This amount of love he was holding for Taehyung right now. The way his heart raced just looking at his mate. The way he felt so utterly complete and happy. 'Mate' rung through his head while looking at Taehyung. There it was. There was the call he waited so long for. Then as the couple kissed to seal their marriage... Taehyung looked at Jungkook. The moment he laid eyes on Jungkook this is when he for the first time ever heard that little voice.

'Mate' came to his head and Taehyung felt like they were the only people there for a minute. For a minute everything else was a blur but for Jungkook. The happiness shared between them was immaculate although they were some feet apart. Then Taehyung realized that Jungkook's wolf accepted the rejection... and was ready to mate with Taehyung. Both breathing in, they smiled at each other. This was the beginning for a new start for everyone. Just how it should be.

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