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After that day... Taehyung avoided Jungkook at all costs. Although he didn't have to try hard considering Jungkook rarely came around. When he did come around... it was for things he left at Taehyung's house. It was an empty feeling definitely for Taehyung because his best friend turned into something more and all these expectations were just... expectations. Oh did Taehyung have big big biiiiigggg regrets now. Because not only did he feel his first heartbreak but... he lost someone so important to him and that was the most heartbreaking thing of them all.

At first, it hurt... or who is Taehyung kidding. It hurt all the time. Not a day did Taehyung go without thinking of Jungkook and the what if's which only hurt him more. Though that was his fault for thinking of such things. What hurt most though? Was Jungkook not even trying to contact him in any way. Which was for the best he guessed... it just hurt. So many memories in that room, that house and so Taehyung started apartment seeking.

The second month without Jungkook and everyone started questioning why they weren't seeing each other anymore. A simple 'we're both busy' always came from Taehyung who was focused on his new life, a new chapter. Job searching, apartment searching to keep Jungkook off his mind. Which worked for a while before it all started to sink in again. Not even sure why this whole feeling fiasco hit Taehyung so hard. Maybe it was because of how close they were.

Everything changed though and Taehyung had to move on. So he did... somewhat but that was better than nothing right? — Now being almost a year without Jungkook in his life, Taehyung was well off. Somedays got lonely but other times he was pretty occupied with his life. Finally adulting in this huge scary world. Or well- okay maybe not adulting adulting but like he did have a job.

... That included him taking dogs for walk but! It was a great job! Taehyung loved dogs and so he was happy with his low paying job. It wasn't much but it was enough for him and that was all that mattered for Taehyung. Since the day Jungkook turned eighteen... every connection with Jungkook was cut. For some reason, the pain was unbearable sometimes. It sucked but Taehyung wanted to feel happy... not have an ache in his heart. So he did what was best for him. Starting a new chapter without Jungkook was what was best for him.

Taehyung dropped Jungkook from his life completely. Selfish maybe? Then again if Jungkook wanted to have Taehyung in his life, he could have called. Did he though? Not once and it didn't matter... it really didn't. Breathing in, Taehyung opened his eyes after exhaling. Currently walking home from the day of walking dogs and all that fun stuff that included his feet cramping up from all the walking, fun times. What added to the day though? The storm rolling in.

The breeze soon turned into high winds which only chilled him and then started the thunder. Sun is gone, lightening from afar- the only thing missing was- when it started raining cats and dogs. Taehyung closed his eyes with a huff. Okay, today was not his day. Seeing some people rush around and some disappear into a restaurant, Taehyung followed in only to be told to leave if he was not ordering anything. Though he was not going into the storm, hell with that.

Taehyung sat on a booth and sighed, shivering lightly from his damp shirt before taking the menu he was given. Thanking the male who was serving him. While he was waiting, Taehyung looked out the window and watch the rain roll in. The gusty winds causing a whistling sound from whatever crack there was in the restaurant. The rumbling of thunder followed by the lightening coming down causing Taehyung to jump and move away from the window.

Not a fan of storms, Taehyung grabbed out his phone and looked through some photos he took earlier that day. Getting into photography, Taehyung was proud of the photos that he took. Editing one or two before he heard a ding that signalled a new person walking in. Wanting to see how drenched this person was or thought this person would be drenched, Taehyung looked up. In which he wished he never bothered looking up or even entering this restaurant.

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