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"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Taehyung's mother grabbed her coat and stopped at the door to look at Taehyung. Shaking his head, Taehyung breathed out. "Visiting him while he was alive was enough. Don't overdo yourself either okay?" Taehyung leaned on the door as he looked at his father Chul who rubbed Miyoung's shoulders. "We're only staying for the burial. Don't worry, I got her." Chul smiled at Taehyung who chuckled and nodded.

Watching them leave, Taehyung shut the door and looked around the empty house. It's been such a long while since he's been alone in his parent's house. Rolling his shoulders back, Taehyung took out his phone and walked to the living room where he laid on the couch and scrolled on his feed. Nothing really happening which only made it all very boring to be on his phone.

Taehyung hasn't been much of a social media person lately- or these past couple months at least. Deciding he loved living in the moment of things and not online. It was beautiful really once he got off his phone and outside into the world. Although the world could be pretty scary sometimes. It was nice to enjoy the wind, the creatures, and all that. Though right now he was cooped up in his parent's house just... chilling?

As he scrolled through his feed though, he saw that Hoseok posted a few pictures. The sudden urge to message Hoseok was strong for Taehyung and so he did so. It's been a long while since Taehyung conversed with Hoseok and this was the second-best thing? He would have loved meeting up with Hoseok in person though. He could most definitely use a friend right now. That all worked out though as Hoseok invited Taehyung out.

Guess they could say they both needed someone. With a content smile, Taehyung agreed on a night out with Hoseok and was closing his phone. This was what he needed. A night out with Hoseok to forget about everything going on around him. Just one night of forgetting everything would be okay. So with that, Taehyung pushed all his thoughts aside and was up from the couch. Just about to walk up to his empty room until he realized he no longer lived here and his clothes were at home. Great... okay, he'll get ready later on after his parents are home.

When they got home, Taehyung was ready with open arms for his mother who had a huge loving smile once she saw her son doing what he was doing. Putting her bag down and hugging her giant son. "I'm so proud of you for going, mom." Taehyung rubbed her back and she hummed. "Me too. To our surprise, there were only four of us." Taehyung almost choked from hearing that. Four people at his father's funeral? That's- wow okay that is sad... "I- what? Who?" Taehyung asked curiously while following his mother into the living room where she rubbed her feet from standing so long.

"Your father and I plus his sister and one of his nephews I would assume. We didn't talk." She breathed out and shrugged while Taehyung sat there in shock. Although he was well aware of what his father did to him all those years... he kind of felt bad? "I should have gone right? I don't know I should've-" Taehyung looked at his hands that his mom was now holding. Shaking her head, she smiled at Taehyung. "You saw him while he was alive Taehyung."

Taehyung gulped at the memory. How his 'father' laid in the hospital bed. How they locked eyes for a few minutes and that was it. The softened gaze had him thinking... what would his father say to him? Would he apologize? Would he not acknowledge his wrongs? Taehyung was filled with curiosity but there was nothing he could do now. This was good because anytime Taehyung thought deeply about these matters, he would only have a panic attack.

"I could have never faced him again. I had a hard time just looking at his casket. You did your part in wanting to see him before his death. I couldn't ask for any more from you." She said with tears in her eyes. Taehyung knew this whole situation was tough on his mother. Due to them being mates. With his dad, Chul, they weren't mates. Though they loved each other endlessly and that was all they both needed. "I love you mom." Taehyung cupped her face and she chuckled. "I can't believe I raised such a gentleman." She cooed.

Taehyung shook his head. Carrying on with their conversation, Taehyung decided to stay a little longer before he would ask for a ride home. Wanting to cook a meal with his parents before he went to enjoy himself. Although at this moment, he was certainly enjoying himself. Eventually, that came to end as Taehyung watched the buildings pass from in the vehicle. "Was she really okay?" Taehyung asked his father who looked at Taehyung while they were at a stoplight.

Chul gulped before breathing in. "It was hard Tae. Your mom... she loved him. She was meant to love him until his death and even more. It was... hard for her. Though as hard as it was... she felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders." Chul explained to Taehyung who nodded. "I don't tell you this often but I'm thankful you are there for my mom... and for taking me in as your own. I wouldn't choose anyone better." They were a pretty emotional family as Chul teared up but played it off at allergies. It was funny but very special.

When Taehyung got inside he wasted no time to get into the shower and get ready for his night out with Hoseok. Within half an hour Taehyung was ready and Hoseok was right on time. "Wow Taetae, nice place." Hoseok whipped around as Taehyung laughed. "Taetae? Seriously?" Taehyung scoffed at the nickname. "Oh shut up. You're not old and Taetae is a cute nickname." Hoseok nudged Taehyung who rolled his eyes and nudged Hoseok. "Come on. I want to spend some quality time with the missing Hyung."

"Missing Hyung? Is that my new nickname? I love it." Hoseok walked out of the apartment with a laugh, arms wide open as he took a whiff of the air. "Smells like a good night." He breathed in and out. Taehyung laughed at that and locked his door before he was off with Hoseok.

Once in the club it didn't take long for the two to take the dance floor. Taehyung wanted to see how long he could last without having a drink but Hoseok was kind of hurting for one which had Taehyung questioning if Hoseok was drinking a lot. "Come on Hoseokie, just dance with me. Maybe someone will buy you a drink." Taehyung winked playfully but Hoseok scoffed. "I'm an alpha Taehyung, I buy the drinks." He sloppily swayed his hips along with Taehyung.

"Okay then buy me a drink." Taehyung batted his eyelashes but they both cringed at Taehyung's doing. "I'll buy you a drink if you never do that again." Hoseok laughed at Taehyung who nodded and clung to Hoseok. It was a club filled with drunk and horny alpha's, omega's, beta's so he had to be careful considering he just had to be categorized with the weaklings. At least that is what a lot of the higher rankings call them.

Now at the bar, Taehyung watched Hoseok take shot after shot. Eyes widening... Taehyung was now sure that Hoseok has been drinking a lot if he could go shot after shot after shot without facial expression. "Woah there... we just got here," Taehyung warned Hoseok who shrugged it off. "Don't worry about me. Go on, your turn." Hoseok nudged Taehyung to go. Looking at the shot, he scrunched up his nose before nodding and taking it. Then he was forced to take another one but that was it because with those two shots, he would be good for the night.

Then just like that Taehyung forgot everything that was going on around him. The death of his father and most importantly... Jungkook. For some reason he still felt the hurt but it didn't make sense anymore for Taehyung to be feeling this way. Taehyung didn't feel the empty feeling right now though. Right now all he wanted to do was dance but Hoseok only wanted to drink so Taehyung was left with himself and well... fuck it. Taehyung walked away from Hoseok but didn't stray too far.

This was what Taehyung yearned for. Just a night out without feeling anything. Right now he felt numb and happy... and he loved it.

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