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Everything was great before Jungkook showed up again. Maybe not perfect but Taehyung was getting through his days easier without Jungkook. Just hearing that voice again... seeing the boy who used to make his days so full triggered something within Taehyung. The anger and hurt stirring together just caused a big mess for Taehyung and his emotions. Walking into his apartment soaking wet, Taehyung shut the door and looked into nothing.

Letting everything sink in... Taehyung couldn't hold back anymore. All these months he pushed Jungkook aside. Tried not to think about him and the memories they shared. Taehyung was moving forward with his life and... oh my god. Taehyung slid down on the door as his breathing became uneven. Like he couldn't breathe anymore and his throat was closing up. Closing his eyes only for the tears to finally fall. All those months away from Jungkook and it still hurt so fucking much.

Taehyung dragged his feet against the floor in a kicking motion as he hit his palm at his forehead. "Make it stop please," Taehyung whispered out in a gasping breath. "I don't want to feel this anymore please, please oh my god please," Taehyung begged and begged for the pain in his heart to go away. Taehyung did not know who he was begging? Maybe he was begging himself to stop feeling these feelings. Why were they still so strong? and why did it hurt so much? These feelings should have been long gone.

Taehyung rested his head against the door and tried to catch his breath. The memories with Jungkook flooding his mind. The day Jungkook convinced him they were mates always came to mind. How determined he was and how they looked at each other. How Jungkook kissed him so gently... it was a moment that always warmed his heart in some way. Not forgetting about the pup thing too, that was also a sweet memory to think about but... it was just a memory now.

The hurt in his heart... was this normal? Was this suppose to happen? A normal crush thing should not be this painful so why is Taehyung feeling like this? It was silly. Taehyung knew that but he can't help what he feels. Although he wishes he could, he can't. Shakily breathing out, Taehyung eventually started to stand from the door he slid down on. The boy was shaking from how cold he was and the storm was not helping his situation.

Though Taehyung got ahold of himself. Pushed all his feeling aside and... tried to forget about Jungkook, again. Would it work? Longshot but... maybe this time it will be successful.

"It's cute right?" Yoongi pressed himself against Taehyung who looked at the venue for their wedding. Yoongi and Jimin got engaged just a few months ago but Yoongi has been in planning mode since the second Jimin and he were engaged. Although he was not there- he got a video of Jimin proposing and it was the sweetest thing ever. And since he was not there, Yoongi decided Taehyung would have to help him plan in which Taehyung did not mind at all.

"It's all so cute Yoongi." Taehyung approved before looking at Jimin who looked through Yoongi's suggestions for the decorations. "Whatever you love, I love." Jimin smiled at Yoongi lovingly. Yoongi smiling at that and kissing Jimin before turning to Taehyung. "This is why I need your opinion. Jimin is no help with this 'Whatever you love I love' bullcrap." Jimin's smile fell as Yoongi kept talking. Yoongi quick to turn back to Jimin. "Though!! I love how supporting my soon to be husband is. So cute, I love it." Yoongi pinched Jimin's cheeks.

Taehyung couldn't help but laugh at the two while he slowly nodded. "No no, I get it. Maybe go with a back up plan though just in case the weather is not good that day." Taehyung gave back the planner while Yoongi nodded while sitting back. "True true, I could get right on that. Though... you're coming right? Because... he's invited too." Taehyung bit at his lip before he shrugged. "I don't know. I'll find a way to make it work?" Jimin popped his head up from behind Yoongi.

"We both have huge families so there are gonna be a lot of other people there. So you don't necessarily have to see him. We could even place you someplace far away. Maybe the water." Jimin nodded with his idea. Taehyung looking offended before he laughed a bit. "Yeah okay and maybe I'll become a merman and slap you into the next dimension with my flipper." Taehyung gave a nice loving smile. Yoongi laughing at the two.

"Jeeze. It was just an option." Jimin rolled his eyes though Taehyung knew he was just joking around. "I don't know though. We still have six months so we'll see. Who knows... maybe I'll find my mate?" Taehyung shrugged while walking to the kitchen to grab water. The two other boys following. "But... not to give u false hope but... what if you don't?" Right so... eventually Taehyung had to tell someone about his situation with Jungkook since whenever they hung out, he usually declined.

Now both Yoongi and Jimin know about the whole Jungkook and Taehyung thing. Including that Taehyung lost his virginity to Jungkook so it was... something. "I get that this crush thing hurts but come on Tae... It's almost a year." Yoongi bit his lip while leaning on the table. Taehyung nodded at that with a saddened expression. "Yeah I know and If I could just drop these feelings I would. He was my best friend for the longest time. I would give anything to have that again but these... these feelings are just." Taehyung shook his head.

"The point is, I'm trying. So please can we drop the topic?" Taehyung looked at the two. A small nod coming from Yoongi. "Of course. Of course mm, Jimin, and I should be going anyway. We have an appointment for a venue." Yoongi held out his arms for Taehyung to come to hug him but since Taehyung took too long, he walked away instead. "Oh come on! I was coming!" Taehyung followed Yoongi. "Too slow. Maybe next time." Yoongi swatted Taehyung away but Taehyung only forced Yoongi into a hug in which Yoongi only stood there with a smug smile.

Jimin then hugged Taehyung and Yoongi. "You ruined it," Taehyung mumbled while pulling away. Jimin having a dull expression while looking at Taehyung. "You're meaner than usual. Is your heat coming?" Before Taehyung could say anything back, Yoongi rushed Jimin out of the apartment. "Mutt." Taehyung huffed out and shut the door once the two were gone. A faint 'I heard that' coming from Jimin.

Taehyung walked back to the empty kitchen and stood there for a moment. Due to the whole Jungkook and Taehyung thing... their friend group kind of just drifted. Taehyung regrets a lot of things now but especially having his best friends drift from him. Sure he saw Yoongi and Jimin pretty much every week but Namjoon and Hoseok... well, it was a different story. Taehyung found out pretty late when Namjoon and Hoseok announced they were mates and have been mates since the prime age of eighteen but held back from telling anyone.

Which was a shock to Taehyung since he never expected anything from the two but hey... that happened. Then a couple of months later, Namjoon came over to Taehyung's place crying so freaking hard that Taehyung knew what happened before Namjoon could even speak. Hoseok rejected Namjoon and ever since then... he's never seen Namjoon and Hoseok together. Seeing Namjoon here and there every month but with Hoseok it was kind of like he just disappeared. Though his excuse was he was busy with work.

So their friend group was a mess. Yoongi and Jimin though? they were living well. Taehyung was glad at least they were happy with the life they were living. So no matter the situation in six months... Taehyung would have to suck it up and attend the wedding that he helped plan, somewhat. Taehyung put the cups into the sink and got to cleaning them. Just a day ago he met Jungkook after almost a year and broke down completely and today he was fine. Totally okay.

Taehyung didn't plan on seeing Jungkook anyway. Not anytime soon at least. Six months was enough time for Taehyung to get rid of these feelings. Not like he wasn't trying for the past year but now he felt kind of eased after the argument or well after speaking to Jungkook in a very aggressive way. Whatever he was fine. It was fine.

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