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Taehyung watched Hoseok and Namjoon play fight by the car as he paid for the snacks. The car ride was only an hour out but the way they snacked? It was going to be a l o n g ride for them. "Babe! stop!" Namjoon pointed at Hoseok who smiled and back hugged Namjoon with a chuckle. "Babe? You guys are moving forward huh." Taehyung walked over with the bag of snacks. The two looked at Taehyung with a light blush. "It's nothing." Namjoon gulped and walked to the passenger side.

Taehyung looked at Hoseok who let his smile fall while biting onto his lower lip. "You two are going to end up together. You're mates." Taehyung rubbed Hoseok's arm. The boy forced a smile and hummed. "Let's go find out something about your mate now yeah?" Hoseok nudged Taehyung. With a deep breath, Taehyung nodded and got into the vehicle. There he connected his phone to the Bluetooth in which he played his music just to break the silence in the vehicle.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was out of the house and in a hospital getting his arm bandaged up. He didn't bother getting it all bandaged up before because he was able to still move it and all but after a couple of hours it started to swell and now he had a sprained wrist with bruises all over the place. He watched the nurse put a splint on his arm and that was it before she gave him the information he needed and painkillers, just in case.

Though in this situation he would be healed within the next two days or even less. The perks of being a true blood alpha huh? Then again if he was just a regular alpha then maybe he wouldn't have punched a brick wall thinking he was tough enough for that. Maybe he would have made the right decision of not mating his mate because the hormone levels wouldn't be so high. Maybe he would have been happy with his life with Taehyung if he was not a true blood.

Hopefully, that would change though. Jungkook wanted to get this all off his shoulders now. He planned to go talk to Taehyung and clear things up. Wanted to tell Taehyung that he is what he wants. Taehyung is the person he wants and if Taehyung doesn't want him back then that is totally okay. Of course, it would break his heart but he would rather know now than later and keep dragging everything along. There was a lot of drama and too much of a mess to clean up which he probably could never clean that mess.

Even if Taehyung did not want him he planned to leave Nari. Start new with his life again just like Taehyung? He wasn't sure how that would work but at the same time it was one thing to look forward to. Then again Jungkook wasn't thinking about if Taehyung said he wanted him too. Then what would happen? Jungkook knew Taehyung too well to know that Taehyung wouldn't just open his arms for Jungkook just like that. Taehyung is stubborn... too stubborn sometimes and so he wasn't expecting much from Taehyung but just an answer.

"Thank you." Jungkook bowed a bit to the nurse before leaving the room and walking down the halls. Just as he was doing so though he thought about Taehyung and how happy they could be with each other. When they were together or... when they were 'fuck buddies' they talked about the future a lot even when they were unsure what the future held. Talking about pups... that was a big step for both of them and Jungkook still to this day would have Taehyung carry his pups.

Everything would fall into place eventually, soon enough everything would feel okay. Or at least that is what Jungkook felt like could happen after this talk with Taehyung. He just had to figure out where Taehyung was and when he should try to talk to Taehyung. Taking out his phone he decided to text Jimin since it was known that they are best friends. Before it was Taehyung and Jungkook and now it is Taehyung and Jimin so... yeah.

"Hey Jimin." Jungkook nibbled his bottom lip while pushing the door open. "Jungkook? Is this the Jeon Jungkook calling me?" Jimin looked at his phone out of confusion though he did have a huge smile from hearing from Jungkook. It's been such a long time since Jungkook and Jimin talked so it was a very happy feeling although he was confused too. "Yeah yeah it's me. I've been... mate stuff but listen... I need to talk to Taehyung and you're the best friend now."

"Hold up, so are you saying I am the rebound best friend?" Jimin sounded offended but Jungkook couldn't help but smile. At that moment he realized how much he missed his friends. All of them together joking around. Before he used to get so mad and annoyed but just... it was good conversing with Jimin. "Shut up. I was wondering if you saw Taehyung or know where he is? I really need to talk to him but I uh... I'm scared to actually phone him so."

Jimin's eyes widened at that. Jungkook was scared to phone Taehyung? Well, ain't that a first huh? At least for Jimin it was a first hearing Jungkook admit he was scared. "He's with Hoseok and Namjoon today actually. Should be home by tonight? I'll text you when he is and give you the address?" Jimin felt a little relieved knowing Jungkook was going to talk to Taehyung since it's been a long long while but little did he know Jungkook and Taehyung saw each other already. Although it wasn't the ideal meet up with each other.

"Yeah okay, yeah that sounds great. Thank you, Jimin." Jungkook stopped walking to take a deep breath in and out. "Should I... be looking forward to hanging out with the group very soon?" Jimin asked, hinting Jungkook who smiled again. Clicking his tongue, Jungkook nodded even when Jimin couldn't see. "That's the plan, yes. Tell Yoongi I can't wait to see him." Jungkook said his goodbyes to Jimin before hanging up and just like that, he carried on his day and kept himself busy until he could go talk to Taehyung.

"This totally is not creepy at all." Taehyung looked at the old worn-out house they've been parked outside of for some while now. "I mean... if you go missing you will be missed." Namjoon nodded with his own words while looking at the house. Taehyung looked at Namjoon from the back with his mouth open. "Yeah, thanks for the comfort Namjoon." Taehyung sighed before eating his last chip in the bag. "Okay... I'll keep the emergency contact by on dial just in case." Taehyung whispered to himself.

When stepping out of the vehicle Taehyung felt nervous. There were a lot of emotions shooting through him right now but he mostly felt nervous. Taehyung didn't know this woman nor heard much about her but there was a chance he would find out about his mate and that chance was all he needed. Stepping in front of the door Taehyung took a deep breath before knocking on the door and when it opened Taehyung plastered on a smile towards the lady that had the same smile.

"Kim Taehyung is it? I've been waiting for you to come out of that vehicle for some while now." She gently laughed at Taehyung who became speechless. Of course she would know they were outside her place. They're parked right in front of her house. "I'm sorry- I." Taehyung tried to find the words but she shook her head and opened the door more. "No worries. It takes a little courage to do something so extreme. Come in." She motioned Taehyung to walk into the house.

Taehyung gave a nod and listened to the middle-aged woman. Walking into the house, Taehyung took a look around and took off his shoes and slipped on the slippers the lady offered. "Water or tea?" She turned to Taehyung who let out a long 'uh' before answering. "Water would be great, thank you." Taehyung bowed his head only to have her snickering and patting his head. "Make yourself comfortable and I'll grab you a glass." She said while walking off to her kitchen.

Taehyung watched her walk off before his eyes wandered. The house outside was so much more different than the inside. It was comfortable and warming and it just... it did feel like home for Taehyung as he walked into the living room and looked at the few pictures on the walls. Until he heard the woman clearing her throat. "Not the home you expected?" She gave a gentle smile while placing the cup on the coffee table. Taehyung shook his head while going over to seat himself on the couch.

"A lot of people think I'd have some background of murder considering how my house looks outside. Not a first good impression right?" She breathed in before exhaling. She's gone through this one too many times to not know what people think about her home. "But tell me about yourself. So I can get a little insight on your life. How everything has been since you turned eighteen?" She explained to Taehyung who nodded at that and start to think of where to start. Until eventually everything started to flow and Taehyung was talking about his life with a stranger but it felt so good to spill things to somebody who would actually listen.

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