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Taehyung looked at the door to his apartment before entering it. The door was still unlocked so... it meant. "Hey, you're back." Eunwoo smiled while drying his hands with a cloth. "I decided to wait up for you. Cleaned up a bit and-" Taehyung couldn't hold back from his words as he stood by the door that was still open. Tightly holding onto the doorknob. "I know why Jungkook hated you so much." Taehyung gulped. "And I should have listened to him. I should have listened to Jungkook because you're... you're a bad guy. You..."

Eunwoo froze at those words as he looked at Taehyung who didn't look at him. Eunwoo felt his hands shaking as he shook his head. "Taehyung... there are always two sides." Eunwoo approached Taehyung and pulled him into the apartment before shutting the door. Taehyung looked at Eunwoo for a moment, his eyes widened in fear. "So what? She made up a story and Jungkook was defending a lie? Jungkook just told me to stay from you because you didn't tell him that you'd rape me too?"

Eunwoo looked away from Taehyung and shook his head over and over. "No no.. no." He whispered over and over. Taehyung watched Eunwoo closely before Eunwoo approached Taehyung and held onto his shoulders in which Taehyung only stepped away from Eunwoo. "It... It was a mistake okay? We were at a party and... and I was fucked up! I had too many drinks and I thought... I thought she wanted it okay? I fucked up I really did but... I thought she wanted it.. She was all over me that night—"

"Did she say yes?" Taehyung looked at Eunwoo with so much hatred it was something he hasn't felt in a long time. Eunwoo only stood there as he tried to remember back but he knew. He knew she didn't say yes. Taehyung knew the answer too. "Go." Taehyung said weakly but as Eunwoo looked up, he raised his voice. "Get out of my apartment now! Please! Go!" Taehyung opened the door and waited for Eunwoo to leave.

"I was in high school! I... I told her I was sorry. I... I thought she wanted it okay? Taehyung please... I said all those things about you to Jungkook because I was stupid! I didn't know what the hell I was doing-" Taehyung walked up to Eunwoo and slapped him. "And yet that doesn't give you one damn right to say such words. It doesn't give you a right to feel okay with yourself after what you did to her! You took something from her and you look totally okay with yourself! You don't get to feel okay! Now get out!"

Taehyung pointed out the door and just like that Eunwoo stepped out but even so he tried to explain himself. Though Taehyung slammed the door and locked it before he stood there, taking deep breathes. Just before he left Namjoon's place... they called the lady too. She actually lived an hour out and they booked an appointment as soon as they could which was tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the day Taehyung would find out something about his mate. He needed this so bad because right now in life everything felt so against him.

It got to the point where Taehyung started thinking if he could truly win this battle with himself. It got him thinking if maybe he just got rid of himself then he would finally feel an ounce of happiness. Mistake after mistake and Taehyung was tired. He was so so tired and he just... he wanted to know something about his mate to keep him going. To keep him on his feet for a little while longer. Sitting on the couch after locking his door, Taehyung took a deep breath in.

"Is it Taehyung?" Jungkook looked up from his seat and looked at his mate with a shocked expression. She just got back after being gone for hours on hours. Now that she was home she wanted to talk. "I'm taking the look on your face as a yes." She sniffled and put her leg over her other leg. Biting her lip, Nari breathed out and wiped away the tears. Jungkook opened his mouth but nothing came out. It took a while for Jungkook to actually speak though.

"You have to understand that... I had feelings for him long before you. I tried not having those feelings with you but... I can't. I want to be able to love you as a mate should. I want to be all those things but I'm not because I love... I love Taehyung and I should love you. This whole time I wasn't being honest with you nor was I being honest with myself. " Jungkook spilled what he has been wanting to say. Although she didn't want to listen as she stood up and started to pace while Jungkook was speaking to her.

"No." She cried out and stopped Jungkook from talking in which he did. "You're supposed to love me! Everything else should cancel out! You're my mate! You-..." She sat back and cried into her hands. For her part, she was broken because she really did love Jungkook. The bond made that so much stronger and it felt like she was holding onto a strand that was breaking by the minute. "You're supposed to love me." She said while looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook knew he should feel some sort of hurt but he didn't. He felt guilty for dragging her through this just to tell her he is in love with Taehyung but... he didn't think he would still have these feelings for Taehyung. "I'm sorry." Is all he could say to her because Jungkook didn't have anything else to say really. "I want you to be happy but... I want to be happy too. I don't how to do that because I've tried getting over Taehyung. I've tried for months on months and they are still there. They still linger and I still want him. I'm sorry Nari I just... I don't love you as I should."

They both looked at each other for the longest time before Nari started to nod before breaking eye contact and looking elsewhere. "So that's it?" She whispered out and this time Jungkook felt pain but it wasn't him. It was the bond holding them together. "That's it." Jungkook finished off the question she was waiting for. Nari let out a sigh that turned into a cry. Everywhere hurt for her as Jungkook watched, trying to feel some sort of pain for her but he couldn't. It's been like that for a while. The first time it happened he should have known they weren't going to make it.

"So now what?" Nari calmed herself down and looked at Jungkook with a hum while playing with her fingers. "We reject-" Jungkook tried to suggest they reject each other but that didn't go as he planned. "No, I mean about Taehyung. Does he love you the same?" Nari asked Jungkook who furrowed his eyebrows. No doubt about it he knew Taehyung loved him the same but somehow he couldn't say it. "Because if he doesn't... you're going to end up alone and I'll be alone for no reason. So before we do anything I want you to make sure that Taehyung wants you the same because... we're mated and unless you have a perfectly good reason to leave me then... you're not leaving me."

Jungkook processed everything pretty quickly. "I." Is all Jungkook could choke out. "Until then you're still my mate." Nari gave one last glance at Jungkook before she left the room and entered the bathroom. Jungkook sat there in shock before sitting back. Jungkook knew Taehyung loved him... l o v e d is the word but after their fight and everything that was said... he wasn't so sure anymore. Then again he would rather end up alone than be unhappy with someone. Breathing out, Jungkook fell back onto the couch and looked at the ceiling. This was one hell of a rollercoaster.

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