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Jungkook looked at Taehyung who just finished making ramen for the two. The boy didn't bother to mention the mishap between his father and Nari. For one- he didn't want to upset Taehyung and make him overthink because knowing Taehyung... he will overthink and it will exhaust him only to lead into bad situations so he kept quiet. Then again he didn't like that he was holding this back and holding onto the anger since he couldn't talk about it.

"Kook?" Taehyung repeated after two times of asking Jungkook what drink he wanted. The boy shook his head and cleared his throat before humming so Taehyung could carry on with what he was about to say. "Are you okay?" Taehyung asked Jungkook while closing the fridge and leaving the kitchen to sit next to Jungkook on the couch. The boy plastered on a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm great. Why?" Jungkook tried to act as if it was all fine but he was not the best actor when it came to showing emotions. Anybody would know how Jungkook felt by his facial expressions.

"And you're lying to me because?" Taehyung adjusted himself better to sit on the couch while facing Jungkook. The boy let out a sigh and followed with a laugh. "You know me too well I don't know how I feel about it." Jungkook laid back on the couch and looked at the ceiling. Shaking his head lightly, Jungkook spoke up after a while of being quiet. "The reason I couldn't stay the night last night was because my dad decided to phone Nari and tell her all this bullshit about me thinking we made a mistake so she came over thinking we could fix this."

Jungkook slowly turned to Taehyung who didn't show much expression but he nodded. "But I told them both that I love you. That I want you." Jungkook sighed. "And I feel like I'm repeating my words every single day because if they're not believing me, you're not. And I'm not picking a fight this is genuinely how I feel but... You always doubt my love. I love you so much and I'll choose you every single time but it's tiring trying to prove my love every single day just so you don't think I'm going to run off to find her. I don't want her." Jungkook reassured.

Taehyung bit at his lip and looked down at his lap. He twiddled with his fingers before taking a sharp breath in. Taehyung did realize he was insecure in their relationship and it wasn't healthy of course. Taehyung knew he could trust Jungkook and he does! Sometimes at least because sometimes his head gets to him and sometimes he thinks he is not worth the fight. Though... all the reminders that Jungkook would choose him all the time? It gave him so much reassurance.

Taehyung had a soft smile on his face before grabbing Jungkook's hand and holding it lightly. Clicking his tongue, Taehyung leaned in to kiss Jungkook's cheek. "So about the tattoo's. You think we can get them today?" Taehyung suggested with his smile growing bigger by the second. Jungkook's eyes widened. "What?" He asked confusingly but in a happy sort of way. Shaking his head to forget he just asked 'what' he quickly agreed. "Yeah! Yeah I can make a couple calls but..." Jungkook found himself smiling like an idiot. "I love you. Wow I love you so much."

Taehyung laughed at Jungkook but found it so so adorable that Jungkook looked so giddy at the thought of them getting tattoo's. "Wait I had a couple ideas I drew out." Jungkook got up from the couch and hurried over to his bag that was in Taehyung's room. While Jungkook did that, Taehyung grabbed the bowl of ramen and ate as his mind wondered. So if Jungkook's father said all those things to Nari, whatever he said, that means that Minjun doesn't support their decision, right?

Taehyung tried not to overthink it but the thought of Minjun not supporting them kind of bothered him. This is Jungkook's father they are talking about. Having them support the idea of them was something Taehyung really wanted. The boy closed his eyes and put the ramen aside. Whatever... he loves Jungkook and he self sabotaged himself enough times. Jungkook is his happiness and so what if his father doesn't accept it. It is their relationship.

"Right here! Okay look I personally like this one." Jungkook flipped through the pages trying to find the one he liked although Taehyung saw a couple other drawings. It was so freaking cute just seeing the Jungkook put so much thought into the drawings that would soon be on their body. "This one." Jungkook said excitedly. The drawing was of two fingers against each other with 'T' drawn onto one and a 'J' drawn onto the other with a purple heart just below the initial.

"It's not anything big because I know you don't like pain... and needles but they're meaningful right? The heart repersents the love we have for our each other, the J and T represents us and that we belong to each other and the purple... to be honest I just didn't want red. Red is overrated." Jungkook sucked on his bottom lip after explaining to Taehyung who was so head over heels for Jungkook right now. "Oh and!" Jungkook flipped the pages.

"This one too. It's simple like the other one but we could get the date we started dating in roman numerals on our ring fingers. It's my second choice but it's cute too." Jungkook realized how much of an actual girl he was being but at the same time it was nice being excited about something he really wanted to do. Adding Taehyung into the equation? Made everything even more better. "I purple you." Taehyung spoke out his new word.

"... What?" Jungkook asked with confusion while Taehyung kissed Jungkook's lips and whispered against his lips. "I... purple... you." He said slowly while also pulling away. "The purple heart. The heart represents the love for each other but the purple represents our new saying. I love you is too... overrated. I purple you." Taehyung smiled at his new idea. It didn't take twice for Jungkook to think over the idea as he nodded. "So that one? We'll get the purple heart one?"

"How about both? They're both small and you seem to like both of them very much. I love them both. They will both represent a special saying and special day. I want both." Jungkook really didn't want to look too excited but his facial expression gave it away and with that he put his book to the side and pushed Taehyung back onto the couch just to place kisses everywhere and anywhere that he could while Taehyung giggled and begged for Jungkook to stop but of course he didn't. The both in a fit of laughter.

Jungkook finished with a quick but yet long awaited kiss. Pulling away and getting up. "I'll make a few calls and... yeah okay. I need my phone." Taehyung rested his hands on his tummy while watching Jungkook get up and walk away. With a sigh, Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair and looked up at the ceiling. Their pace was nice don't get him wrong. Taking things slow was nice but the other half of him really wanted to do all the couple things mates do.

Like moving in for example. Considering their situation and how long they knew each other plus how long they waited to have each other... it didn't seem that big of a step but more of a right step to a better path for them. Though Taehyung thought he should probably think that decision over a few times before asking Jungkook. For now he would enjoy what he had right now but right now he needed answers from Jungkook's father.

Taehyung got up from the couch and slipped out of the apartment where he grabbed his phone and looked for Minjun's number. With a gulp, Taehyung pressed call and waited for the answer. Ring after ring Taehyung was about to hang up before he heard the voice. Kind of spooked himself since he was just about to hang up and so he looked at the phone and then put it against his ear. "Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung asked.

"Mm." A hum came from Minjun who clarified that it was him on the phone. "Sorry to bother you. You're probably a busy man but..." Taehyung didn't know how to put his words together so instead this came out, "Do you not accept Jungkook and I? He told me and... I don't want to pry. I really don't but I am and... I need to know why you did that." Taehyung cleared his throat after speaking his mind. Though all he could hear was a sigh come from the other side of the phone. Did he really just sigh? Taehyung breathed in. This wasn't going to be pretty, was it?

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