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I stood in front of him for what felt like hours, just looking at him and comparing him to the man I knew three years ago; but in reality, it was probably only a matter of seconds.

"Elizabeth." He breathed out, as if I was a dream he couldn't believe was real.

"Ace." I hadn't intended for it to come out harsh, but I guess I couldn't help it too much.

He brought his hands up to my face and I unintentionally flinched, which made him wince and drop his hands back to his sides.

"What are you doing here?" I asked but immediately chastised myself. He owns this place, where else would he be on a workday?

He smirked. "I own this shop kotenok. The better question is what are you doing here?"

"I-um-my friend wanted to come here to get her car looked at," I motioned to the car I was just in. "and she wanted me to come with her because it was an hour or so drive." I immediately regretted saying how far away I was.

"Is that where you went?" He asked with a tone of hurt, anyone else but I wouldn't have been able to tell.


"All this time, and you were just an hour from me, I-" He stopped himself and took a breath before continuing. "I haven't stopped thinking about you and loving you." His eyes now on my left-hand.

My anger surged. "Ace, you cheated on me all because I wanted to wait two weeks. Were you honestly thinking about me that day? I know you were frustrated with me because I wouldn't have sex with you but it hardly seems like you were thinking of me then. I haven't changed my phone number, you could have easily found me Ace."

"Kotenok, I regret that day every minute. I regret not having you by my side as my wife. Not waiting for a mere two weeks to have the woman I love. I regret the other choices I made that day that led to that awful mistake. And I most of all regret and torture myself knowing the pain I have put you threw the past three years. I can't bear to think about what you went through because of me."

My eyes were filled to the brim and some tears were spilling out.


"You don't have to say anything moya lyubov. I know I hurt you and I know you don't reciprocate the feelings and thoughts.  It now that I know you aren't far from me I promise I will win you back."

"Ace, I'm with someone now, you can't just-" 

"You are mine kiska, you always have been and I will show you that." 

My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't say I didn't have feelings for him still. He was the only man I ever truly loved and truly cared for. 

He kissed my forehead but ended it so quickly I wasn't sure if it actually happened. 

All too soon I was missing the heat from his body, I didn't even realize I was that close to him. 

I briefly heard Grace trying to talk to me, see what was wrong, but I couldn't process. Having him say that was both a dream and a nightmare to me. I couldn't figure out what one I thought it was right now.

We drove back with occasional conversations, but with me so lost in thought it was hard. The only sign that I wasn't asleep was how I was twirling one of my rings around my finger.

When we got to my apartment I apologized to Grace for being distant and made my way up the stairs. 

I couldn't be like this around Damien, I don't want him to worry. I put a smile on and went through the door. I was glad to see that he wasn't home. 

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