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We were packed up and on the road in less than 15 minutes. We both knew that there wasn't really any time to waste on small things. We each grabbed necessities and left, not bothering to think of much else, or at least I wasn't.

I couldn't stop thinking about what ifs. What if we don't get there in time? What if she doesn't want to see me after I kind of just left? What if she dies? 

I couldn't bear to think of the last one. I didn't want to think about how I would truly have lost the only mother figure I can remember. 

For the entire hour, we just sat in silence as Damien drove as fast as he safely could. 

Once we reached the hospital Damien was going to just drop me off, but I didn't want to go in alone. As we walked in the lady at the front desk rudely stopped us, and I was not in the mood.

"Name." She said without looking up.

"Elizabeth Brooks, I am here to see Ella Mae Thompson, she was in a car accident." 

"Are you family?" She still wouldn't look at me.

"Yes." I said threw my teeth.

"Really? Because it says here she has no family." She smirked, finally looking at us.

"I am her foster daughter. I was called directly by the hospital to come. If you want a mother to die without seeing her child you are really pathetic." 

The lady rolled her eyes and grumbled the room number. 

As we walked away Damien chuckled. "Damn baby, that was kind of hot." 

"Damien, not the right time." I said still a ball of so many emotions.

"Right, sorry love." 

We got to her room and I almost couldn't go in. 

Damien wrapped his arm around my waist and I took a deep breath opening the door. 

I gasped at her state. She had a breathing tube in and a lot of her body was in a cast or something similar. There was also the usual IV, but another tube was there and it was red. I think it was blood, but I wasn't sure and I wouldn't be until there was a doctor to tell me exactly was wrong.

She was asleep, which is good for now I guess. I turned into Damien and buried my face in his chest. He held me in his arms until I heard someone clear their throat making me pull away. 

I looked over Damien's shoulder and there was a young man in a lab coat. He had a buzz cut dark blonde hair with a pair of warm hazel eyes. He was a little shorter than Darien, with a skinny build.

"Hello, I'm sorry to break that up, but I assume you are Ms. Brooks? Ms. Thompson's emergency contact?"

"Um yeah. I am Elizabeth and this is my boyfriend Damien." 

"Nice to meet you, I wish it were under better circumstances." He reached forward to shake Damien's hand. 

I nodded. "Um, can you please tell us what exactly happened? And what injuries she has?"

"Yes," He flipped through the pages in the metal clipboard. "Ms. Thompson was in a car accident. It seems that the other driver ran a red light and hit her car hard enough to flip it and make it roll down a nearby hill." 

I softly gasped, which made Damien wrap me in his arms again.

"I'm not going to lie, she is very lucky to have survived." This made me relieved and heartbroken at the same time. If she was lucky to have even survived it meant she probably had really bad injuries.

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