chapter - 3

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The new family had been together now for a little over a year, Izuku's favorite things were his stuffed bunny witch was now called Bobo rolling around and being held. Hitoshi was just about to start daycare and he didn't want to go. The day finally rolled around and he was making up all the excuses he could to get out of going." what if there's a villain?" he says as he was being dragged to the scool by Aizawa." then we will take care of them," Aizawa says plainly as he kept walking." then what if...izuku says his first words and I'm not there?" he asks as they got closer to the building, Izuku who was in a stroller looked back at his older brother a sippy cup in his mouth full of apple juice, he wasn't going to talk anytime soon.They walked into the school and saw a woman talking to one of the parents. When she was done, she turned to Aizawa and smiled." Hello my name is Nara I'm going to be this class caretaker and you must be Hitoshi it's so nice to meet you!" she says over exsidly. " Some of the other kids are playing over there if you want to join them" she offers. Hitoshi shakes his head clinging onto Aizawa's shirt." Look, kid, I would love to stay here with you but I have things I need to do...this is easy go make friends and have fun ill be here to pick you up later," he says Hitoshi nodded before running off to play. Aizawa looks at him smiling slightly before turning around and leaving.________________________Months went by without any problems, that was intel Aizawa got a call that Hitoshi had gotten his quirk, he was happy for the kid before being told his child was hiding and wouldn't talk to anyone. He went to the school and saw his kid sitting alone at the table clearly crying, he went to go sit down next to him and sighed." I heard you got your quirk," he says." do you hate me?" Hitoshi says looking down at his hands sadly." why would I hate you?" he asks." It's a villains quirk...Mind control isn't something a hero would do," he says." Hitoshi, a quirk doesn't make a villain or a hero its what they do with the quirk and you have the most powerful thing a hero could have," Aizawa says looking at his son." w-what?" Hitoshi asks." you've got hart kid," Aizawa says pointing to his son's chest, causing Hitoshi to laugh a bit whipping away the tears." thank you, dad," he says.____________________________________________________________The two walked into the apartment to full on child screeming, Yamada was trying to calm down Izuku and was Holding a carrot." what are you doing to the poor child?" Aizawa asks rubbing his eyes."where is the bunny?" Yamada asks trying to calm down Izuku." what are you talking about you had it this morning when I left him with you," Aizawa says. " I'll go look in his room," he says leaving." Why are you holding a carrot?" Hitoshi asks looking at his dad weirdly." I thought if I pretended to be a bunny then he would think I am his bunny and stop crying" Yamada admits." that's stupid," Hitoshi says before going to look for the bunny as well, they looked everywear for the bunny but it was nowhere." I have an idea!" Yamada says the two looking at him, Yamada grabbed a stuffed bear and handed it to Izuku...he stopped crying and looked at the toy after a couple of seconds of silence he started sobbing again throwing the bear at Aizawa's head." Ok wear is the last place you saw it?" Aizawa says looking at his family who shrugged." I went to go give Izuku a bath and the bunny was on the table," Yamada said, they looked and nothing but then Hitoshi had the idea to look...Under the table and there it was two floppy green ears, Hitoshi grabbed it and handed it two his crying brother who hiccuped then stoped crying hugging the toy-like his life depended on it." Good thinking," Aizawa says" oshi" Izuku giggled " oshi, oshi,oshi!" he clapped his hands, Hitoshi gasped. Izuku had said his first words and it had been his name, kind of. He looked at his parents with a smirk." Guess I'm Izuku's favorite," he says. Yamada looks very sad because he didn't get it on video and Aizawa just shrugs. Hitoshi sat on the couch and sighed." what you thinking about?" Yamada asks looking at him." Just thinking...I wonder what his quirk is going to be" Hitoshi asks." you never know kid" Aizawa says.

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