chapter 15

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Izuku: 14

Hitoshi: 17

Hi, so again the decision on the quirks where split so I'm kinda going to combine then so thank you. I loved all your ideas and I picked and changed for what would be beneficial to the story, so sorry if I upset you! Thanks, @Azusicle and many others there's were just where the name came from and the main part of the quirk. And again if anyone has any ideas for the story I'm always open

desifer: Izuku can understand and speak any language, he can also receive data very quickly by watching a situation go down so he can create a battle strategy or find the weakness of someone's quirks in a fight. When he uses this quirk his eyes change to red, izuku has always had the quirk he just never realized it that's why he picked up on language so quickly.

Fire breath: what it says

Drawbacks: When Izuku uses analyze he can get major headaches and with the language, he would switch without realizing it and has trouble getting back to Japanese for a little bit. He can also just start speaking jibberish and gets vulnerable when he uses it too much.Also, he can start having a panic attack if the information comes too fast. and with the fire breath, he can't use it because asthma and he can't control it. 

let's get started this is going down a little different than in cannon!


izuku was walking with his head down, he had just been embarrassed in front of all his classmates and kacchan, The teacher had asked where they all wanted to go to school and most of the kids had said UA, then Bakugou got mad and started saying how he was the only one who was going to get into UA then the teacher said he wanted too and he did really want to go but then Bakugou got mad and now he was being scolded by his friend.

" How are you even expecting to get into UA Deku, first the intense exams are super hard, second a lot of people try to get in and third.... your quirkless" izuku flinches when Bakugou says this and he can tell the blond regretted saying it the moment it left his mouth.

" that doesn't mean I cant try, they just abandoned that rule so quirkless people can get it a-and I think I can pass the written exam," Izuku says, " I want to be a hero!" izuku says, then he heard something, It sounded like crying, izuku glanced over the corner and his heart almost stopped, it was Almighty holding a bottle.

" AllMight!" Izuku says causing the blond to turn to him, AllMight gave off his award-winning smiled and Izuku gasped. " 오 세상에, 모두 꿈이 아닌 당신이 될 수 있습니다. 꿈을 꾸고 있습니까?"(Oh my god, all might its really you and not a dream, am I dreaming?) Izuku says, All might look confused and Izuku just stood there.

" Um hello my boy, I have to go.....bye!" AllMight says jumping off, Izuku watched the man leave "hbdjyigeidg dhbihikb" Izuku says

" what the fuck Deku, why did you run off?" Bakugou asks walking up to Izuku who looked way happier than before Bakugou just rolled his eyes and grabbed Izuki by the arm and walked into the city.


They had been walking home talking about random things It started with Bakugou asking who would win in a fight a shark or a hundred piranhas then the conversation went to whether water was wet witch it isn't and somehow got to the topic of birds.

" I'm just saying kacchan Birds can be real because they are just not," Izuku says

" wow Deku your soooo smart" They were suddenly stopped when Bakugou kicked a bottle and out came the villain from before, bakugou pushed Izuku out of the way and let out a scream, Izuku watched in terror as the villain rand farther into the city holding bakugou as a hostage. Izuku got up a minute later and ran after bakugou, by the time he got there pro's where flooding the streets and people were watching even the news was there.

" The pros aren't doing anything," A man says shaking his head.

" Yah there just standing there," a woman says holding a crying child, bakugou was trying to explode his way out of the villain's clutches and Izuku just stood there watching like an idiot, he had to do something, think izuku think.

Something suddenly clicked and everything seemed to slow down, izuku's vison went to the colors of an old black and white movie but there was one thing out of place, The villains eyes where glowing red and suddenly he was back to hearing the screaming and the yelling, his legs started moving on there own and he ran past the pro's

" hay isn't that Aizawa's and Yamada's kid" A pro says, Izuku ignored them and ran up to bakugou.

" KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled taking his backpack and slinging it into the villain's eye causing the villain to scream in pain. Izuku started clawing at the sludge villain trying to get bakugou out.

" What the fuck are you doing Deku?" Bakugou yells struggling.

" my legs just moved on there own!" izuku says trying to pull bakugou out before he could say anything else he heard a familiar voice.

" DETROIT SMASH!" then everything went dark as he felt his head knock against something.


izuku woke up a couple of minutes later lying on the sidewalk. "هل مت" did I die) Izuku asks.

" I still can't understand you but you've been switching languages for the past ten minutes," Bakugou says shaking his head as he sat next to Izuku, The pro's where arresting the villains and izuku had slept through the pro's scolding izuku. " Hitoshi is coming to pick you up," Bakugou says, izuku groans and sits up,

Hitoshi came walking up to Izuku and bakugou with a serious expression he bent down and started checking Izuku for any bruises or scratches when he was satisfied he hugged izuku. " your on the new's also what the fuck happened with your eyes?" Hitoshi asks

" what are you talking about?" Izuku asks confused.

" you don't remember?"

" well, something weird did happen" Izuku admits " when I saved kacchan-"

" you didn't save me dumbass"

" When I saved kacchan everything looked weird and I just understand the villain's quirk and his weakness," Izuku says

" Izuku I think you have a quirk"


Two days later Aizawa had taken Izuku to a different specialist and guess what they where wrong Izuku had a quirk and a half. It turns out his language thing had to do with it, izuku could pick up and decipher different languages as well as codes, he could also analyze the situation as he did before, the half thing was weird to him.

Izuku had another part of his quirk he inherited by his father, fire breath but Izuku couldn't control it or use it without hurting himself one because his asthma hated him and two he didn't even know how to use it. But all of that didn't matter to Izuku...he could actually get into UA.

Ok, thanks for reading this far...If you have any ideas I'm happy to put them into the story because I want you to enjoy the book too and I like hearing your ideas, also if you don't want to put the idea on the book or you need to go into a lot of detail or even just want to talk, or even RP my PM's are always open :3

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