chapter 13

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" ah you must be Midorya's parents welcome," The teacher says putting on a fake smile, Aizawa just sighed and shook the teacher's hand, Yamada did the same just with more enthusiasm. Izuku had his head against the table and was trying to make himself as small as possible." Hi I'm Yamada and this is my husband Aizawa we are both pro hero's and teachers at UA," Yamada says happily giving off a megawatt smile, some of the students had there mouths wide open and Bakugou was laughing his ass off." Being a pro is hard work, I'm sure many of you want to pursue a career in hero work?" Aizawa says looking into the sea of students who all started nodding and muttering among themselves. "I guess we ask for questions now," Aizawa says.__After the presentation, Izuku wanted to go hide in his room but sadly he still had another hour left of school. And to his luck it was a study hall, he would usually spend this time in peace either studying or working on his hero analysis book but this time there where kids crowding around his desk." so Deku how do you have such cool parents?" A girl asks leaning on his desk." well um, I got adopted," Izuku says" is it because your parents didn't want you?" a boy asks" um... I don't know, my brother was older so he knows more about this than I do" he says, some of the kids laughed and Izuku looked down at his hands."its probably because he's quirkless and I guess his brother isn't far off," the girl says," um no he goes to UA," Izuku says" oh so your the only one that's useless," the boy says. Izuku started tearing up and his hands where shaking," Leave him the fuck alone" Bakugou growled walking up to the group of children " Deku is better than any of you fucking extras so you can all suck it," Bakugou says standing in front of Izuku." calm down Katsuki we where just joking around," The girl says walking off with the other boy." thanks kacchan," Izuku says" Why don't you stand up for yourself Deku?" bakugou asks " Your not useless so I know you could do it," he says." I don't like to fight kacchan"" then you'll never get anywhere in this world because the only people that succeed in life are the people who fight," he says, Izuku looked up at bakugou and he started crying again. " why are you crying?" bakugou asks panicking a little bit." Kacchan your right!" Izuku says wiping his eyes and smiling " I gotta fight" he says, Bakugou grumbled something turning around quickly." yah whatever nerd," Bakugou says walking away from the green-haired boy's desk. Izuku smiled as he watched his friend walk away, he couldn't help but like the explosive blond.__Izuku was walking to the park, Kacchan was supposed to go with him since they lived in the same area but he was getting yelled at by the teacher because he got in a fight with some of the other students.He walked through the park, it was quiet and most of the children were gone so it was peaceful.Izuku walked over to the swings and sat there looking at the clouds pass by." Midorya?" he heard a voice say, Izuku looked up and saw a familiar face, the same red and white hair, different colored eyes but there was a scar." Todoroki?" Izuku asks before smiling " It been so long!" he says running up to his friend and giving the other a tight hug. Todoroki hesitantly hugged back-patting the other on the head." I guess it has, you look the same, a little taller," Todoroki says, izuku smiled." you look kind of differnt" he comments " what happened?" Izuku asks, Todoroki pulls away from Iuzku and covers his eye." Its nothing," he says, izuku grabs the taller boys' hand." its something...hay its not that bad, it's like a battle scar," Izuku says. " your too nice midorya," Todoroki says sighing. Izuku laughs quietly and looks at the other. " I have to go," Todoroki says checking his phone, he looked at Izuku one more time and started walking away." oh, by Todoroki," Izuku says waving." good by midorya" Todoroki says.

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